Haematology Flashcards
What are the causes of a normocytic anaemia?
Anaemia of chronic disease (low iron, low TIBC, raised ferritin) CKD Aplastic anaemia Haemolytic anaemia Acute blood loss
What is the commonest inherited bleeding disorder?
Von Willebrand’s disease
What is the inheritance of Von Willebrand’s?
Mostly autosomal dominant
What are the features fo Von Willebrands?
Rare- muscle hameatoma,, haemarthroses
What is the management of Von Willebrands?
TXA for mild bleeding
Factor VIII concentrate
What investigation results would suggest Von Willebrands?
Bleeding time prolonged
APTT may be prolonged
Factor VIII may be reduced
What factor is Von Willbrand a carrier for? What does it do?
Factor VIII
Promotes platelet adhesion to damaged endothelium
What are the features of ITP?
Thrombocytopenia (low platelets)
What may ITP follow?
Infection or vaccination
What is the treatment for ITP?
None- self limiting
Who is chronic ITP more common in?
Young/middle-aged women
What conditions are spherocytes found in’?
Hereditary spherocytosis
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
What does the Coombs test investigate?
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
What is polycythaemia vera?
Myeloproliferative disorder caused by clonal proliferation of a marrow stem cell leading to increased red cell volume
What mutation is present in 95% of patients with polycythaemia vera?