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Sanskrit Viraja
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Hal Sandhi Flashcards
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Sanskrit Viraja
(61 decks)
Sanskrit Alphabet
Hal Sandhi
GCSE Epic Civilization Terms
GCSE English to Sanskrit Vocabulary
GCSE Sanskrit to English Vocabulary
Forms of Rama
Forms of Sita
The Forms of Mitram
The Forms of Bhavati (Present)
The Forms of Bhavati (Future)
The Forms of Bhavati (Past)
The Forms of Tat (neuter)
AS Vocabulary Sanskrit to English
AS Irregular Future Verb Forms
GCSE Verbs - Principle Parts Sanskrit to English
The Forms of Tat (masculine)
Sanskrit Prefixes
The Forms of Tat (feminine)
AS Vocabulary English to Sanskrit
The Forms of I
The Forms of you
The Forms of Nadi
The forms of Hari
The Forms of Guru
The Forms of Idam (Neuter)
The Forms of Ayam (Masculine)
The Forms of Idam (Feminine)
The Forms of Manas
The Forms of Dhimat (masculine)
The Forms of Atman
The Forms of Rajan
The Forms of Dhatri
The Forms of Hastin (masculine)
Visarga Sandhi Practice
Consonants + Consonants
Consonants + Vowels
The Forms of Vardhate (Present Tense)
The Forms of karoti (Present)
The Forms of karoti (Future)
The Forms of karoti (Past)
GCSE Gītā Set Texts
Mahābhārata Story 1 - Bhīṣma carries off three princesses
Mahābhārata Story 2 - The Pāṇḍavas are born
Mahābhārata Story 3 - King Duṣyanta marries Śakuntalā
Mahābhārata Story 4 - A Vulture Tests King Śibi's Virtue
Mahābhārata Story 5 - Arjuna Defeats Karṇa
Mahābhārata Story 6 - Kṛṣṇa Is Shot By a Hunter
Introduction to the Hitopadesha - Set Text
The Old Tiger and the Traveller
GCSE Sanskrit to English Vocabulary COPY
The Forms of karoti (Present) COPY
The Forms of Vardhate (Present Tense) COPY
The Forms of karoti (Future) COPY
Devanāgarī Characters
Devanāgarī Characters: Vowels (Independent)
Devanāgarī Characters: Remaining Consonants
Devanāgarī Characters: Dependent Vowels
Devanāgarī Characters: difficult conjunct consonants and dṛ
Frequent external consonant sandhi (of final -t, -n, -m)
External visarga sandhi