abdominal and low back Flashcards
common and concerning sign of GI issues
- abdominal pain, acute and chronic
- indigestion, nausea, vomiting including blood
- loss of appetite
- early satiety
- dysphagia and/ or odynophagia (painful swallowing)
- change in bowel function
- diarrhea, constipation
- jaundice
common signs of urinary and renal disorders
- suprapubic pain
- dysuria, urgency, or freq
- hesitancy, decr stream in amles
- polyuria, nocturia
- urinary incontinence
- hematuria
- kidney or flank pain
- ureteral colic
visceral pain in the abdomen
- occurs when the abdominal organs such as intestine or biliary tree contract in an unusually forceful manner
- occurs when organs are stretched or distended
- may be difficult to localize
referred pain in the abdomen
- usually felt in more distant sites which are innervated at approx. the same level as the dysfunctional structures
- often not the same as the initial site of pain but becomes more intense and travels as the original site gets worse
- may be referred to the abdomen from the chest,spine, pelvis
acute upper abdominal pain
- the type of pain reported can indicate different disorders
- doubling over with cramping colicky pain indicated renal stones
- sudden knifelike epigastric pain indicates gallstone pancreatitis
esophageal pain
–hiatus hernia
- occurs when cardiac (lower esophageal) sphincter becomes enlarged allowing the stomach to pass through the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity
- caused by weakening of the diaphraghm, incr intra-abdominal pressure
Hiatus Hernia symptoms
- regurgitation and moto impairment, aggravated by tight clothing
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
- consequences from backward flow of the gastric contents into the esophagus
- occurs due to transient relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter not related to swallowing that allows the stomach acid to pass into the esophagus
- necrosis of the esophageal epithelial lining that leads to erosions and ulcers
narrow the esophagus secondary to scar tissue formation
barrett esophagus
- precancerous condition
GERD symptoms
- heartburn that may irradiate to the stomach, chest or bac
- esophageal can include cough asthma laryngitis.
- repetitive sinus issues
- sore throat
stomach gastritis
- condition affecting the mucosa of the stomach
- acute: hemorrhagic or erosive
- chronic: pylori gastritis, multifocal atrophic gastritis, autoimmune metaplastic gastritis
gastritis symptoms
- feeling of abdominal distention, loss of appetite, nausea
- diagnosis made with edoscopy
- can be caused by long term us of NSAIDS
peptic ulcer disease
- erosion: do not extend through the muscularis muscosae
- ulcer of the stomach or duodenum
- ulcers extend down through the muscle layer destroying the muscular coat and replacing it with scar tissue
- potential for damage to blood vessels causing hemorrhage
peptic ulcer cause
- low dose aspirin
- H. pylori bacteria infection
peptic ulcer disease complications
- bleeding- requires hospitalization
- perforation of stomach or duodenum may occur presenting with severe sudden pain
- (T spine from T6- T10 with radiation to right upper quadrant)
celiac disease
- inherited autoimmune disease where the lining of the small intestine is damaged from eating gluten and other proteins found in wheat
- gluten triggers an immune repsonse
celiac disease symptoms
- diarrhea
- bloating
- indigestion
- flatulence
- weight loss
- abdominal cramping
inflammatory bowel disease
- two inflammatory conditions of unknown cause involving genetic and immunologic influences on the GI tract
- – chron’s disease
- – ulcerative colitis
-bloody diarrhea, pain, weight loss
irritable bowel syndrome
- abdominal pain or discomfort associated with altered bowel habits
- in the presence of inflammatory, structural or biochemical abnormalities
- women more than men
- occurs with other diagnoses such as fibro, chronic fatigue syndrome, TMJ, chronic pelvic pain
diverticulosis disease
- presence of outpouchings in the walls of the small intestine of colon
- outpouchings herniate from the mucosa and submucosa through the muscular layers of the colon
- infection or inflammation of the diverticula
- multi-factoral disease related to diet, structural changes in the colonic wall and changes n functional motility
- don’t eat seeds, eat fiber, drink water, don’t smoke, no red meat
ideal bowel movement
- medium brown, t
- leaves easily with no straining or discomfort
- it should have the consistency of toothpaste, and be approximately 4 to 8 inches long
- stool should enter the water smoothly and slowly fall once it reaches the water
- there should ne little gas or odor
are stools greasy, frothy, or foul smelling?
