HC 7 - Music Flashcards
non-adaptionists account of origins of music
music is BYPRODUCT of speech/language
Pinker: auditory cheesecake: we can live without it, it is crafted to tickle sensitive mental spots
adaptionists account of origins of music + 2 benefits
sexual selection: attractive is good for reproduction!
reproductive benefits:
- sexual selection
survival benefits:
- social cohesion,
- bonding parent/child,
- enhancing cognitive skills
Listening to Mozart makes you smarter/increases IQ/improves spatial reasoning
Shmozart-effect (real effect)
It is about HAPPY mozart, not even Mozart at all!
music -> arousal/mood -> visuospatial abilities
- sad music worsens performance , slow + sad is low arousal
Only exist for 20 minutes, only works for UPBEAT + Mozart LOVERS
Does LISTENING to music enhances cognitive benefits?
Why is musical training good for brain plasticity?
- complex tasks require practice, the use of several modalities with higher-order cognitive functions
- structural changes related to music MOTOR practise
- increased functional connectivity
SO: musical training leads to structural & functional changes in the brain
What is the matter with measuring effects due to musical training?
It is hard to measure, taking ethics into account
Often measured as CORRELATION, hard to conclude CAUSATION
How does music help people with dementia?
music leads to a happy mood -> leads to a happier life
Same effects are found for cooking
What is the best design to measure?
randomised controlled trial (RCT)
- randomised assignment of groups
- active control group who actually does something
(to avoid placebo) - blind assesment
- use of replication
Problems with perfect experiment
+ alternative
- difficult set up
- not ecologically valid and WEIRD
Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic - children do not often practise
- personality/motivational factors
Alternative: meta-analysis
Strongest & weakest scientific evidence
S: meta-analysis & systematic review
W: case report, opinion papers, letters
Publication bias
only publishing if a result is positive/effect is there
File drawer problem
99 cases rejected, 1 case with positive result published
Far transfer
When skill training, it enhances also an UNRELATED skill
Music & intelligence: music affect executive function/reading ability -> affects intelligence
Demanding tasks leads to cognitive enhancement!
Near transfer
When skills training, it enhances the RELATED SKILL
What does Sala & Gobet say about the relationship of music skill and cognitive/academic ability?
- elvis has left the building
No CAUSAL relationship
- active control group has same effect
- interaction effect
Reaction of Bigand & Tillman on Sala & Gobet
They were wrong, not being there is not not excisting
Control group was near transfer: task = language
music is good for
linguistic abilities! Near transfer effects on auditory processing and language