haematology - anaemia Flashcards
Hb values if anaemic
M: <135 g/L
F: <115g/L
general causes of anaemia
↓ RBC production
↑ RBC loss
↑ plasma volume
general symptoms of anaemia
fatigue dyspnoea faintness palpitations headache tinnitus anorexia
general signs of anaemia
hyper dynamic circulation (tachycardia)
flow murmurs (HF)
high MCV suggests
↓ RBC production
low MCV suggests
normal RBC count but low content
eg. iron deficiency, thalassaemia
causes of microcytic anaemia (FAST)
Fe deficiency
anaemia of chronic disease
sideroblastic anaemia
causes of normocytic anaemia
acute blood loss
anaemia of chronic disease
bone marrow failure
renal failure
causes of microcytic anaemia (FT MR. ABC)
fetus (pregnancy) thyroid (hypo) myelodysplastic syndromes reticulocytosis antifolates B12/folate deficiency cirrhosis
signs of IDA
koilonychia atrophic glossitis angular chelosis post-cricoid webs (PV syndrome) brittle hair and mails
IDA blood film
microcytic hypochromic anisocytosis poikilocytosis pencil cells
IDA classification
blood loss - GI bleed
intravascular haemolysis - chronic Hb loss
↑ use - pregnancy/lactation, child growth
↓ intake - diet, prematurity
↓ absorption - coeliac, post gastric surgery
treatment of IDA
treat cause
oral ferrous sulphate
IV Fe if severe symptomatic anaemia
treatment of IDA in sepsis/severe infection
- Fe will not absorb well
- Fe can fuel sepsis
side effects of oral Fe
abdominal discomfort
black stools