Energy Storage Flashcards
Which tissues have an absolute requirement for glucose as an energy source?
Red blood cells - dot have mitochondria for TCA
Neutrophils - respiratory burst
Innermost cells of kidney medulla - deep in , cant get same oxygen supply
Lens of the eye - needs to be be clear so not many blood vessels
Why does the brain need glucose?
Stable blood glucose level
absolutely essential for normal brain function.
Brain can adapt to use ketone bodies in starvation - requires time for enzymes to click in for brain to utilise ketone bodies - can only derive around half energy req from ketone bodies - glut1 responsible for getting lucid into RBCs
What is glucose stored as and why?
To enable blood glucose to be kept at required levels, a store of glucose is required…GLYCOGEN
Need to keep plasma glucose in defined region
Need a store of glucose to cell on when plasma glucose conc - glycogen
Describe plasma glucose conc after a meal and what is glycation?
Insulin crucial in allowing body to deal with metabolites from meal
Plasma glucose remains high after meal - chronic complications in patients - can start to react with proteins - glycation (different from glycosylation which is normal)
Glycation is a non enzymatic reaction.- high conc of glucose reacts with proteins - indicator = glycation haemoglobin to look at long term glucose concentration
What are the consequences of hypoglycaemia?
- 8mmol/L - confusion
- 7mmol/L - weakness, nausea
- 1mmol/L - muscle cramps
- 6mmol/L - brain damage, death
How is glycogen stored?
In muscle - intra and inter myofibrillar glycogen - 300mg in skeletal muscles
Granules in hepatocytes - 100mg n liver
What is the purpose of the muscle and liver stores fo glycogen?
Stores serve different purposes
In muscle - local store of glucose for muscle contraction - muscle lacks key enzyme to convert g-6-p to glucose
Liver glycogen can be use as a store to replenish plasma glucose
Describe the structure of glycogen
• Glycogen is a polymer consisting of chains of
glucose residues
• Chains are organized like the branches of a tree originating from a dimer of the protein glycogenin (acts as a primer at core of glycogen structure).
• Glucose residues linked by α-1-4 glycosidic bonds with α-1-6 glycosidic bonds forming branch points every 8-10 residues
Lots of end points torelease glucose from
What are the key steps in glycogenesis
HEXOKINASE - Glucose + ATP -> Glucose 6-phosphate + ADP
PHOSPHOGLUCOMUTASE - Glucose 6-phosphate -> glucose 1-phosphate
G1P URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE - Glucose 1-phosphate + UTP = H2O -> UDP-glucose +PPi
GLYCOGEN SYNTHASE (1-4) / BRANCHING ENZYME (1-6) - Glycogen (n residues) + UDP-glucose -> glycogen(n+1 residues) + UDP
What is glycogenolysis
Glycogen (n residues) + Pi -> Glucose 1-phosphate + Glycogen (n-1 residues)
Glucose 1-phosphate glucose 6-phosphate
This goes to muscle and liver
Muscle - for energy prodution
Liver - released by liver into blood for use by other tissues
Glycogenolysis is Not a simple reversal of glycogenesis. Different enzymes allow for simultaneous inhibition of one pathway and stimulation of another
How do the glycogen stores differ in liver and muscle and why?
G6P converted to glucose and exported to blood. Liver glycogen is a buffer of blood glucose levels.
Muscle lacks the enzyme Glucose-6-phosphatase. G6P enters glycolysis for energy production
• Muscle glycogen stores differ in that Glucagon has no effect.
Also AMP is an allosteric activator of muscle glycogen phosphorylase but not of the liver form of enzyme
Give an overview of glycogen metabolism
What are the rate limiting enzymes for glycogen synthesis and degradation
What is the action or glucagon/adrenaline and insulin on glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase
Glucagon and adrenaline phosphorylate the enzymes - DECREASE glycogen synthase and INCREASE glycogen phosphorylase activity
Insulin dephosphorylates the enzymes - INCREASE glycogen synthase activity and DECREASE glycogen phosphorylase activity
How do glycogen storage diseases arise?
- Inborn errors of metabolism (inherited diseases)
- Arise from deficiency or dysfunction of enzymes of glycogen metabolism
- 12 distinct types. Incidence varies ~1 in 20,000 – ~1 in 100,000. Severity depends on enzyme/tissue affected
What organs/tissues are affected by glycogen storage disease
• Liver and /or muscle can be affected
• Excess glycogen storage can lead to tissue damage • Diminished glycogen stores can lead to hypoglycaemia & poor exercise tolerance
Severity of disease depends on which enzyme/tissue affected
Name 2 examples of glycogen storage diseases
- von Gierke’s disease - glucose 6-phosphatase deficiency - liver cant export glucose as g-6-p cant be converted back to glucose - increase in size of liver
- McArdle disease - muscle glycogen phosphorylase deficiency - patients very intolerant to excercise - cannot mobilise glycogen stored in muscle
What is gluconeogenesis
The production of new glucose
• Beyond ~ 8 hours of fasting, liver glycogen stores start to deplete and an alternative source of glucose is required: Gluconeogenesis
• Occurs in Liver and to lesser extent in Kidney cortex
• Three major precursors
What er ethe 3 main precursors for gluconeogenesis?
