HC 4 Flashcards
What is the base principle of MRI and fMRI?
Magnets produce magnetic fields. It is based on attraction and repulsion. The most relevant element for brain imaging is hydrogen (H).
What is the effect of the MRI machine on the human body?
The effect is not obvious. It has influence on the nuclei. That is why it is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR). That is not the same as radioactivity. It may cause nausea, but it causes no consequent short- or long-term illness.
Why do we want to use hydrogen for imaging?
The body is made out of 65% of water. Water molecules contain hydrogen atoms. Every hydrogen atom is a magnet in itself. Hydrogen atoms only contain one single protein. Atoms with uneven, so only one proton, act as dipoles. This means that spinning does not cancel each other out.
What is nuclear magnetic resonance imaging?
Part of the nuclei align with the direction of the magnetic field. This happens in MRI and fMRI.
What is the Larmor frequency?
Nuclei with odd number of protons/neutrons precess at this. It is the movement that the rotating axis of a rotating object makes under the influence of an external force, in this case the magnetic field strength of the magnet.
If additional magnetic field oscillates with the Larmor frequency, then the nuclei absorbs energy from the field.
How do the protons spin when under the MRI machine?
- No magnetic field
- Static magnetic field: atoms align with direction of the magnetic field (z-dimension)
- Oscillating magnetic field: radio frequency (RF) pulse is applied. Now the individual atoms spin the get in phase. Atoms flip and take direction of the oscillating field. There is an increase in energy state (X, Y- dimension).
- When the RF-pulse is no longer applied, the dephasing of atoms starts. It starts realigning to static magnetic field (flip back to z-dimension. At the same time, energy gets released and picked up. These are small signals in radio frequency range.
- Small signals over all the re-aligning nuclei integrate. The less dephasing happened, the stronger this signal is.
How do we know where a signal comes from in MRI?
Larmor frequency depends on field strength.
If magnetic field strength differs across space, then:
-nuclei in different locations have different Larmor frequency
-RF pulse only affects the nuclei with matching Larmor frequency (thus on specific locations)
So, in different layers/ slices, there are different Larmor frequencies. To reconstruct where the signal comes from, we need other gradients to know the dimensions.
How do we reconstruct an image?
There are three orthogonal gradients of field strength on top of the static magnetic field:
-Slice selection gradient: applied at the same time of the RF-pulse (Z). This determines whether the signal comes from the top or bottom.
-Phase encoding gradient: use of dephasing after the RF-pulse (Y). The magnetic field increases and protons spin faster.
-Frequency encoding gradient: applied at the time of read out signal (x). When the RF-pulse is removed, we add the frequency gradient, this changes the frequency, so we can determine left or right?
What is the slice selection gradient?
It is applied during the RF-pulse. RF-pulse only affects nuclei that experience a total field strength with matching Larmor frequency.
One slice per RF-pulse if it is a 2D-image. If you want a full 3d-image, then it requires as many RF-pulses as number of slices needed.
Interleaved slice acquistition is used to minimize cumulative effects due to cross-slice excitation.
What is a slice?
Volume of excited nuclei.
What is the phase encoding gradient?
It is applied after the RF-pulse. The change spin resonance frequency of excited nuclei depends on their location in the gradient, causing dephasing.
When the RF-pulse is removed, resonance frequencies are the same again, but differences in phase persist.
All nuclei at a certain position the gradient have the same phase, thus phase is informative about position.
What is frequency encoding gradient?
This is applied during data acquisition. This is the read-out direction.
All nuclei at a certain position in the gradient have the same resonance frequeny, thus frequency read-out is informative about position.
What is a pulse sequence?
The succession of RF pulses and gradient changes.
What is a voxel?
The smallest unit of space that are shown as pixels on a screen.
The shorter the time in which an image has to be taken, the lower the number of slices that can be imaged.
The number of voxels per row/column in the slice relates back to the number of steps of phase/frequency encoding gradient.
How do physical principles give rise to an image with anatomical structure?
The emitted signal decays over time. Signal intensity depends upon several factors: density of H1 protons, T1-recovery and T2-decay.
Factors are different in different tissues, resulting in signal contrast.
Pulse sequence and parameter choice determine which factor has most weight=> T1-weighted .v.s. T2-weighted imaging