Hazardous Earth - Case Study - Haiti 2010 - Earthquake Impacts Flashcards
What was the population of Haiti in 2010?
- 10 million
What was the population of Port au Prince?
- 3 million
What was Haiti’s GDP per Capita?
- $660 - Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere
What is Haiti’s HDI ranking?
- 147th in the world
What is Haiti’s adult literacy rate?
- 53%
What makes Haiti a multi-hazard location?
- Hurricanes and tropical storms occur alongside earthquakes
What % of the population in Port au Prince lived in poorly constructed high density concrete buildings?
- 80%
What is dangerous about the location of Port au Prince?
- It sits exactly on the hotspot of Eq. activity in Haiti
What plates does Haiti sit on?
- Gonave Micro Plate
- Caribbean Plate
- North American Plate
How was Haiti able to construct settlements in such a tectonically active area?
- There was a lack of earthquake activity in the 18th and 19th century - people simply weren’t aware
What was the magnitude of Haiti’s 2010 earthquake?
- 7.0Mw
What was the Mercalli intensity of Haiti’s 2010 earthquake?
- 9.0
What type of plate margin caused the 2010 earthquake?
- Conservative plate margin - strike slip fault which released 250 years worth of energy
How long did the 2010 earthquake last?
- 30 seconds
What happened 20 minutes after the Haiti 2010 earthquake?
- Two aftershocks of 6.7Mw and 7.0Mw intensity
Where was the epicentre in the Haiti 2010 earthquake?
- 25km west of Port au Prince
What was the severity of the social impact of the 2010 earthquake?
- It was the most destructive earthquake to occur in any country in modern times in terms of percentage of population killed
Why was the Haiti 2010 earthquake as destructive as it was?
- It occurred so close to the densely populated capital of Port au Prince
How many people were killed in the Haiti 2010 earthquake?
- 230,000
How many injuries were there in the 2010 earthquake?
- 300,000
How many people were left homeless by the 2010 earthquake?
- 1.5 million
What was the earthquakes impact on schools and hospitals in Haiti
- 80% of schools destroyed
- 50% of hospitals destroyed
What was the total economic loss due to the 2010 earthquake?
- $7-8 billion (100%-200% of Haiti’s GDP)
How many homes collapsed/ were critically damaged as a result of the 2010 earthquake?
- 300,000 homes
What % of Haiti’s administrative and economic infrastructure was lost?
- 60%
How many civil servants in Port au Prince died?
- 25%
What % of Haiti was left unemployed?
- 70%
What industry was particularly badly affected by the 2010 earthquake?
- Clothing industry
- Haiti’s largest employer
What made it particularly difficult for the government to cope with the earthquakes?
- More than 180 government buildings and 13/15 of the key government offices collapsed
How was Haiti’s sovereignty challenged by the 2010 earthquake?
- Due to the extent of foreign intervention from the UN and other international organisations
What were the environmental impacts of Haiti’s 2010 earthquake?
- Land moved by 1.8M
- Sea levels in local areas changed
How did the design of buildings affect the hazards posed by the 2010 earthquake?
- They did not have any earthquake resistant buildings before 2010
How did the external organisations help with the secondary impacts of the 2010 earthquake?
- Provided an improved water supply for 340,000 people
What is beneficial about Haiti’s current investment in earthquake proof buildings?
- For every dollar invested in earthquake proof buildings, $4-7 are saved in potential losses from earthquakes
How many, at its peak, were living in camps?
- 1.5 million, with over 100,000 at critical risk from storms and flooding
What is Haiti’s current disaster plan?
- Includes stockpiles of food and bottled water
How many temporary camps were there?
- 1500 temporary camps were set up outside of Port au Prince
How much did the world bank fund Haiti?
- Provided funding for 140,000 school children in the camps
How much water and sanitation were provided after the 2010 earthquake?
- Provided for 1.7 million people
How much was sent by the US as international AID?
- $100 million
How much was sent by the EU as international AID?
- $330 million
How many people were supplied with food rations?
- 4.3 million people were supplied with food rations weeks following the earthquake
What did the world bank do about Haiti’s debt?
- The world bank cancelled half of Haiti’s debt for 5 years, allowing them time to repay the other half
What happened about the Dominican Republic’s AID?
- While they were the first to provide AID, the damage to the airport made it hard for supplies to get to Haiti
What were the difficulties for the Un regarding the 2010 earthquake?
- The UN humanitarian AID coordinator killed the earthquake
- UN building destroyed, coordination of supplies became difficult
What were the problems with the rubble the months following the earthquake?
- By July 2010, rubble remained uncleared, which hindered the distribution of the UN
What were the problems with Cholera, following the 2010 earthquake?
- Cholera killed 9,700 people, and was the first outbreak in Haiti for 100 years
What were the issues regarding the AID money following the 2010 earthquake?
- Haiti only received 72% of the money 12 months after the earthquake, and onky about 50% in the long term
What were the issues surrounding the camps following the Haiti 2010 earthquake?
- The camps had inadequate policing meaning rape and sexual assault was wide spread
What happened to housing the years following the 2010 earthquake?
- 5 years after the earthquake, 500,000 Haitians were still living in temporary accommodation