Haematopoietic System Flashcards
Name the components of blood
~55% plasma
~1% buffy coat
~45% erythrocytes/RBC (~42% for females)
What are the functions of blood?
- Transport nutrients and O2
- Transport waste to kidneys and liver
- Transport of WBCs and antibodies to fight infection
- Transport of platelets and clotting factors to form clot
- Regulation of body temperature
What is found in plasma?
- Nutrients
- Electrolytes
- Albumin proteins: transport lipid and steroid hormones + contribute to osmotic pressure
- Globulin proteins: haemoglobin, immunoglobin
- Regulatory proteins: hormones, enzymes
- Clotting factors
- Antibodies
What is found in buffy coat?
- Platelets/thrombocytes
- Leukocytes: monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes
Describe the morphological features of white blood cells/leukocytes
Neutrophils: multilobated nucleus
Eosinophils: bilobed nucleus; red cytoplasmic granules
Basophils: bilobed nucleus; purplish-black cytoplasmic granules
Lymphocytes: large spherical nucleus, thin rim of pale blue cytoplasm
Monocytes: kidney-shaped nucleus, abundant pale blue cytoplasm
What is the function of erythrocytes?
O2/CO2 transport for metabolic requirements
Hb as an acid-base buffer
How should a blood sample be taken?
- Fill to the top, as too little blood alter the citrate:plasma ratio
- Add citrate to keep blood uncoagulated
Define haematocrit
Proportion of blood volume consisting of RBCs expressed as % (normal range: 40-54%)
Define haematopoiesis
Haematopoiesis is the process of formation and differentiation of different elements in blood
Briefly outline the process of haematopoiesis
- Haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) undergoes long-term self-renewal
- With the appropriate growth factors/cytokines + fibroblasts, HSCs differentiate into multipotent progenitor
- Multipotent progenitor differentiate into lymphoid and myeloid stem cell depending on the differentiation factors it is exposed to
- For the myeloid stem cell, it further divides at medullary/extramedullary sites
- Into leukocytes if granulocyte-colony stimulating factor is present
- Into megakaryocytes → platelets if thrombopoietin is present
- Into erythrocytes if erythropoietin is present - For the lymphoid stem cell, it further divides into T and B lymphocytes in the thymus and bone marrow respectively
Describe the location of haematopoiesis throughout the course of life
Yolk sac: 3-8 weeks
Liver: 6 weeks-birth
Spleen: 8-28 weeks
Bone marrow: 18 weeks-adult
Define the process of erythropoiesis
The process of formation and development of erythrocytes
Outline the 14-day process of erythropoiesis
- Myeloid stem cells stimulated to differentiate into pro-erythroblast in the presence of erythropoietin growth factor
- Pro-erythroblast undergoes DNA synthesis, becoming erythroblast
- Nucleus of erythroblast condenses and is extruded; cytoplasm of erythroblast turns from blue to pink
- Filling of Hb containing heme into erythroblast, forming reticulocyte
- Reticulocyte undergoes diapedesis to capillaries by squeezing through tiny pores
- Reticulocytes maturing into erythrocytes that are released into the bloodstream where it circulates for 120 days
Describe how the process of erythropoiesis is regulated
Hypoxic conditions → hypoxia-induced factor 1alpha (HIF-1a) produced at kidney released into bloodstream → stimulate transcription and translation of erythropoietin growth factor → increase rate of erythropoiesis
Neoplasms → angiogenesis → formation of new capillaries → increased reticulocyte diapedesis → increase rate of erythropoiesis
Define polycythaemia/ erythrocytosis
Increased levels of erythrocytes
What are the signs and symptoms of erythrocytosis?
- Plethoric appearance
- Hyperviscosity with hypoxia and/or clotting
Define lymphopenia
Decreased lymphocyte count → increased susceptibility to viral infections
Define neutropenia
Decreased neutrophil count → increased susceptibility to bacterial/fungal infections
Define haemolysis
Destruction of RBCs
Describe the process of haemolysis
RBCs age → lose membrane elasticity → cannot squeeze through tiny pores of spleen → get trapped and burst → macrophages engulf and destroy it → release Hb → release heme
How is heme, Hb and erythrocytes related?
