Foundation - General Pharmacology Flashcards
Outline the steps in rational drug prescribing
- Make diagnosis
- Consider treatment options
- Prescription
- Patient counselling
- Monitoring
Define pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
Pharmacokinetics: processing of drug by body
Pharmacodynamics: effect of drug on body
Measurement of pharmacokinetics
Name the classes of drugs under general pharmacology
- Corticosteroids
- Antihistamines
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Paracetamol
- Local analgesic
- General analgesic
- Opioids
- Antihistamines
- Glucocorticoids
- Antihistamines (gen 1)
- General analgesic
- Opioids
- Paracetamol
- Local analgesic
- Opioids
- General analgesic (inhaled)
List the types of receptors and neurotransmitters, and where they can be found in the autonomic nervous system
Preganglionic neurone in brain stem/spinal cord → acetylcholine → nicotinic receptor on postganglionic neurone → acetylcholine → muscarinic receptor on effector organs
Preganglionic neuron in spinal cord → acetylcholine → nicotinic receptor on postganglionic neurone → norepinephrine → adrenergic receptor on effector organs
Name the types of adrenoreceptors and their locations in the body
Alpha 1: eyes, everywhere
Alpha 2: digestion
Alpha 1+2: vasoconstriction
Beta 1: heart, aqueous humour
Beta 2: lungs, uterus, others
Beta 3: urination, lipolysis, temperature
Describe the adrenergic agonistic effects giving rise to the fight or flight response at different organs
- Alpha 1 agonism → contract iris dilator muscle → pupil dilation/mydriasis
- Alpha 1 agonism → relax ciliary muscle
- Beta 1 agonism → decrease aqueous humour production → decrease intraocular pressure
- Accommodate far vision
Salivary glands: alpha 1 agonism → inhibit saliva secretion
Lungs: beta 2 agonism → bronchodilation
Heart: beta 1 agonism → positive inotropic (force) and chronotropic (rate) effects
Peripheral blood vessels: alpha 1 and 2 agonism → vasoconstriction
- Alpha 1 and alpha 2 agonism → decrease motility and secretion
Liver and gallbladder:
- Alpha 1 and beta 2 agonism→ increase glycogenolysis
- Beta 3 agonism → increase lipolysis
- Alpha 1 agonism → contract bladder sphincter + lower urinary tract muscles
- Beta 3 agonism → relax detrusor → inhibit urination
Describe the MOA of the following non-specific direct adrenergic agonists
(i) Dopamine
(ii) Norepinephrine
(iii) Epinephrine
(i) Dopamine (a1 and b1)
- Used in cardiac resus esp for patients with renal failure due to insufficient renal perfusion
(ii) Norepinephrine (a > b)
- Used in severe hypotension
(iii) Epinephrine (b > a)
- Used in anaphylaxis
- More direct impact on heart and lungs (b1 and b2)
Describe the MOA of alpha-specific direct adrenergic agonists
(i) Oxymetazoline
(ii) Phenylephrine
(iii) Brimonidine
(i) Oxymetazoline (a1, a2)
- Used as nasal decongestant
(ii) Phenylephrine (a1)
- Used in hypotension
(iii) Brimonidine (a2)
- Used in open-angle glaucoma
- Topical to eye
- Preferred over non-selective alpha as it avoids unnecessary a1 action which affects pupil dilation and lens accomodation
Describe the MOA of beta-specific direct agonists
(i) Dobutamine
(ii) Isoprenaline
(iii) Salbutamol/terbutaline
(iv) Mirabegron
(i) Dobutamine (b1)
- Used in congestive heart failure
(ii) Isoprenaline (b1, b2)
- Used in cardiac resus, asthma
(iii) Salbutamol/terbutaline (b2)
- Tocolytic → prevent labour contractions by relaxing uterus during late pregnancy
- Used in asthma
(iv) Mirabegron (b3)
- Used for urinary incontinence
Describe the MOA of indirect adrenergic agonists
(i) Moclobemide
