chest and thoracic Flashcards
call 911 when
- severe chest pain cant breathe is turning blue has pain with vomiting sweating passes out
adrenal gland medulla
- makes adrenaline and noadrenaline
- control fight or flight repsonse
adrenal gland cortex
makes cortisol
androgens and estrogen
Addison’s disease
- adrenal insufficiency occurs when the adrenal gland is not producing enough hormones
- potentially fatal is the patient does not receive hormones in pill form
Cushing’s disease
- too much cortisol
adrenal fatigue
- applied to a collection of nonspecific symptoms, such as body aches, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbances and digestive problems
signs of adrenal insufficiency
body aches
-unexplaines weight loss
- low blood pressure
- lightheadedness
- loss of body hair
- skin discoloration
- anxiety and SOB
iris contraction test
- sit in a darkened room.
take a flashlight and shine it across your eye - in a hypoadrenal state, your pupil will not be able to hold onto its contraction for more than 2 minutes and thus will begin to dilate despite light repeatedly shining on it
raglunds test
- check BP while laying down for 5 minutes
- then stand up and conduct the test again
- normally you should experience an almost immediate rise in blood pressure.
adrenal fatigue sufferers will see no change in their BP, or even a slight fall
- converting the food we eat into fuel for the body’s cells
- digestion with multiple enzymes
- regulates blood sugar with insulin and glucagon
- inflammation of the pancreas that occurs when pancreatic enzyme secretions build up and begin to digest the organ itself
pancreatic cancer
pretty lethal
acute pancreatitis sign and symptoms
-upper abdominal pain
abdominal pain that radiates to your back
- abdominal pain that feels worse after eating
-fever, rpaid pulse, nausea, vomiting, tenderness when touching abdomen
chronic pancreatitis signs and symptoms
upper abdominal pain
losing weight without trying
- oily smelly stools
what questions should you ask for pancreatic problems?
- smell digestion trouble with certain foods gallbladder issues -stomach pain, backpain?
Symptoms of shingles
- pain, burning nombness or tingling
- sensitivity to touch
- red rash that begins a few days after the pain
- fluid-filled blisters that break open and crusts over
- itching
- similar in structure to a large lymph node
- acts primarily as a blood filter
- functions in immunity
-destroys old and damaged cells 8th an d9th rib 31/4 of the way protected by floating rib
ruptured spleen
this can occur following an injury and cause life-threatening internal bleeding
-sometimes, the spleen will burst at the time of the injury; other times, it will burst days or weeks later.
enlarged spleen
this can occur due to a variety of conditions, such as infectious mono, blood cancers bacterial infections, and liver disease
sickle cell disease
this is an inherited form of anemia, red blood cells are abnormally shaped and clock the flow of blood , causing damage to organs, including the spleen
if the spleen becomes enlarged, it may store too many platelets, meaning that there ar enot enough in the rest of the body’s circulatory system. without platelets available to help blood clot, the primary symptoms to thrombocytopenia is bleeding
lung cancer
- chronic, hacking, raspy cough
- blood in mucuc
- respiratory infections that keep coming back
-lasting chest and upper back pain
-swelling of the neck and face
-pain and weakness in the UE
trouble swallowing
-weight loss
HA and Body ache
pancreatic cancer symptoms
jaundice abdominal pain bak pain bloating nausea vomiting weight loss dark urine light color stool enlarged lymph nodes itching
liver cancer
- pain swelling or tenderness in the upper right section of the abdomen
-weight liss loss of appetite jaundice itching all over the body swollen legs nausea white stools
stomach cancer
ondigetsion feeling bloated heartburn nausea loss of appetite stomach pain blod ins tool vomiting weight loss trouble swallowing jaundice constipation or diarrhea weakness and fatigue
“inflammation of the liver” and it can lead to ultimate liver damage or failure
- most common causes of hepatitis s the hepatitis viruses
fatty liver syndrome two types
- alcoholic
- nonalcoholic
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
results largely from metabolic syndrome
-a condition marked by high blood pressure, high levels of bad cholesterol, insulin resistance and large amounts of belly fat
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
- NASH mean you have inflammation in your liver
- formation of fibrous scar tissues in the liver => stops normal blood flow ruins function
- cannot be reverse
causes of cirrhosis
mostly due to prolonged alcoholism
fatty liver disease
hepatitis B and C
tobacco smoking
certain drugs