Head and Neck Flashcards
A fetal PCA describes a situation whereby the posterior communicating artery (PCom) is larger than the P1 segment of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) and, thus, supplies the bulk of the blood to the PCA
Lamda with Lamdoid suture
Pituitary fossa - take a seat in the sphenoid
Foramen rotundum more medial to infraorbital foreamen
Arrested pneumatisation of the sphenoid
Onodi Cells
Sphenoethmoidal air cell, also commonly known as the Onodi air cell, is an anatomical variant of the paranasal sinuses, important due to its close proximity to the optic nerve and internal carotid artery.
Fontanelle Closures
Posterior fontanelle - 2 months
Anterior fontanelle - 2 years
Sulcus chiasmaticus is anterior to tuberculum sellae
Attached to coronoid process of mandible
Cervical vertebra uncinate process (present on the posterolateral margin of the superior surface of lower cervical vertebrae (C3–7) which encroach on the inferior surface of the above vertebra to form unco-vertebral joint (UVJ) or Luschka joint)
Not hard palate but
palantine process of maxilla
Opening for parotid duct: oral vestibule opposite 2nd molar tooth
Parotid duct:
Mandibular duct:
Parotid duct: Duct of Wharton
Mandibular duct: Duct of Stenson
Between temporal and parietal bones
Temporosquamal or squamosal suture (163 of H&N for others)
Concha bullosa: pneumatised (air-filled) cavity within a nasal concha, also known as a turbinate.
Proper name for mandibular fossa of temporal bone: Glenoid fossa of temporal bone
Lateral sulcus of brain: Sylvian fissure
Deep to the Sylvian fissure: insular cortex
Runs parallel to corpus collosum: Singulate gyrus
Anterior to thyroid: Sternothyroid,
Ant to this is Sternohyoid,
lateral to these two: sternocleidomastoid
Hypopharynx: inferior border of the valleculae to the Oesophagus @C6
C4 Bifida spinous process
Wormian Bone
Occipomastoid suture
Choroid Plexus:
Confluence of sinuses: Torcular Herophili
A1/A2 Segments of the ACA
Pericollasal Artery - A3 in the pericollasal sulcus
A4 - Callosomarginal artery, in 60%
Deep to the Sylvian fissure: insular cortex
Vertebral artery - 1st branch of subclavian, directly from Arch in 6%
Branches of subclavian: VIT CD
Costocervical trunk divides into… (CSD) supreme intercostal artery and deep cervical artery
Thyrocervical trunk divisions: (TITS) Inf thyroid, transverse cervical, supraspacular
Vein of Labbé
Basal Vein of Rosenthal
Deep Cerebral vein of Galen
Bones and cartilage of nasal septum
Cartilage of septum, perpendicular plate of ethmoid superiorly and the vomer inferiorly
Planum Sphenoidale
horizonal portion of lesser wing anterior to
Occipital bone horizontal lines: supreme, superior and inferior nuchal lines