(ii) Tricyclic antidepressants
(iii) Ephedrine/pseudo-ephedrine
(i) Moclobemide → block monoamine oxidase → inhibit breakdown of norepinephrine so its adrenergic agonism effect can persist
- Used as an antidepressant
(ii) Block reuptake of norepinephrine into nerve → more NE at synapse for action
- NE signals are transmitted by presynaptic uptake 1
(iii) Ephedrine/pseudo-ephedrine
- Compete with NE for vesicular compartment and MAO → NE less broken down
- Ephedrine is more potent, no oral administration, pseudo-ephedrine is less potent, able to have oral administration
Describe the effects of adrenergic antagonism on the different target organs
- Alpha 1 antagonism → relax iris dilator muscle → pupil constriction/miosis
- Alpha 1 antagonism → contract ciliary muscle
- Beta 1 antagonism → increased aqueous humour production → increased intraocular pressure
- Accommodate near vision
Salivary glands: alpha 1 antagonism → promote saliva secretion
Lungs: beta 2 antagonism → bronchoconstriction
Heart: beta 1 antagonism → negative inotropic (force) and chronotropic (rate) effects
Peripheral blood vessels: alpha 1 and 2 antagonism → vasodilation
Stomach/intestines: alpha 1 and 2 antagonism → promote motility and secretion
Liver and gallbladder:
- Alpha 1 and beta 2 antagonism → decrease glycogenolysis
- Beta 3 antagonism → decrease lipolysis
- Alpha 1 antagonism → relax bladder sphincter + lift up urinary tract muscles
- Beta 3 antagonism → contract detrusor muscle → promote urination
Describe the MOA of alpha-specific direct adrenergic antagonists
(i) Phenoxybenzamine
(ii) ‘-zosin’s
(iii) Tamsulosin
(iv) Yohimbine
(i) Phenoxybenzamine (a1, a2)
- Used for pheochromocytoma (adrenal gland tumour + hypertension)
(ii) Prazosin (a1)
- Used for chronic hypertension
(iii) Tamsulosin (a1)
- Used for benign prostate hyperplasia
(iv) Yohimbine (a2)
- Has indirect agonist effect → increases NE
- Act at presynaptic terminal
- Abused as weight loss and impotence substance
Describe the MOA of beta-specific direct adrenergic antagonists
(i) Bisoprolol
(ii) Propanolol
(iii) Betaxolol
(iv) Timolol
(v) Sotalol
(i) Bisoprolol (b1)
- Used for hypertension, angina, arrhythmias
- Additional anti-hypertensive effect due to block of renin secretion
- Low lipophilicity → little LA effect
- Use in caution in asthmatic patients due to cross sensitivity
(ii) Propanolol (b1, b2)
- High lipophilicity → LA effect
- Used for hypertension, angina, arrhythmias
- Additional anti-hypertensive effect due to block of renin secretion
(iii) Betaxolol (b1)
- Used in glaucoma
- Additional anti-hypertensive effect due to block of renin
- No LA effect, topical to eye
(iv) Timolol (b1, b2)
- Used in glaucoma
- Additional anti-hypertensive effect due to block of renin
No LA effect, topical to eye
(v) Sotalol (b1, b2)
- Class 2 and 3 anti-arrhythmic drug
What are the contraindications for propanolol?
- Cannot give asthmatics as they block bronchodilation
- Cannot give peripheral vascular disease patients as they further block vasodilation of blood vessels at skeletal muscles
- Cannot give diabetics as they block insulin secretion
Describe the MOA of indirect adrenergic antagonists
- Methyldopa
- Has some direct a2 antagonist effect → used to treat hypertension
- L-tyrosine inhibit tyrosine hydroxylase → decrease NE → decrease epinephrine + increase false transmitter methylnoradrenaline - Dexmedetomidine
- Act at presynaptic a2 autoreceptors
- Tap on feedback inhibition of NE release → decrease NE release for a receptors → visceral vasoconstriction + less signalling to brain
What are the contraindications for methyldopa?
