Hazardous Materials Control Program Flashcards
Objectives of Hazardous Materials Control and Management Program (HMC and M)
in order to comply with CNO direction all U.S. Navy ships are required to implement the consolidated hazardous material reutilization and inventory management program (CHRIMP)
Where are HAZMINCENs required to be installed and purpose?
for centralized management of shipboard haz waste material.
shipboard hazmat
used hazmat
excess hazmat
empty hazmat containers
what does HMIRS stand for?
HAZMAT Information Resource system
what is HMIRS?
department of defense repository ( web based) for safety data sheets and related information on hazardous materials.
who manages the HMIRS?
Defense Logistics Agency
Who is the point of contact for HMIRS?
Navy and Marine Corps public health center
how can HMIRS be accessed?
via internet or CD ROM
why was HMIRS established?
to assist federal government personnel who handle, store, transport, use or dispose of HAZMATs
what does HMIRS provide?
provides a means of sharing and communicating information on HAZMAT procured by DOD components with other commands
What is the HIMRS CD Rom number for Proprietary or Restricted Information?
DOD 6050.5LR
what does the DOD 6050.5LR contain?
in contains all the ingredients and their proportionate levels used in the manufacture of a product.
protected by local activities
access requires both user ID and Pass code
What is the non proprietary or unclassified information CD Rom code?
DOD 6050.5L
Where is the DOD 6050.5L distributed?
distributed within the command
access to the DOD 6050.5L requires what?
User Identity only
medical dept responsibilities concerning HAZMAT Control program
assist in training on health info and PPE
maintain hard copies of SDS or CD Rom **
Provide medical assistance in HM spills or mishaps
utilize inventory list to help identify exposures to HM emergencies ***
Use SDS information provided by the HAZMAT coordinator
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) purpose:
technical bulletin containing information about materials, such as composition, chemical and physical characteristics, health and safety hazards, and precautions for safe use.
what is not found in the SDS?
lot number and expiration dates.
what are the different procedures when identifying an item on HMIRS
Federal Stock Number NIIN ( last 9 numbers of FSN) Part/Catalog number used by the manufacturer Trade Name Chemical Name
what is used to determine the medical screening requirements aboard the ship?
the medical matrix
Hazard Specific Medical Screening?
its aim is to protect workers who are exposed or potentially exposed to HM in the workplace.
Identifies workers who need examination, establishing exam content, the periodicity of exams, performance of exams and the documentation of the results which provide statistical data to evaluate trends and effects of exposure.
Medical examinations
target specific body organs/systems potentially subject to HM whether by inhalation, ingestion, absorption or other routes of entry.
elements of the exam include pertinent medical history, specific ancillary tests, and a hand on med exam.
provides for follow up examinations and notifications to the worker of health related issues as a result of exposure to HM or hazardous workplace environments.
reduce onboard quantities of HAZMAT through inventory control and management.
How many sections of SDS?
What does NFPA stand for?
National Fire Protection Association
Four categories and colors developed by the NFPA?
Fire Hazard (RED)
Health Hazard (BLUE)
Reactivity ( Yellow)
Specific Hazard (White)
Fire Hazard
Red, 4, Flash point by various temperatures
Health Hazard
Blue, 2, degree of heath hazard
Yellow, 1, stability of item or type of reaction when combined
specific hazard
acid, alkali, oxidizer, corrosive, radioactive
Work center supervisors responsibilites
train workers on the use of SDS and ensure the SDS is available for review.
train personnel with proper Personal Protective Equipment and inform them of the hazards associate with the material
Inform workers where a copy of SDS can be obtained
Name some important sections of the SDS:
Company name, address, emergency phone numbers
physical/chemical characteristics
(e.g., boiling point, solubility in water, appearance and odor, melting point)
fire and explosion hazard
((e.g., flammable limits, extinguishing media, special firefighting procedures)
precautions for safe handling and use
(e.g., waste disposal methods, spill procedures)
State the actions required in a HAZMAT spill
discovery and notification *** initiation of action evaluation containment and damage control dispersion of gases and vapors cleanup and decontamination disposal of contaminated materials certification of re entry follow up reports
who do the follow up reports go to?
safety officer, medical, HAZMAT coordinator