Harvesting Natural Populations Flashcards
What increases ‘stock’?
Growth of organism
recruitment of organism
What decreases stock?
Natural mortality
Maximum yield equation
S= Stock R= mass of new recruits (recruitment) G=growth of mass of fish remaining alive H= mass harvested NM=mass lost to natural mortality
Balance resource equation
Assumption of maximum yield
Harvest losses and natural mortality are compensatory
it is best to have harvest occur just before period of maximum natural mortality
Logistic growth equation
for optimal yield, assume the populations follow….
a logistic growth pattern
For maximum yield at what point can one harvest
inflection point, have the greatest input of individuals per unit time.
Logistic model, harvesting equation
K= asymptotic density in absence of fishing
q=catchability (constant given current technology)
X=fishing effort (thus qX=fishing mortality rate)
What is ‘qXN’ in the equation dN/dt=rN((K-N)/K)-qXN?
it is what human take. They act as the predators in this system
q= catchability X= fishing effort
qX=fishing mortality rate
What information can we gain from the graph of the maximum sustainable yield?
the number of individuals can be taken before over-harvesting occurs.
Indicates the number of recruitments annually. That number indicates a safe number that can be taken.
sustained yield defined
long term harvest that does not lead to extinction or unacceptable decline in a population.
Where on the maximum sustainable yield graph is absolute recruitment rate at its highest?
The middle
Where incline meets the annual recruitment parabola.
Assumptions of a logistic model (5)
- No time lag
- Age structure has no effect on population growth
- catchability remains constant all densities
- enviornmental conditions do not change
- our estimate of the removable stock is accurate
Consequences of variable form from density dependence?
Assumptions of Dynamic pool models (4)
- natural mortaliy constant
- natural mortality same for all age classes
- growth rate age- specific but independent of N
- fishing mortality (human effort) independent of density and constant for all age classes
Beverton and Holt model assumes: (3)
- Growth rate of individual fish independent of density
- Constant recruitment (independent of density and year)
- Natural mortality rate independent of density and constant
Nt= number of recruits alive a time t after entering fishery R= # recruits at start F= fish mortality M= natural mortality
Beverton holt ,dynamic pool model