- Haemolytic anaemia → must do blood test
- Hepatotoxicity → liver disease pts
Name the types of cholinergic receptors and their locations throughout the body
G-protein linked receptors
- M1: stomach, CNS
- M2: heart, CNS
- M3: lungs, CNS, glands, GIT
- M4: CNS
- M5: CNS
Ligand-gated Na channels
- Nm: skeletal muscle
- Nn: ganglion, CNS
Describe the effects of cholinergic agonism involving rest and digest on the different target organs
- M3 agonism → contract iris sphincter muscle → pupil constriction/miosis
- M3 agonism → contract ciliary muscle, relax lens
- Accomodate near vision
Salivary glands: M3 agonism → increased salivation
Lungs: M3 agonism → bronchoconstriction, increased airway secretions
Heart: M2 agonism → bradycardia
- M3 agonism → increased GI motility and secretions
- M1 agonism → increased gastric acid secretions
Exocrine glands: M3 agonism → lacrimation/tearing
Gallbladder: M2 agonism → contraction
Bladder: M3 agonism → relax bladder internal sphincter + contract detrusor muscle → urination
Genitals: M2 and M3 agonism → erection, arterial dilation
Describe the MOA of the direct muscarinic receptor agonists
(i) Alkaloids
(ii) Quaternary choline esters
(i) Alkaloids (e.g. pilocarpine)
- Tertiary choline ester → can cross BBB
- Cannot be broken down by cholinesterases
- Used to treat xerostomia, glaucoma
(ii) Quaternary choline esters (e.g. bethanechol)
- Ionised in physiological state → cannot cross BBB
- Can be broken down by cholinesterases
- Used to treat GI atony and urinary retention
What are the contraindications for alkaloids?
Patients with peptic ulcer disease and asthma
Describe the MOA of direct nicotinic receptor agonists: nicotine
- Main clinical use is for smoking cessation
- Low dose to prevent addiction
- Depolarisation and excitation at Nm receptor → skeletal contraction, fasciculations, spasms
- Stimulate release of ACh from presynaptic ganglion by depolarisation → promote adrenaline release + activate Nn receptors on postsynaptic ganglion → increase sympathetic and parasympathetic activity → increase HR, BP etc
Describe the MOA of partial nicotinic receptor agonist: varenicline
- Supports smoking cessation
- Can cause suicidal ideation
Describe the MOA of indirect, reversible cholinergic agonists aka acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
(i) Donepezil
(ii) Edrophonium
(iii) Neostigmine
(i) Donepezil
- Tertiary choline ester → can cross BBB
- Reversible AChE inhibitor → increase ACh at NMJ
- Used for dementia/Alzheimer’s (lack cholinergic)
(ii) Edrophonium
- Short-acting/short half-life
- Used for diagnosis of myasthenia gravis: provide ACh and see if any short-term relief
(iii) Neostigmine
- Ionised in physiological state → cannot cross BBB
- Increase ACh at synapse → overcome “competitive inhibition” aka reverse paralysis by non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) like pancuronium
- Used for myasthenia gravis
Define organophosphates and describe the MOA of the indirect, irreversible cholinergic agonists aka acetylcholinesterase
Organophosphates are “suicide inhibitors” of acetylcholinesterase → donate their phosphate group and become destroyed
E.g. insecticides (malathion, parathion), chemical weapons (sarin, soman)
What are the treatments for organophosphate poisoning?
