Haemoglobin Anaemia And Haemoglobinopathies Flashcards
Give a an overview of what can lead to anaemia
Lack of iron leads to anaemia
◦ Iron deficiency
◦ Anaemia of chronic disease (functional lack of iron)
Deficiency in building blocks for DNA synthesis
lead to anaemia
◦ Vit B12
◦ Folate
Mutations in the genes that encode the globin
proteins can lead to anaemia
◦ Thalassaemia
◦ Sickle cell disease
How can anaemia result from problems with Hb synthesis?
Thalassaemia: reduced rate of synthesis of normal α- OR ß- globin chains (the α- and ß- thalassaemias)
Sickle cell disease: synthesis of an abnormal haemoglobin
What is thalassaemia
Heterogeneous group of genetic disorders with varied expression
worldwide – prevalence in S Asian, Mediterranean, Middle East (beta) and Far East (alpha)
Importance in UK practice to be aware of ethnicity of your individual
patients and patient population (eg for prenatal counselling)
What are the problems with Hb and RBCs in thalassaemia?
Low level of intracellular haemoglobin accounts for hypochromic
microcytic red cells
The relative excess of the other globin chain (eg insoluble aggregates
of alpha chains in ß-thal) contributes to the defective nature of the
red cell
Most of the maturing erythroblasts are destroyed within the bone
marrow and there is excessive destruction of mature red cells in the
So… as well as defective Hb production this is a form of haemolytic
anaemia also as the red cells are destroyed
What are teh different states in alpha thalassaemia?
Silent carrier state
○ Deletion of a single α-globin gene.
○ It is asymptomatic, without anaemia.
- if 2 people with single alphas deletion have a child the child may have thalassaemia
α-Thalassemia trait
○ Deletion of two α-globin genes.
○ It may affect both genes of one chromosome or one gene of each chromosome
○ There is minimal or no anaemia and no physical signs; clinical findings are identical to
those of β-thalassemia minor (microcytosis and hypochromia).
Hemoglobin H (HbH) disease
○ Deletion of three α-globin genes.
○ Tetramers of β-globin, called HbH, are formed
○ There is moderately severe anaemia, resembling β-thalassemia intermedia (microcytic,
hypochromic anaemia with target cells and Heinz bodies in the blood film).
- transfusion dependency
Hydrops fetalis
○ Deletion of all four α-globin genes
○ In the foetus, excess of γ-globin chains form tetramers (Hb Bart) that are unable to
deliver the oxygen to tissues. Usually intrauterine death - not viable for life
- gamma globin chains
What is β-Thalassaemia major
β-Thalassaemia major
○ Severe transfusion-dependent anaemia that first becomes manifest 6 to 9
months after birth as synthesis switches from HbF to HbA
○ Homozygous
○ Either type βo or β (βo/βo or β/β)
What is β-Thalassaemia minor or β-thalassemia trait
β-Thalassaemia minor or β-thalassemia trait
○ Usually asymptomatic with a mild anemia
○ Heterozygous
○ One normal gene (βo/β or β/β)
What is β-Thalassaemia intermedia
β-Thalassaemia intermedia
○ Severe anaemia, but not enough so to require regular blood transfusions
○ Genetically heterogeneous
○ Mild variants of homozygous β-thalassemia
○ Severe variants of heterozygous (βo/β or β/β)
○ Some double heterozygosity for the βo or β genes (βo/β)
What are some problems with RBCs in thalassaemia?
Target red cells, small/pale cells, nucleated RBCs
What are the consequences of thalassaemia
Extramedullary haemopoiesis is an attempt to compensate but results in splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and expansion of haemopoiesis into the bone cortex ..this impairs growth and causes classical skeletal abnormalities
- stimulates erythropoietin - feedback loop working but
Reduced oxygen delivery leads to stimulation of EPO which further
contributes to the drive to make more defective red cells
Iron overload is major cause of premature death and occurs due to:
◦ Excessive absorption of dietary iron due to ineffective
◦ Repeated blood transfusions required to treat the anaemia
- body unable to excrete iron
Reduced Life expectancy
What causes sickle cell disease?
Inheritance of the sickle ß-globin chain
A point mutation causes substitution of valine for glutamic acid in
position 6 in the ß-chain
HbSS = homozygous sickle cell anaemia, is most common cause of
severe sickling syndrome
HbS can also be co-inherited with another abnormal Hb eg HbC
(HbSC ) or ß-thal (HbS ß-thal) to cause a sickling disorder
HbS carrier state causes a mild asymptomatic anaemia and is found in up to 30% of W African people as it confers protection against malaria
- many types of Hb - common to get S from one parent and C from another
What us sickle cell disease?
