Hamsters Flashcards
What is a hamsters life span?
2-3 years
What is an adult hamsters body weight?
What is a hamsters body temp?
What is a hamsters respiratory rate?
70-80 b/min
What is a hamsters pulse rate?
280-412 b/min
What age is a hamster sexually mature?
6-10 weeks
What is a hamsters gestation period?
16 days
What type of young do hamsters produce?
Altricial young
What diet do hamsters have?
Do hamsters perform coprophagia?
Yes but less active as they are omnivores.
Are hamsters solitary or social animals?
Are hamsters nocturnal?
They see 14 hours of night and 10 hours of daylight.
At what temperature do hamsters go into temporary hibernation?
5*C or lower.
What happens when hamsters go into temporary hibernation?
Their body temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate lower.
They can remain sensitive to touch during this period.
What is the comfortable temperature and humidity range for hamsters?
54-55% humidity
Hamster External Genitalia
Explain the male hamsters external genitalia
The anogenital distance is longer in males than females.
No nipples in males.
Male has large external testes which are retained in the scrotum by fat pad.
Testes shrink in the winter.
Hamster Digestive System
How often do hamsters feed?
Every 5 minutes, followed by a 2 hour fast.
Hamster Digestive System
What is the daily food and water intake for a hamster?
5-7g of food
10ml of water
Hamster Digestive System
What is the dental formula of a hamster?
I1/1, C0/0, PM0/0, M3/3 x2 = 16 teeth
Hamster Digestive System
What is the cheek pouch used for?
Transport food, bedding, and young when in danger.
Hamster Digestive System
What are some attributes of the cheek pouch?
Highly distensible.
Can extend as far as the scapula.
4-8mm wide when empty and 20mm wide when full.
Hamster Digestive System
What is the stomach comprised of?
Stomach has 2 compartments: Non-glandular and glandular. They are distinguished by muscle sphincter.
Fore stomach (non-glandular) is used to moisten food. Food stays here for 1 hour.
Glandular stomach is where chemical digestion occurs.
Hamster Digestive System
Can hamsters regurgitate?
No as the ridge between the oesophagus and stomach makes regurgitation of food material almost impossible.
Hamster Housing
What should the enclosure be made out of and why?
Solid walled and bottom cage made of plastic. Not wire mesh as they can climb and fall causing injury.
Metal mesh lid for ventilation.
Hamster Housing
What enrichment can be provided in the enclosure?
Fruit-tree wood, cardboard boxes to chew, toilet roll runner for tunnels, exercise wheels (made of solid construction to prevent trapping limbs), scatter feeding or hiding food.
Hamster Housing
What is the ideal temperature?
Ideal - 19-23C
Below 5-6C will cause hibernation
Above 29*C will cause heat stress
Hamster Housing
What bedding should be used?
Peat, sawdust, shredded paper (not newspaper as toxic) or wood shavings.
Hamster Housing
What bedding should be avoided and why?
Cotton wool as they can ingest.
Hay as wisps can entangle limbs.
Hamster Housing
What can be done to keep hamsters clean?
Provide sand baths of fine silver sand.
Hamster Nutrition
What should their diet consist of?
Commercial hamster mix
- 18% protein for adults
- 24% protein for nursing mother and young
Supplemented with high protein such as hard-boiled eggs, meal worms, nuts, seeds.
Treats low in moisture content such as broccoli, pear, apple, or parsley.
Avoid seeds with husks as can damage mucous membranes of cheek pouches.
Hamster Nutrition
How big should a hamsters portion be?
Hamsters hoard food so should be fed in small quantities.
Hoards should be checked for mouldy food.
Hamster Nutrition
What should food and water be provided in?
Ceramic food bowls to prevent gnawing.
Drip water feeder checked daily for blockages and leaks.