Elbow and radioulnar joint Flashcards
What does the olecranon of ulna and head of radius articulate with
olecranon=medial epicondyle of humerus
head of radius=lateral epicondyle of humerus
what does pronation and supination do to radius andulna
In pronation, ulna crosses above radius
In supination, radius rotates laterally along longitudinal axis
Which muscles are responsible for pronation and supination
pronation=performed by pronator quadratus and pronator teres with some contribution from FCR, Pl and brachioradialis mid pronation
Supination=Performed by supinator and biceps brachii when power required
What connects radius and ulna and what does this do
Interosseous membrane, transfers force from radius to ulna. When forearm moves from pronation to supination, interosseuous membrane tightens
What does anconeous do
assist triceps in forearm extension
What are the 3 articulating surfaces of elbow
humeroradial-between capitulum of humerus and concave fovea of radius
humeroulnar-between trochlea on humerus and trochlea notch on ulna
proximal radio-ulnar-between articular head of radius and radial notch of ulna
What are the 3 ligaments of elbow joint and what do they do
radial collateral-extends from lateral epicondyle and blends in with radial anular lig.
radial anular-holds the radial head in radial notch supporting pronation and supination
ulnar collateral-anterior band between medial epicondyle and coronoid. Oblique band deepens trochlea socket
Neurovasculature of elbow
Be able to label cubital fossa content
(medial cubital, cephalic vein), median nerve, brachial artery and vein, biceps tendon
Cubital fossa-=area of transition between anatomic arm and forearm
what causes the funny bone effect
vulnerable superficial position of ulnar nerve between olecranon and medial epiccondyle of humerus
Give common clinical issues at the elbow
Olecranon fractures, distal humerus fracture, tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) inflammation of tendon around lateral epicondyle, dislocation of elbow (ulnar collateral often torn and/or fracture to radial head, coronoid process or olecranon)