Heme is a prosthetic group of proteins
Haemoglobins are tetrameric proteins consisting of 4 polypeptide chains (2 alpha 2 beta), each with a heme group
Erythrocytes are packed with Hb
Describe how Hb is encoded for by genes
Hb is made up of 2 alpha globins and 2 beta globins
Each alpha globin is encoded for by one ζ (zeta) and two α (alpha) genes found on chromosome 16
Each beta globin is encoded for by one ε (epsilon), one γ (gamma), one δ (delta) and β (beta) genes found on chromosome 11
Classify the forms of Hb and their inheritance pattern
Different combination of genes on the two chromosomes (one from each parent) give rise to different forms of Hb
Initial embryonic development
HbGower = ζ2ε2
Fetal development
HbF = α2γ2
Adult development
1. HbA = α2β2 (90%)
2. HbA2 = α2δ2 (2-5%)
3. HbF = α2γ2 (<2%)
Describe how oxygen binding to Hb is regulated
Regulated by diff binding affinities of diff forms of Hb
At tissues, deoxy-Hb is mostly present
1. Position of heme shifts
2. Tense state
3. Binding affinity to O2 low
4. Hb release O2
At lungs, oxy-Hb is mostly present
1. Position of heme shifts
2. Relaxed state
3. Binding affinity to O2 high
4. Hb binds O2
Define haemoglobinopathy
Haemoglobin variant resulting from a genetic mutation
Define thalessemia
Inherited disorders caused by mutations that decrease the synthesis of alpha and beta globin chains → dysregulation of Hb synthesis
Describe the clinical presentation of thalessemia
Abnormal association of gene → abnormal Hb → precipitation of other globins → damage RBCs → haemolysis
- Excessive heme release → jaundice
- Haematopoiesis in bone marrow that does not usually produce RBCs (as compensation due to insufficient Hb production) → enlarged skull, chipmunk face
- Insufficient Hb → anaemia → liver compensation → hepatomegaly
- Destruction of RBCs → overworked spleen → splenomegaly
Describe the inheritance pattern of alpha-thalessemia
Autosomal recessive
Since there are 2 α (alpha) genes found on chromosome 16 coding for alpha protein, and 2 chromosomes from both parents, there are 4 possible combinations of mutations
1/4 mutated alpha gene: asymptomatic carrier
2/4 mutated alpha gene: mild symptoms
3/4 mutated alpha gene: HbH disease
4/4 mutated alpha gene: fatal
Describe the inheritance pattern of beta-thalessemia
Autosomal recessive
Since there is 1β (beta) gene found on chromosome 11 coding for beta protein, and 2 chromosomes from both parents, there are 2 possible combinations of mutations
1/2 mutated beta gene: mild symptoms → thalessemia minor
2/2 mutated beta gene: severe symptoms → thalessemia major
Discuss how thalessemia can be diagnosed
- History
- Clinical presentation
- Peripheral blood film shows microcytic hypochromic anaemia
- Peripheral blood film shows target cells (RBCs with central red area and peripheral ring of pallor due to abnormal Hb synthesis)
Describe the pathogenesis of sickle cell anaemia
- AR condition, point mutation of beta-globin gene where the glutamic acid is swapped for valine at the 6th aa position
- Formation of hydrophobic cleft in HbS
- Cells become sickle-shaped with decreased O2-carrying capacity
Why do carriers for sickle cell anaemia have selective advantage in malaria endemic countries?
Sickle cell has less O2-carrying capacity → less hospitable to parasites → inhibit parasitic growth and replication within RBCs
Describe the structure of heme
Heme is a prosthetic group (non-amino acid component) of proteins found in haemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochrome proteins
It has a porphyrin ring with Fe in the centre, and multiple side groups (methyl, vinyl and propionic acid) in the periphery
Where is heme synthesised?
All cells but mostly erythroid cells in marrow and liver, specifically in mitochondria and cytosol
Describe the synthesis of heme
*Just need to know that ALA synthase, ferrochelatase, coproporphyrinogen III oxidase and protoporphyrinogen IX are in mitochondria, the rest are in cytosol
**Last step: insertion of Fe2+ into protoporphyrin IX by ferrochelatase to form heme
Describe the regulation of heme synthesis
Drugs, toxins → body wants to deal with oxidative stress and wants more heme to bind to more O2 → upregulate the activity of ALA synthase 1
Hypoxia, erythropoietin → body wants to support erythropoiesis in erythroid organs and wants more heme to bind to more O2 → upregulate the activity of ALA synthase 2
Describe genetic dysregulations in the synthesis of heme
PORPHYRIA = body cannot convert porphyrins to heme
- Acute intermittent porphyria = mutated porphobilinogen deaminase
- Congenital erythropoietic porphyria = mutated uroporphyrinogen catalase
- Porphyria cutanea tarda = mutated uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
- Hereditary coproporphyria = mutated coproporphyrinogen oxidase
- Variegate porphyria = mutated protoporphyrin oxidase
- Erythropoietic protoporphyria = mutated ferrochelatase
Describe the clinical presentations of porphyrias
Synthesis stops at 1 PBG (aka acute intermittent porphyria)
1. Abdominal pain
2. Neuropsychiatric symptoms
3. Urine darken on exposure
Synthesis stops at 4 PBG (aka the rest)
1. Photosensitivity with skin lesions
2. Red-coloured urine
Describe acquired dysregulations in the synthesis of heme
1. Exposure to lead from industrial settings, old/unregulated products like paint and ceramics
2. Inhibit ALA dehydratase and ferrochelatase
Describe the clinical presentations of heavy metal poisoning
- Lead not used in heme synthesis → chronic lead deposition → Burton’s line (bluish colouration of gumline)
- Anaemia → pallor
- Abdominal pain and neuropathy
Where does heme breakdown occur?
