Haematology slides Flashcards
What does this film show?

Parvovirus B19 infection
- Proerythroblasts with punched out clear nuclear inclusions
- Cause of aplastic anaemia in SCD or hereditary spherocytosis and hydrops fetalis in pregnancy
- Begins with fever, coryza, headache, nausea and vomiting
2-5 days later - malar rash with circumoral pallor (slap cheek), then lace like rash on trunk and limbs
Mx - supportive in fifth disease, transfusion in aplastic crisis
What does this slide show?

Hepatic siderosis
- Hepatic siderosis caused by chronic transfusions and haemochromatosis
- AR inherited mutation in HFE gene at 6p21.3
- Increased iron absorption in gut –> deposition in organs (macrophages) leads to fibrosis
- Fe deposits in liver with Prussian blue stain
- Sx: bronzing, diabetes, Hmegaly, cardiomyopathy
What does this film show?

Hereditary spherocytosis
- Spherocytes
What does this film show?

Hereditary elliptocytosis
- Elliptocytes
What does this film show?

Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis
- AR spectrin mutation/deficiency causing severe form of elliptocytosis
- Severe haemolysis and anaemia in infancy that improves in later life
- Mx - splenectomy if sequestration
What does this film show?

G6PD deficiency
- Bite cells
- Heinz bodies (blue deposits, oxidised Hb)
What does this film show?

Pyruvate Kinase deficiency (post-splenectomy)
What does this film show?

Cabot rings
- Caused by inhibition of erythrocyte production secondary to B12 deficiency
What does this slide show?

Burkitt’s lymphoma (B cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia)
- “Starry sky” appearance
- Tumour cells with minimal cytoplasm form the blue background, “sky”, while the macrophages appear white, “stars”.
What does this film show?

Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Reed-Sternberg cell, “owl-eyed”, binucleated/multinucleated cell with inclusion like nucleoli and surrounded by eosinophils
What does this film show?

Dacrocytes/ “Tear drop cells”
- Found in bone marrow infiltration (by myelofibrosis, granulomatous inflammation, hematologic or metastatic malignancy), splenic abnormalities, megaloblastic anemia, and thalassemia.
What does this film show?

Blast cells
- Acute leukaemia
What does this film show?

- Blast cells with fine granules and Auer rods (difficult to see, therefore further testing usually done to differentiate from ALL)
- Would test postive with myeloperoxidase
- Immunophenotyping confirms diagnosis and informs management
Ix - bone marrow biopsy
What does this slide show?

Bone marrow trephine in polycythaemia
- Increased cellularity of bone marrow
- JAK2 mutation present
- Low serum erythropoetin
- Sx: splenomegaly, plethora, erythomelalgia, thrombosis, retinal vein engorgement, gout
What does this slide show?

Bone marrow trephine showing megakaryocyte clustering
- Essential thrombocythaemia
- Clinical features: 50% incidental, or thrombosis, mucocutaneous bleeding, headaches, dizziness, visual disturbance
- Peaks at 30 and 55 years
- Sustained non-reactive thrombocytosis >600x10^9/L
- JAK 2 V617F mutation
- Mx: aspirin, anagrelide, hydroxycarbamide, alpha INF
What do these films show?

Chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis
- Leucoerythroblastic picture with tear drop poikilocytes, giant plts and circulating megakaryoctytes
- “Dry tap” bone marrow aspirate
- 2o to PV or ET
- Sx - cytopaenia, thrombocytosis, HSmegaly, hypermetabolic state
What does this slide show?

Bone marrow trephine showing myelofibrosis
- Increased reticulin/collage fibrosis
- Prominent megakaryocyte hyperplasia with clustering
- New bone formation
What does this film show?

Leucoerythroblastic film
- Tear drop poikilocytes
- Nucleated RBC
- Myelocyte
- Dx: bone marrow infiltration e.g. cancer, TB, severe fungal infection, myelofibrosis
What does this film show?

- Schistocytes (RBC fragments)
- Thrombocytopaenia
- Anaemia, reticulytosis, raised uncongugated Bi, raised LDH, reduced haptoglobins
- DAT -ve
- 2o to HUS, TTP, DIC, PET
- Mx: plasma exchange
What does this film show?
(Patient has raised WCC)

Chronic myeloid leukaemia
- Neutrophilia (50-500), basophilia, immature myelocytes
- Splenomegaly (often massive)
- Middle aged (40-60yo)
- Ph chromosome +ve (80%) translocation (9;22)
- PCR for BCR-ABL fusion gene
- Mx indolent dx (<5% blasts) with imatinib (BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor)
What does this film show?

- Small lymphocytes and smear cells
- Elderly (65-70yo)
- Sx: asymptomatic/incidental, symmetrical painless LNpathy, BM failure, FLAWS
- Ix: high WBC with lymphocytosis, low serum Ig
- Mx: watchful waiting if asymptomatic, alemtuzumab in p53 deletion or clinical trial or chlorambucil
What does this film show?

