Hazardous Materials PN796 Flashcards
What is termed as a small spillage ?
What would your action be?
Small spillages under 100 litres of fuel, petroleum,diesel,paraffin etc
(Contents of fuel tank of LGV)
IC can apply dry sand or other contaminant method such as environmental grab pack
Incident should be handed over to Local Authority or police or other responsible person
When would you inform the EA of any spillages?
Over 25 litres. If unsure on the amount of spillage ask control to inform the EA. (EA are not required to attend)
What would your Actions and considerations be at a small Gas Leak /Carbon Monoxide Alarm actuating?
Ensure Public Safety
Investigate leak and no life risk present.
Hand Over to National Grid (Gas)on there arrival
When does a small Gas Leak escalate to a level 2 incident?
When rescues are required.
Who is responsible at a Gas Leak?
Gas Authority
Define a level 1 Mercury Spill, PDA,and Task?
Resources : 1 PL with Sub O/ Station Officer in charge.
Assist caller to clean up small spills and double bag it.
Await disposal by Local Authority using there Haz Mat recovery process.
Larger spills the IC may consider requesting Haz Mat Officer for advice. As it is normally the complexity of recovery. E.g. SA with spill kits to assist crews with larger spills.
Define a level 2 Hazmat incident?
Incidents containing Hazardous Materials where the hazard is limited and Decon can be achieved by using either the dam and brush or the safe undress procedure.
Level 2 is also the default attendance for unknown chemicals and persons reported Hazmat Incidents
Examples of Level 2 Incident are?
Explosive Hazards PN806- Fireworks and explosives. Incidents and fires involving explosive materials applies
The release of gases.
Refrigeration leaks from domestic fridges
Incidents involving domestic cleaning products
Spillages over 100 litres
What is a level 2 Hazmat attendance?
1 PL with Sub O/ Station Officer as IC
1 Pump
1 FRU (with decon equipment for ff decon)
1 OSU ( on request only) with large spill kit
SC monitoring officer
What is Level 2 on a sub surface railway system? (PN 805) reference
Primary Location PL with Sub/Station O 1 pump 1 FRU with Decon for FF decon 1 OSU ( on request only with large spill kit) HMEPO SC Monitoring Officer CU Hazmat/CBRN RRT specific incident types only or on request
Secondary Location
1 PL with Sub O/ Station Officer
Define a level 3 Incident?
Large Hazmat incidents.
On advice of the IC or Hazmat Officer or when a larger attendance is specified as part of a site specific plan.
Additional resources required to deal with incident or perform decon using the Hughes showers. But not mass decon
( Hughes Shower on request only)
What must the IC designate when making an incident Level 3 ?
RVP and marshalling area in a safe location
How do you request a level
3 attendance?
This is a confirmed Level 3 incident.
Request IRU for Hughes Shower if required.
What is a level 3 Attendance?
Level 2 Plus 1 PL Sub O/ Stn O 1 Pump 1 FRU (Hazmat) for DIM support GC monitoring SC (SC from level 2 to take charge). SSU (request only) Hazmat/ CBRN RRT ( specific incident types on request only) IRU for Hughes Shower
If Hazardous Materials are believed involved in a fire or incidents on Water will a full Hazmat attendance be mobilised?
No because of operational limitations to the protective equipment used at Hazmat incidents. The HMEPO will be Mobilised to advise the IC of any additional resources required to ensure a SSOW