Hamlet 1.1 key terms Flashcards
what is taking place in Norway at the beginning of the play?
Fortinbras is preparing to attack Denamark, in revenge for the fact that OH killed his father Old Norway.
what is key to notes in the beginning lines of the play?
the word things appears 17 times, highlighting the formless/unknown being that the will prove to be the ghost.
Horatio is a character of high status
Horotaio sees the ghost as evidence for disorder
Marcellus will question why Elsinore is a state of high alert.
what does Horatatio explain?
“our valiant hamlet” he is making note of the fact that OH was victorious in battle over King Fortinbras of Norway, taking his lands.
what is the significance of classical imagery in this scene?
Julius Caesar, was a populist Roman dictator, politician, military general and historian who played a key role in the rise of the Roman Empire- this may also be a metatheatrical reference, making note of his own play and highlighting parallels with Hamlet.
what key dramatic roles are highlighted within this scene?
The protagonist
Confidante- person who the private matters are exposed to.
Chorus- a united, reliable group of voices.
What is a key critic quote of this scene?
“in the opening scene, the soldiers do something fundamental to the play: they ask questions……Questions are only asked when people are uncertain. This is the world of Hamlet” (Richard Gill, Mastering Shakespeare, page 235)
key themes in the opening scene?
uncertainty, seeing/believing
This created evident threat of war and introduces the theme of the supernatural.