Pralidoxime: higher affinity to phosphate than AChE → take away phosphate and regenerate AChE before drug permanently changes structure
Atropine: competitively bind to muscarinic receptor → prevent ACh binding → no cholinergic effect
List the common side effects of cholinergic agonists
Miosis/muscle weakness
Describe the effects of cholinergic antagonism on the different target organs
- M3 antagonism → relax iris sphincter muscle → pupil dilation/mydriasis
- M3 antagonism → relax ciliary muscle, contract lens
- Accomodate far vision
Salivary glands: M3 antagonism → decreased salivation
Lungs: M3 antagonism → bronchodilation, decreased airway secretions
Heart: M2 antagonism → tachycardia
- M3 antagonism → decreased GI motility and secretions
- M1 antagonism → decreased gastric acid secretions
Exocrine glands: M3 antagonism → dry eyes
Gallbladder: M2 antagonism → relaxation
Bladder: M3 antagonism → contract bladder internal sphincter + relax detrusor muscle → urinary incontinence
Genitals: M2 and M3 antagonism → arterial constriction, reduced blood flow
Describe the MOA of the direct muscarinic receptor antagonists
(i) Atropine
(ii) Benzatropine
(iii) Scopolamine
(iv) Oxybutanin
(v) Ipratropium bromide
(i) Atropine
- Tertiary amine → cross BBB
- Treat bradycardia (at high dose)
- Used in organophosphate overdose and ophthalmic examinations (pupil dilation)
(ii) Benzatropine
- Tertiary amine → cross BBB
- Used in Parkinson’s disease (lack dopamine)
(iii) Scopolamine
- Tertiary amine → cross BBB
- Used for motion sickness
(iv) Oxybutinin
- Tertiary amine → cross BBB
- Used for urinary incontinence (although mirabegron is still preferred)
(v) Ipratropium bromide
- Quaternary amine → does not cross BBB → limit systemic absorption
- 1st line for COPD, 2nd line for asthma
- Sedative effect due to CNS effects of bromide
What are the contraindications for direct muscarinic receptor antagonists?
Cannot use in narrow angle glaucoma as it relax constrictor muscle → obstruct IOP clearance
Describe the MOA of succinylcholine/suxamethonium
- Opens Na channels associated with nAChRs → depolarisation → muscle contraction/fasciculation/twitching
- Persistent depolarisation → Na channel closes/is blocked
- Desensitisation → prevent muscle from responding to subsequent nerve impulses
- Gradual repolarisation → flaccid paralysis
Describe the MOA of botulinum toxin
- Toxin from bacteria cleaves SNARE proteins
- Inhibits capture/docking of synaptic vesicles at presynaptic membrane
- Prevent exocytosis of ACh containing synaptic vesicles
- Paralysis of muscle
What are the possible side effects of botulinum toxin?
- Paralysis of wrong muscle groups
- Allergies
List the side effects of NMBAs at high doses
- Flushing (due to histmine release)
- Oedema
- Hypotension
- Increased HR (muscarinic receptor antagonism)
Classify the types of NSAIDs and their relative risks of bleeding
- Reversible, non-selective COX inhibitors
- Irreversible, non-selective COX inhibitors: aspirin
- COX-2 selective inhibitors: “-coxib”
- CNS-selective inhibitors: paracetamol
Aspirin (highest risk, COX1>2)
Mefenamic acid
Eterocoxib (lowest risk, COX2>1)
Outline the depolarising blockade
- Depolarising blockers bind to nicotinic receptors → depolarisation → muscle contraction/fasciculation/twitching
- Unlike ACh, depolarising blockers are not rapidly hydrolysed by acetylcholinesterase → persistent depolarisation
- Desensitisation → prevent muscle from responding to subsequent nerve impulses
- Muscle paralysis
List the common side effects of cholinergic antagonists
- Dry mouth
- Urinary retention
- Amnesia
- Constipation
- Drowsiness
*Extent of CNS effects depends on whether drug crosses BBB
Outline the synthesis of cycloxygenase and its downstream enzymes from cell membrane phospholipids, linking it to the inhibition by NSAIDs
