HAT 2 Behind The Ear Hearing Aids Flashcards
What are the parts of a BTE? (7)
Ear hook
Volume control
Programme control
What are the advantages of a BTE? (10)
Fits all hearing loss
Best for kids
Better for dexterity
Cheaper maintenance
Better for infected ears
Electronics not in ear
Off the shelf
Easier to clean
Custom aesthetics
Larger controls
What is the most powerful hearing aid?
What are the disadvantages of a BTE? (8)
Not discreet
Heavier & Bulkier
Environmental factors
Wind noise
Tubes & moulds harden over time
Gets in way of glasses
Tubes block wax
Telephone use
What effects the type of mould choice? (4)
Type & degree of loss
Shape & size of pinna
Cosmetic look
What are the types of mould for a BTE? (3)
BTE full shell
BTE Skelton ear mould
BTE open fitting
Adv & Dis of a BTE full shell mould? (5)
Suitable for all losses
Covers entire concha
Keeps all sound in
Occlusion effect
Mostly used for severe HL
Adv & Dis of a BTE Skelton Mould? (3)
Remove a lot of mould from concha area
Used for mild-moderate loss
Helps sound escape
Adv & dis of a BTE open fitting? (4)
Can’t see receiver
Needs domes or ear moulds
For mild loss
Open vent
What are the ear mould materials? (3)
Hard acrylic
Soft acrylic
Advantages of hard acrylic? (4)
Easy to insert & clean
Easy to modify
Clear & tinted
Disadvantages of hard acrylic (4)
Mild hearing loss only
Sound escape poor acoustic seal
Limited power
Advantages of soft acrylic (4)
Softens with body heat
Can be used solo or with hard acrylic
Can be clear or tinted
Better acoustic seal than hard acrylic
Disadvantages of soft acrylic (3)
Difficult to clean
Porous so absorbs oil / wax over time
Advantages of silicone (4)
Increased gain
Comfort - for children
Clear & tinted
Solid or carved
Disadvantages of silicone (4)
Needs replacing often
More difficult to fit
Harder To clean
Modifications are difficult
What mould material and style for a mild loss?
Hard acrylic Skelton
What mould and material for a moderate loss?
Soft acrylic full shell
What material and style of mould for a severe loss?
Full shell silicone