HCARE_LEC12 Flashcards
Example of Nationally sponsored Health research
➢ The U.S Centers for Disease Control &
Prevention (CDC): plays a unique role in
responding to international public health
crises including outbreaks, when invited by
the country or countries affected.
➢ The United Kingdom’s Medical Research
Council (MRC)
➢ The Canadian Institutes of Health Research
➢ Brazil’s Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)
➢ The Indian Council of Medical Research
➢ Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)
Provided by hospitals, clinics, health centers & other direct patient care providers.
Clinical Services
❖ Goals:
➢ to develop friendly relations among nations;
➢ to achieve international co-operation in
solving international problems of an
economic, social, cultural or humanitarian
❖ History:
➢ founded in 1945 by 51 member states.
➢ In 2011, it expanded to 193 member nations
4 types of INTERNATIONAL HEALTH agencies:
➢ Others
❖ Major Multilateral Organizations that are all part of
the UN:
➢ World Health Organization (WHO)
➢ World Bank
➢ International Monetary Fund (IMF)
➢ European Union (EU)
➢ United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
➢ United Nations Development Programme
➢ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
❖ are agencies that represent a group of countries. The
term “multilateral” means that funding comes from
multiple governments (as well as from
non-governmental sources) and is distributed to
many countries.
Multilateral Donor Agencies
❖ as defined by United States of Institute of Medicine:
➢ health problems, issues, and concerns that
transcends national boundaries and may
best be addressed by cooperative action.
➢ emphasizes the global cooperation to find
solutions to certain problems.
❖ is a well-established branch of public health with
origins in the health situation of developing nations
and the efforts of industrialized countries to assist
International/Global Health
● Funded primarily by member governments
● Headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland
● Is governed by the World Health
Assembly, composed of one representative from each UN state
● It was formed on April 7, 1948– a date we know now as World Health Day
World Health Organization
The first global health treaty negotiated by WHO which details
specific measures,
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FTCC)
“Working for a World Free of Poverty”
● Whenever a country needs finances, the _____can provide a loan to a certain member country
An international lending institutions
● The Philippines has been a member since December 27, 1945
● The ___ is a vital source of financial and
technical assistance to developing countries around the world
● Is an investment bank that makes loans to
developing countries
● Its primary lending institute is the International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD)
World Bank
● Provides a structure for international monetary policy and currency changes
● Also make loans to countries of any income level that have a “balance of payment” need and would otherwise not be able to make payments on their
other international loans
● For example, if the Philippines still has a loan from the World Bank, the government can borrow from the IMF to pay for their other international loans
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
● The ____ is a union of 27 independent states in the European communities which were founded to enhance political, economic, and social cooperation.
was formerly known as the
European Community or the European Economic Community
European Union
● Created in Dec. 11, 1946,
originally known as the United
Nations International Children’s
Emergency Fund
● The driving force that
helps build a world where the
rights of every child are realized
United Nations Children’s Funds (UNICEF)
is the UN’s global development network,
advocating for change and connecting countries to
knowledge, experience and resources to help the
people build a better life.
● Four main focus areas of ____:
○ Poverty reduction and achievement of the
MDGs (Millennium Development Goals)
○ Democratic governance
○ Crisis prevention and recovery
○ Environment and energy for sustainable
is the voice for the environment within the
United Nations system.
○ ___ acts as a catalyst, an advocate, an
educator, and a facilitator to promote the
wise use and sustainable development of
the global environment.
● ____work encompasses:
○ Assessing global, regional and national
environmental conditions and trends
○ Developing international and national
environmental instruments
○ Strengthening institutions for the wise
management of the environment
○ To achieve food security for all;
○ Make sure that people have regular access
to enough high-quality food to lead active,
healthy lives.
○ With over 194 member states, FAO works in
over 130 countries worldwide. We believe
that everyone can play a part in ending
● _____is a specialized agency of the United Nations
that needs international efforts to b e able to defeat
● In addition to supporting multilateral agencies, most industrialized nations also provide aid on a
“country-to-country” basis;
● Are official body for a single country/government,
which provide aid to developing countries;
● Donor countries and bilateral donor agencies often
rely on their own expertise through competitive
bidding to design, implement and monitor projects
funded under bilateral agreements.
➢ United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
➢ Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
➢ United Kingdom Department for International
Development (U.K. DFID)
➢ Australian Agency for International Development
➢ Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)