Hand Flashcards
What are the joints of the hand
radiocarpal joint, midcarpal joint, carpometacarpal joint, metacarpophalangeal joint, proximal interphalangeal joint, distal interphalangeal joint
Label the surface anatomy of the hand
ref. notes
Label the bones of the hand
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquestrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
what are the movements of the thumb, act it out
abduction, adduction, extension, flexon, opposition, reposition
What are the flexor muscles of the hand, where are its origins and insertions
Forearm flexors: flexor carpi radialis (origin=medial epicondyle, insertion=2nd metacarpal), palmaris longus (origin=medial epicondyle, insertion=flexor retinaculum of wrist) flexor carpi ulnaris (origin=medial epicondyle, insertion=pisiform, hook of hamate,5th metacarpal) flexor digitorum profundus (origin=ulna and associated interosseouss membrane, attachment=distal phalanges 4 fingers) flexor digitorum superficialis (origin=medial epicondyle and radius, insertion=middle phalanges 4 fingers)
what are the extensor muscles of the hand, where are its origins and insertions
extensor digitorum (origin=lateral epicondyle insertion=all 4 finger) extensor digiti minimi (origin=lateral epicondyle insertion=5th digiit) extensor carpi ulnaris (origin=lateral epicondyle, insertion=base of 5th metacarpal) extenssor carpi radialiss longus (origin=supracondylar ridge insertion=base of 2nd metacarpal) extensor carpi radialis brevis (origin=lateral epincondyle, insertion=base of 3rd metacarpal)
supinator (origin=lateral epicondyle+posterior surface ulna, insertion=posterior surface radius) abductor pollicis longus (origin=interosseuous membrane and posterior surface of radius and ulna, insertion=lateral side of metacarpal I) extensor pollicis longus (origin=posterior surface of ulna and interosseous membrane insertion=distal phalanx of thumb) extensor pollicis brevis (origin=posterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane, insertion=base of proximal phalanx of thumb) extensor indicis (origin=posterior surface of ulna and interosseous membrane insertion=index finger)
Where are the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the hand located
Extrinsic=anterior and posterior forearm
Intrinsic=wiithin hand
What are the 5 compartments in which intrinsic muscles of hand are located
ref. notes thenar, adductor, hypothenar, central, interosseous (between metacarpals)
What muscles are within hypothenar and thenar compartments
hypothenar=abductor digiti minimi, fkexir digiti mminimi brevis, opponens digiti minimi
thenar=(median n. innervation) opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis
What are the deep muscles of the hand
adductor pollicis, opponens pollicis, flexor pollicis longus, flexor carpi radialis
where are the lumbricals, dorsal interosseous and palmar interosseous muscles and what do they do
Lumbricals=flex digits at MCP joint and extend the IP joint
Dorsal interosseous=abducts 2nd-4th digits, acts with lumbricals to flex MCP jiont (ulnar n.)
Palmar interosseous=adducts 2nd, 4th, 5th digits. assists lumbricals to flex MCP (ulnar n.)
What do the median and ulnar nerves innervate
Median=3 short thenar muscles, 1st and 2nd lumbricals (digit 2 and 3) goes through carpal tunnel
Ulnar=hypothenar muscles, 2 lumbricals (digit 4,5), adductor pollicis and alll of interosseous muscles
Describe the vasculature of the hand
ref. notes
Describe the venous drainage of hand
ref. notes
label the sheaths for the tendons of hand
ref. notes
what are common injuries to the hand, describe them
skier’s thumb-injury to ulnar-collateral ligament of MCP]
mallet finger-tear of tendon that straightens end joint of finger
Trigger finger-finger/thumb clicks or locks as it is ben towards palm. thickening of mouth of tendon tunnel causes roughness on tendon surface and the tendon catches tunnel mouth
dupuytren’s contracture-disease of palmar fascia that results in progressive shortening, thickening and fibrosis of fascia and aaboneurosis. 4th+5th digit most commonly affected
osteoarthritis-universal joint at base of thumb between metacarpal and trapezium bones affected