Multiple myeloma (neoplasia of plasma cells)
- Rouleaux (RBC stacking), normocytic and normochromic anaemia,
- Thrombocytopaenia and neutropaenia
- Bence-Jones protein in urine, v high ESR, >10% plasma cells in BM
- CRAB (hypercalc, renal failure, anaemia, bone lesions)
- Mostly IgG (66%)
- Mx: supportive (bisphosphonates), auto-SCT (younger), Bortezomib + low dose dexamethasone + thalidomide/lenalidomide
What does this film show?

Normal neutrophils
- Most abundant WBC and granulocyte
- Innate immunity
- Type of polymorphonuclear cell, others are basophils and eosinophil
- Segmented nuclei (2-5 lobes) and stain pink (H&E)
- Basophils: bean-shaped nuclei and stain dark blue (H&E)
- Eosinophils: bilobed nucleus and stain bright red (H&E)
What does this film show?

Pelger-Huet anomaly
- Bilobed neutrophil with lobes connected with a thin strand (arrow) and reduced granulation
- Found in MDS and may be inherited
- Other morphology of MDS: dysgranulopoiesis of neutrophils, dyserythropoiesis of red cells, dysplastic megakaryocites, increased blasts in BM
What does this film show?

Dysgranulopoeisis of neutrophil
Other morphology of MDS: Pelger-Huet anomaly, dyserythropoiesis of red cells, dysplastic megakaryocites, increased blasts in BM
What does this film show?

- Increased number of mature and hypersegmented neutrophils
- Characterised by lengthening and thinning of intrasegmented filaments and vacuoules
- Leads to retention of neutrophils in BM
NB// rare congenital disorder unlikely to come up
What does this film show?

Other morphology of MDS: Pelger-Huet anomaly, dysgranulopoeisis of neutrophils, dysplastic megakaryocites, increased blasts in BM
What does this film show?

Ringed sideroblasts (Prussian blue)
- Refractory anaemia with ringed sideroblasts (one of the MDS)
- MDS: progressive disorder featuring ineffective proliferation and differentiation of myeloid stem cells
- Seen in elderly, sx develop over weeks/months: BM failure
- Ix: by definition <20% blasts, hypercellular BM
- MX: supportive (transfusion, EPO, G-CSF, abx), immunosuppression (lenalidomide), chemo (like AML), allogenic SCT
What does this film show?

Myeloblasts with Auer rods (AML)
- AML: acute neoplastic disease of BM and blood (>20% blasts)
- Subtypes: M3 associated with DIC, M4+5 associated with skin/gum infiltration and hypokalaemia
- Sx: BM failure, organ infiltration e.g. HSmegaly, LNpathy, pain etc.
- Ix: morphology +/- cytochemistry, flow cytometry (CD34, MPO) genetics
- Mx: chemo, ATRA for M3, supportive
What does this slide show?

Normal bone marrow
What does this slide show?

Aplastic bone marrow
- Aplastic anaemia
- Bimodal age incidence: 15-24 and over 60
- Majority idiopathic (70-80%)
- Inherited: Fanconi anaemia, dyskertatosis congenita, Schwachman-Diamond syndrome
- Secondary to radiation, drugs (cytotixic, chloramphenicol, NSAIDs), hepatitis, SLE
What does this film show?

Thalassemia trait
- Target cells, hypochromic, microcytic RBC, nucleated RBC
What does this film show?

Basophilic stippling
- Small dots on periphery (rRNA)
- Due to accelerated red cell production or defective Hb synthesis
- Dx: lead poisoning, megaloblastic anaemia, myelodysplasia, liver disease, haemoglobinopathy, thalassemia
What does this film show?

- RBCs show many spicules
- Abetaliproproteinaemia (congenital lack of apoliproteins, fat malabsorption), liver disease, hyposplenism
What does this film show?

- Irregular shaped cells (“Burr” or “Sea urchin”)
- Uraemia, GI bleed, stomach carcinoma
What does this film show?

Howell-Jolly bodies
- Basophilic (purple spot) remnants in RBC
- Post splenectomy or hyposplenism e.g. SCD, coeliac, congenital, IBD, myeloproliferative, amyloid
- Megaloblastic anaemia
- Hereditary spherocytosis
What does this film show?

- RBCs of multiple colours, particularly blue due to varying levels of Hb
- Premature release from BM (sign of reticulocytosis)
What does this film show?

Right-shift (hypersegmented neutrophils)
- Megaloblastic anaemia, uraemia, liver dx
What does this film show?

Stomatocytes (“smiling faces”)
- Central pallor in rod shape
- Hereditary, etOH xs, liver dx
What does this film show?

Target cells
- Central pallor
- Liver dx, hyposplenism, thalassemia, IDA
What does this film show?

Sickle cell disease
- AR haemoglobinopathy (Glu -> Val at codon 6 of B chain)
- Sickle cell anaemia (HbSS) - severe, manifests at 3-6 months as HbF decreases
- Sickle cell trait (HbAS) asymptomatic unless under stress e.g. exercise
Others: HbSC, HbS/B
What does this film show?

Pyruvate kinase deficiency
- AR recessive most common
- Sx: severe neonatal jaundice, splenomegaly, haemolytic anaemia
- Mx: most dont need it, can be transfusion or splenectomy