Harry Potter Flashcards
strhla sa hádka
an argument had broken out
pri raňajkách
over breakfast
Zreval cez stôl
He roared across the table
Jeho slova boli prehlušené
His words were drowned by
Jeho zadok prepadával cez obe strany
his bottom dropped over either side
Podaj mi panvicu
Pass the frying pan
Spadol zo stoličky
He fell off his chair
Buchajuc päsťou do stola
pounding the table with his fist
bledá teta
pale aunt
Ron sa vykláňal
Ron was leaning out
uškŕňajúc sa na …
grinning at Harry
prestaň bľabotať
Stop gibbering
naštartoval auto
he revved up the car
Visí niekoľko metrov nad zemou
Dangling a few feet above the ground
George opatrne preliezol cez
George climbed carefully through
dávaj pozor na posledný schod
Watch out for the bottom stair
it creaks
podával veci z okna
passing things out of the window
Nakoniec , dychčiac
At last , panting