Handout 6 Flashcards
This model is not only based on organizational culture of global businesses but also captures influences in local companies.
cultures model
shared combination of an individual’s traits, skills, and personality formed within the context of his or her ethnic, racial, familial, and educational environments.
Personal culture
a shared understanding that comes from the combination of beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors that have provided the foundation for the heritage of a country.
National culture
removes ambiguity by focusing people’s attention on unifying values and assumptions
perspective of integration
have different views
perspective of differentiation
interrupts coordination processes in environments brought by gaps or uncertainties
perspective of fragmentation
a relationship between two (2) individuals with the goal of professional and personal development.
usually an experienced individual who shares knowledge, experience, and advice with a less experienced person or mentee
a dynamic process that occurs in cooperative inter-organizational relationships, in different structured and non-structured social spaces, which encourage learning situations, described as learning episodes
Inter-organizational learning
puts thought and action into a specific a time and space. It means involving individuals, environments, and activities to make learning complete
Situated learning
work as interactive joint learning processes, frequently spontaneously and without having rules, but limited by a serious intention to achieve mutual understanding.
means seeing, thinking, acting, and mobilizing in culturally mindful ways
globally literate
the sum of the attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed for success in today’s multicultural, global economy
globally literate
understanding and valuing oneself
Personal literacy
engaging and challenging other people
Social literacy