Accident and Injury Report Flashcards
a work place condition that might result in injury, health impairment, illness, disease, or death to any worker who is exposed to the condition, or which might result in damage to or loss of property or equipment
hazard severity
an assessment of the worst potential consequences is likely to occur as a result of deficiencies
a traumatic wound or other condition of the body caused by external force including stress or strain
any unplanned or unexpected event causing death, injury, occupational illness, including days away from work, job transfer or restriction, and material loss or damage
mishap probability
the likelihood that a hazard will result in a mishap or loss
near mishap
is an act or event which injury or damage was avoided merely by chance
Web Enabled Safety System (WESS)
a web based safety mishap data collection and reporting system developed for the Navy and Marine Corps by COMNAVSACECEN.
what are the mishap investigation and reporting instructions:
DODI 6055.07
OPNAVINST 5102.1D/MCO P5102.1B
What is “Mishap Notification, Investigation, Reporting and Record Keeping” Instruction number?***
DODI 6055.07 (06 Jun 2011)
What is “Navy and Marine Corps Mishap and Safety Investigation, Reporting and Record Keeping Manual” Instruction?
OPNAVINST 5102.1D/MCO P5102.1B (07 Jan 2005)
What is “Naval Aviation Safety Management System” Instruction?
OPNAVINST 3750.6S (May 14)
Mishap Investigation and Reporting Purposes:
1) to identify hazards with potential to cause frequent and severe mishaps
2) to identify hazards that could cause future mishaps
3) to identify unsafe acts and conditions and apply corrective measures ***
4) to identify mishap causal factors and develop appropriate corrective actions which, when implemented, will help prevent similar mishaps.
Class A mishap?
the resulting total cost of damages to Government and other property is 2 million or more/ DOD aircraft is destroyed/ an injury or occupational illness results in a fatality or permanent total disability.
Class B mishap?
The resulting total cost of damages to Government and other property is 500,000 or more, but less than 2 million/ and injury or occupational illness results in permanent partial disability/ when three or more personnel are hospitalized for inpatient care as a result of a single mishap.
Class C mishap?
the resulting total cost of property damages to Government property is 50,000 but less than 500,000/ not fatal injury or illness that results in 1 or more days away from work not including the day of the injury.
class D mishap?
the resulting total cost of property damages is 20,000 or more, but less than 50,000/ recordable injury or illness not otherwise classified as A,B, or C mishap.
3 types of mishap reports:
accident and injury report
Safety Investigation Report (SIREP)
Hazard Report (HAZREP)
Accident and injury Report
Medical Dept will submit an accident/injury report as directed by the Commanding Officer, on all injuries treated in sickbay in accordance with the ships policy.
(Copy to Safety Officer)
Safety Investigation Report (SIREP)
submitted to Commander, Naval Safety Center (COMNAVSAFECEN)
Using web enabled Safety System (WESS)
Hazard Report (HAZREP)
submitted for near mishaps and situation where lessons learned should be shared.
Dissemination of Mishap Information: Safety Officer
generally notified through injury report, deck log entry, or by DH.
responsible for ensuring an investigation is conducted.
Who appoints a mishap investigation board?
ISIC or higher authority.
minimum number on a mishap investigation board?
Who may be appointed to the Mishap Investigation Board if there was a fatality on board?
Who may assist the mishap investigation board but is not an official member of the board?
a technical representative or NAVSAFECEN personnel.
mishap investigation report must be submitted within how many day to the Naval Safety Center via Chain of Command?
30 days
Occupational injury recording forms
SF 600
SF 513 (consults)
Accident injury report (SAMS program or local forms)