Hand 4 Flashcards
Techniques to aid nerve coaptation.
Post op protocol for major nerve graft.
Indications for conduit?
Splint 3 weeks.
Non critical, non-motor, <3cm.
PE of suspected neuroma.
Pre requisites for nerve transfer?
You suspect radial nerve injury.
Describe the function lost and possibl tendon transfer options to correct.
Describe your radial nerve tendon transfer.
Patient referred for combined median and radial nerve palsy.
Describe deficit and treatment strategy.
Patient refered for combined Radial/ Ulnar and Radial/Median transfer.
What would treatment options include.
Patient comes with delayed brachial plexus injury.
What are your goals.
What options do you have for shoulder stabilization?
Patient comes with delayed brachial plexus injury.
What options for elbow extension.