phospholipids → phospholipase A2 → arachidonic acid → COX → prostanoids
COX-1 → prostacyclin, prostaglandins, thromboxane
COX-2 → prostacyclin, prostaglandins
NSAIDs inhibit COX → inhibit production of prostanoids
Describe the clinical uses of botulinum toxin
- Upper limb spasticity
- Cosmetic
- Migraine and headache
- Cervical dysplasia (neck muscles contact involuntarily)
- Blepharospasm (excessive blinking), strabismus (squints)
Distinguish between COX-1 and COX-2 inhibition
Generally COX-1 = constitutive and COX-2 = inducible except in:
1. Female repro tract
2. CNS
3. Kidneys
4. Synovial joints
COX-1 → prostacyclin, prostaglandins, thromboxane (predominantly expressed in platelets)
COX-2 → prostacyclin, prostaglandins (predominantly expressed in inflammatory cells at sites of acute inflammation)
Describe the MOA of non-depolarising NMDAs aka direct nucleotide receptor antagonists
- Block Nm acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) → block neurotransmission of NMJ → somatic muscle cannot be regenerated → paralysis of skeletal muscle
- Used for surgical paralysis/intubation to relax skeletal muscles
Short-acting (e.g. rocuronium)
- ~0.5-3 minutes
Intermediate-acting (e.g. pancuronium)
- ~2-5 minutes
Long-acting (e.g. tubocuronine)
- ~2-13 minutes
ONSET: fingers/eyes → limbs/trunks → diaphragm
RECOVERY: diaphragm → limbs/trunk → fingers/eyes
Describe the MOA of NSAIDs (4)
- Anti-inflammatory
- PGI2 decrease → vasodilation decrease
- PGE2 decrease → vascular permeability decrease → less extravasation of fluids
- Less swelling, redness, warmth - Analgesic
- PGE2 decrease → less sensitisation/amplification of pain signal from bradykinins at nociceptive fibres → less pain perception - Anti-pyretic
- PGE2 decrease → less temp alleviation
- Does not reduce normal body temp - Anti-platelet (especially aspirin)
- PGI2 regenerate after few hours with new COX enzyme whereas TXA2 takes 1-2 weeks with new platelet formation
- PGI2 effect»_space; TXA2
- Antiplatelet»_space; prothrombosis
Describe the phenomenon of analgesic ceiling
Still have normal stimulation from bradykinin → basal nerve impulses sent to brain → some pain perception persists
What are the contraindications of NSAIDs?
- Salicylate poisoning in children with viral infection → increased risk of Reye’s syndrome
- Bleeding risk → bruising in elderly
- Precipitating asthma attack in patients with NSAID-exacerbated respiratory disease (NERD)
- Premature closure of ductus arteriosus in late pregnancy → cannot give in 3rd trimester
Describe the side effects of NSAIDs
- Link to PGE2 function in GIT
- Decreased secretion of mucus/HCO3-
- Decreased mucosal blood flow
- Increased gastric acid secretions
- → Ulcer formation, dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting - Link to PGI2 function in renal system
- Decreased renin & aldosterone secretion → hypertension
- Decreased Na+ reabsorption → water retention, oedema, acute renal failure
- Decreased K+ excretion → hyperkalaemia - Unwanted COX-2 inhibition effects
- Shunting of COX to COX-2 pathway → TXA»_space; PGI2 → thrombosis → impaired wound and ulcer healing
- Delayed follicular rupture
Alternative name for paracetamol
Explain the pathogenesis of paracetamol overdose and how it is treated
Paracetamol overdose → induce minor pathway enzymes → deplete glutathione + produce toxic metabolites
N-acetyl cysteine → replenish glutathione → detoxification of toxic metabolites → prevent hepatotoxicity
Describe the specific use of indometacin
Given to premature babies to close the ductus
Discuss the efficacy of indometacin compared to other NSAIDs
Stronger anti-inflammatory as it inhibits production of phospholipase A2 → decrease arachidonic acid → decrease 15-lipoxygenase + COX + 5-lipoxygenase → decrease ALL eicosanoids (leukotrienes, prostanoids, lipoxins)