Symptoms of anaemia usually mild ie the anaemia is well tolerated as HbS readily gives up Oxygen in comparison to HbA
Normally not a problem to have sickle cell
but if blood in periphery - polymers of detox HbS - red cells forma c sickle
these are less deformable and stick in vessels
Problems come in low oxygen state when the deoxygenated HbS forms polymers and the red cells form a sickle shape
Irreversibly sickled red cells are less deformable and can cause occlusion in small blood vessels – ‘sticky’
What problems can result from sickle cell disease?
- Stroke - small clots in brain
- Retiopathy due to small thrombosis in eyes
- Pneumonia
- infarcts
- acute chest syndrome
- decreased concentrating ability
- infarcts
- repeated infarction
- leading to atrophy
- Pigment gallstones
- avascular necrosis of femoral head
- osteomyelitis (infection of the bone)
- painful chest and bone
- skin ulcers
Iron overload
- Heart
- Liver
What are 3 types of sickle cell crises
The clinical pattern of disease is very variable between individuals
Crises, 3 types:
1. Vaso-occlusive
Painful bone crises Organ – chest, spleen
2. Aplastic (often triggered by parvovirus infection)
3. Haemolytic
End organ damage
as a result of chronic or acute thromboses or oxygen deprivation
What are the consequences of sickle cell anaemia
Reduced Life expectancy – though improving in UK, life
expectancy with HbSS now 67 years. Commonest causes of death in UK: Stroke, Multi-organ failure, acute chest
Acute and chronic pain problems
Stroke, cognitive and neurological problems, kidney failure, priapism (sustained painful erection)
What is haemolytic anaemia
Results from the abnormal breakdown of red blood cells (= haemolysis) :
◦ within blood vessels (intravascular haemolysis)
◦ or in the spleen or wider RES (extravascular haemolysis)
Red cells normal lifespan ~120 days
The bone marrow can compensate for a decrease in lifespan by increasing red cell production but has capacity to increase by around 6 x so if rate of destruction exceeds this anaemia develops
- if rate o destruction is greater than rate of production - anaemia
What does haemolytic anaemia result in?
◦ Symptoms of anaemia – severity worse if Hb v low or if an acute fall in
Hb rather than in chronic disease
◦ Accumulation of bilirubin leading to jaundice and associated risk of
complications such as pigment gallstones.
◦ Overworking of the red pulp leading to splenomegaly
◦ Massive sudden haemolysis (as can happen in an incompatible blood
transfusion) can cause cardiac arrest due to:
Lack of oxygen delivery to tissues
Hyperkalaemia as a result of release of intracellular contents
What are 2 causes of haemolytic anaemia and wha do they cause?
Inherited (defective gene)
- Glycolysis defect - pyruvate kinase deficiency limited ATP production
- Pentose-P pathway - G6PDH deficiency leads to oxidative damage
- Membrane protein e.g. herediatary spherocytosis
- Haemoglobin defect e.g. sickle cell
- Mechanical damage - microangiopathic anaemia
- Antibody damage - autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
- Oxidant damage - exposure to chemicals or oxidants
- Heat damage e.g. severe burns
- Enzymatic damage e.g. snake venom
What are acquired defects to red blood cells
Mechanical damage to red cells Heart valves Vasculitis MAHA (microangiopathies) DIC – disseminated intravascular coagulopathy ◦ Heat damage Burns ◦ Osmotic change Drowning
What is autoimmune haemolytic anaemia? What are the 2 types and the causes?
In this condition autoantibodies (an Immunoglobulin protein
produced by own B lymphocytes) bind to the red cell membrane
Broadly classified as
◦ warm autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (IgG, maximally active at 370C)
◦ cold autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (IgM, maximally active at 40C)
Causes can be infections (eg chest infections in children causing the cold form) or cancers of the lymphoid system (eg B cell lymphoma)
The spleen recognises the red cell as ‘abnormal’ and removes it .. So
reducing the life span
What are key laboratory features of haemolytic anaemis?
increased reticulocytes (as the marrow tries to compensate)
raised bilirubin (breakdown of Haem)
raised LDH (red cells rich in this enzyme)