Lactate From anaerobic glycolysis in exercising muscle and red blood cells (Cori cycle)
Glycerol Released from adipose tissue breakdown of triglycerides.
Amino acids Mainly alanine
What is the Cori cycle?
In liver
2 lactate -> glucose
In muscle
Glucose -> 2 lactate
Why is there no net synthesis of glucose from acetyl CoA
Acetyl-CoA cannot be converted into pyruvate (pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction is irreversible) so there is no net synthesis of glucose from acetyl-CoA
What are the key enzymes in gluconeogenesis?
GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATASE - glucose 6-phosphate to glucose
FRUCTOSE 1,6-BISPHOSPHATASE - fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to fructose 6-phosphate
PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVAE CARBPOXYKINASE (PEPCK) - oxaloacetate to phosphoeolpyruvate using energy from GTP
These are not simple reversals of their glycolysis steps
How is gluconeogenesis regulated?
2 key enzymes regulated by hormones in response to:
• Starvation/fasting
• Prolonged exercise
• Stress
Fructose 1,6-bisphpsphatase and PEPCK
What are the effects of the hormones glucagon/cortisol and insulin on fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase and PEPCK?
Glucagon and cortisol - increase amount of PEPCK, increase amount and activity of f1,6-bp - STIMULATE GLUCONEOGENESIS
Insulin - decrease amount of PEPCK and decrease amount/activity of f-1,6-bp - INHIBIT GLUCONEOGENESIS
Describe the time course of glucose utilisation
Glucose from food ~2h
Glycogenolysis 8-10h
Gluconeogenesis 8-10h onwards
How are lipids stored?
- Energy intake in excess of requirements is converted to Triacylglycerol (TAG) for storage
- TAGs are hydrophobic and therefore stored in an anhydrous form in specialised tissue – adipose tissue
- Highly efficient energy store. Energy content per gram twice that of carbohydrate or protein
- Utilised in prolonged exercise, stress, starvation, during pregnancy
- The storage & mobilisation of TAGs is under hormonal control
Describe adipocytes
Large lipid droplet (mainly TAG and cholesterol ester) pushes organelles and cytoplasm to edge
• Typical adipocyte ~0.1mm in diameter. Cells expand as more fat added
• Average adult ~30 billion fat cells weighing ~15 kg.
• Can increase in size about fourfold on weight gain before dividing and increasing total number of fat cells
Also release hormones that are important in appetite
Give an overview of TAG metabolism
Pancreatic lipase converts TAG to fatty caids and glycerol
In intestinal epithelial cells TAG is packaged into lipoprotein
Clylomicrosne enter lacteals first before blood
Thoracic duct drains into left subclavian vein - duct drains into blood
When in blood tag can be stored in adipose or utilised for energy production
Store can be mobilised
Describe fatty acid synthesis (lipo genesis)
• Mainly in liver. Dietary glucose as major source of carbon.
• Glucose -> pyruvate in cytoplasm (glycolysis).
• Pyruvate enters mitochondria and forms acetyl-CoA & OAA which then condense to form citrate
• Citrate -> cytoplasm and cleaved back to Acetyl-CoA &
• Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (key regulator) produces malonyl-CoA from Acetyl-CoA.
• Fatty acid synthase complex builds fatty acids by sequential addition of 2 carbon units provided by malonyl-CoA.
Describe liver lipogenesis (SEE SLIDE)
Source of reducing power - comes from NADPH
Need NADPH to regenerate glutathione to protect against oxy stressneed reducing power for pathways eg synthesis of fa
Comes from ppp
Glucose to pyruvate some goes into ppp
Pyruvate enters mitochondria, acted on by pyruvate dehydrogenase - acted on by acety co a
Combines with oaa from tca
Citrate is a 6 - exported from mitochondia - in cytoplasm - broken down into oaa and acetyl co a
Enzymes to break down pyruvate to acetyl coa in mitochondria
Fa enzymes in cytoplasm
Indirect shuttle needed using citrate to get acetyl co a out
Advantages - oaa is converted to malate - malate back to pyruvate - more reducing power made in NADPH
2 c unites add to f tail, converted to malonyl co a first, added to fa tail, lose co2, 3c becomes 2c
Fa can be combined with glycerol to make Tri acyl glycerol
Very low density lipoprotein particle
Key enzyme = acetyl co a carboxylate
Insulin increases this enzymes activity
What is Acetyl-CoA carboxylase?
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase = Key regulatory enzyme Insulin (covalent de-phosphorylation), & citrate (allosteric) increase activity Glucagon / adrenaline (covalent phosphorylation) & AMP (allosteric) decrease activity
Compare fatty acid synthesis and beta oxidation
See slide
What is hormone sensitive lipase?
Mobilise fat stores - lipolysis
Hormone sensitive lipase - glucagon and adrenaline phosphorylase and so promote it eg in starvation or fight or flight
Insulin dephosphorylates and so inhibits this