- high fat content called steatorrhea. Lipase needed to break down fat. causes pancreatic insufficiency, chronic pancreatitis, obstruction of bile duct, bacterial growth, celiac disease. frothy- malabsorption
is there mucus, pus or blood?
- mucus can be caused by inflammation in intestines
- blood, ulcers, cancer
- constant urge to defecate, accompanied by pain, cramping and involuntary straining
pale stool
- stool that is pale or grey may be caused by insufficient bile output due to conditions such as cholecytitis, gallstones, giardia parasitic infection, hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, or cirrhosis.
- Bile salts from the liver give stool its brownish color.
- if there is decr bile output, stool s much lighter in color
-tumor or other mechanical obstructions
- telescoping of the bowel on itself
- one part of the colon has folded onto another
- usually in children
- happens at junction between small and large intetsine
- torsion of the intestine
- occurs in children
weakening of the abdominal wall with protrusion of the bowel in the abdominal space
- inflammation of the appendix that can lead to rupture and necrosis
- appendix mostly lymphatic tissue
cause of appendicitis
- unknown
- at least one third are accompanied by obstruction and improper drainage
treatment for appendicitis
- surgical removal
- antibiotics after surgery
gall stone types
- cholesterol: yellow most common
- pigment: small and dark made up of bilirubin comes from bile.
gallstone symptoms
- pain in your upper belly and upper back can last for several hours
- nausea
- vomiting
- other digestive problems, including bloating, indigestion and heartburn, and gas
- potentially serious inflammation of the pancreas
- presents with abdominal pain associated with nausea and vomiting
- back pain referral to the thoracic spine
acuet pancreatitis
- causes gallstones, chronic alcohol consumption
chronic pancreatitis
- causes, history of severe acute pancreatitis, irreversible changes in the pancreas
acute upper abdominal pain acute cholecystitis
- inflammation of the gall bladder
- gallstones cause obstruction of the bile flow and painful dissention of the gall bladder
- 4 fs: Female, fat, flatulent and forty
acute upper aabdominal pain
–acute cholecystitis symptoms
- nausea vomiting
- tenderness in the right abdomen
- fever
- pain that gets worse during a deep breath
- pain for more than 6 hours, particularly after meals
- filter waste from the blood, they ccreat urine
- slats and other mineral in urine stick together to form small kidney stones
kidney stones
- between size of a kernel or corn and a grain of salt
- when ur body has toomcuh of certain minerals and at the same time doesn’t have enough lquid, stones can form
kidney stone symptoms
- can vary severity
- most common is pain: in your side or back, below the ribs or in your groin and lower abdomen
- come and go gets better or worse
- incr need to urinate
- pain can shift location as the stone make sits way from your kidney through the ureter and closer to your bladder
- when this happens you are most likely to feel a burning when you urinate and increase urge
diabetic nephropathy
- serious kidney related complication of type I or II diabetes
- up to 40% of people with diabetes eventually develop kidney disease
- over time diabetes slowly damages your filtration system
- early tx may prevent or slow disease progression and reduce the chance of complications
diabetic nephropathy symtpoms
- worsening blood pressure control
- protein in urine
- swelling
- incr need to urinate
- less need for insulin or diabetes medicine
- confusion or difficulty concentrating
- loss of appetite
- nausea and vomiting
- persistent itching
- fatigue
polycystic kidney disease
- inherited disorder in which clusters of cysts dvelop within your kidney
- cause kidney to enlarge and lose function
- cysts size vary
PKD symptoms
- high blood pressue
- back or side pain
- headache
- feeling of fullness inyour abdomen
- incr size of your abdomen sue to enlarged kidney
- blood in urine
- kidney stones
- kidney failure
- urinary tract or kidney infections