Reticuloendothelial macrophages in liver, gut, kidneys
Describe the breakdown of heme
*Heme oxygenase breaks down ring and oxidises Fe2+ to Fe3+
Describe the locations involved in heme breakdown
- Unconjugated bilirubin bound to albumin protein circulates in blood
- When unconjugated bilirubin dissociates from albumin protein, it enters hepatocytes at the liver to be conjugated
- Active transport of bilirubin diglucuronide out of liver into bile caniculi through MRP2 transporter
- Bilirubin diglucuronide in bile travels through common bile duct → pancreatic duct to the gut
Describe the dysregulations in heme breakdown
Hyperbilirubinemia: total bilirubin > 1.2mg/dL
Jaundice: total bilirubin > 2.5-3mg/dL
Classify the different types of jaundice and their causes
- Pre-hepatic jaundice: excessive haemolysis
- Haemolytic anaemia
- G6PD deficiency → shortened RBC lifespan
- Malaria infections
- Transfusion reaction - Hepatic jaundice: defective conjugation/ excretion of conjugated bilirubin at hepatocytes
- Liver cirrhosis
- Gilbert’s syndrome (AR): UGT has 30% conjugation activity
- Crigler-Najjar (AR): mutated UGT1A1 gene, which encodes UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1)
- Neonatal immaturity
- Dubin-Johnson syndrome: mutated MRP2 transporter - Obstructive jaundice: block in bile duct
- Bile duct stones
- Carcinoma
- Infection
- Cyst formation
- Biliary atresia: failure to form bile duct lumen
Describe the general clinical presentations of jaundice
Yellowing of skin, sclera, mucous membrane of mouth
Describe the clinical findings of pre-hepatic jaundice
- Increased unconjugated bilirubin in blood
- Normal conjugated bilirubin in blood
- Increased haptoglobin binding to free Hb → formation of Hp-Hb complexes removed by macrophages → decreased haptoglobin levels
- If severe, haemoglobinuria (excretion of free Hb in urine) → “kopi-o” urine
Describe the clinical findings of hepatic jaundice
- Increased unconjugated bilirubin in blood (if mostly conjugation problem)
- Increased conjugated bilirubin in blood (if mostly excretion problem)
- Urine/stool depends on bilirubin composition
- Increased aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzymes → indicate liver damage
- Decreased albumin/coagulation factor production → indicate non-functioning liver
Describe the clinical findings of post-hepatic jaundice
- Normal unconjugated bilirubin in blood
- Increased conjugated bilirubin in blood
- Increased conjugated bilirubin in urine → bilirubinemia → tea-coloured urine
- Decreased stercobilin → light stools
Discuss the risk factors for neonatal jaundice
- Blood group incompatibility
- G6PD deficiency
- Prematurity
- Low albumin levels
- Chinese: higher risk of UGT mutation
Describe the treatment of jaundice
- Blue-light phototherapy: convert insoluble Z,Z-isomer of bilirubin to more soluble E,E-isomer → excretion in urine → decrease unconjugated bilirubin in blood
- Exchange transfusion to decrease bilirubin quickly if severe
Describe iron metabolism in the body
Iron can come from heme and non-heme (dietary) sources
1. Dietary iron converted from Fe3+ to Fe2+ by ferric reductase
2. Divalent metal transporter (DMT-1) at the apical membrane transports Fe2+ into intestinal cells
3. Heme is absorbed into intestinal cells, iron from heme is also released as Fe2+
4. Within intestinal cells, a portion of the iron is used for cell metabolism and a portion is stored as ferritin
5. The remaining iron is transported out as Fe2+ at the basolateral membrane by ferroportin
6. Fe2+ converted to Fe3+ by hephastin
7. Fe3+ bind to transferrin in bloodstream to form Fe3+-transferrin complex
8. Complexes are transported in blood to liver and reticuloendothelial system
9. Complexes bind to transferrin receptor and enter cells via endocytosis
10. Acidification of endosomes releases Fe into cytoplasm for cell metabolism and storage as ferritin
11. Ferritin stores in liver are readily mobilisable and can be detected in plasma
12. Excess ferritin stored as hemosiderin in macrophages (less accessible)