Haematology Flashcards
Before treatment with rituximab, all patients should receive screening for what and why?
Hepatitis B, as rituximab can reactivate hep B in those with prior exposure
Auer rods on blood film are characteristic of which haematological malignancy?
Acute myeloid leukaemia
Reed-Sternberg cells are characteristic of which haematological malignancy?
Hodgkins lymphoma
Alcohol induced lymph node pain is characteristic of which haematological malignancy?
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Lymphadenopathy in lymphoma will have what character?
Non tender and asymmetrical
Eosinophilia is suggestive of which type of lymphoma?
Lymphoma will typically present with what type of anaemia?
EBV and HIV are risk factors for which haematological malignancies?
Lymphomas - HL and NHL
What is the diagnostic method of choice for lymphomas?
Excisional nose biopsy
The Richter’s transformation describes what?
Change of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia to non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Confusion and constipation should raise concern of which electrolyte abnormality?
Urinary Bence-Jones protein are suggestive of what?
The rouleaux formation on blood film is suggestive of what?
NICE recommend what type of scan for new myeloma patients?
Whole body MRI
To diagnose myeloma, what percentage of plasma cells in biopsy is required?
State minor and major criteria.
Minor - 10-30%
Major - over 30%
Suspected spinal cord compression should be treated how?
Dexamethasone plus urgent referral
** oncological emergency **
Myelodysplastic syndrome carries the risk of progression to which haematological malignancy?
Acute myeloid leukaemia
Pancytopenia with a hypercellular marrow is suggestive of what?
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Pancytopenia with a hypocellular marrow is suggestive of what?
Aplastic anaemia
The majority of aplastic anaemias have what aetiology?
Burkitt’s lymphoma is what type of neoplasm?
High grade B cell
Endemic Burkitt’s lymphoma is most associated with what virus?
Sporadic Burkitt’s lymphoma is most associated with what virus?
Endemic Burkitt’s lymphoma most commonly involves which bodily area?
Mandible and maxilla
Starry sky appearance in microscopy is suggestive of what?
Burkitt’s lymphoma
Cancer patients most often acquire an aplastic anaemia via what?
Infection in those with neutropenia is often managed with which antibiotic?
The c-myc gene translocation is most commonly implicated in which haematological malignancy?
Burkitt’s lymphoma
Myelodysplastic syndrome is most commonly secondary to what? After what time period does this develop?
Chemo or radiotherapy, around 5 years post treatment
Warm autoimmune haemolytic anaemia is associated with which haematological malignancy?
Positive Coombs testing is suggestive of what?
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
Paraproteinaemia in myeloma can cause what abnormality of the blood?
Low haptoglobin is suggestive of what type of anaemia?
Positive Coombs testing is suggestive of what type of anaemia?
Autoimmune haemolytic
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia can possibly transform to what?
Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Which medication can be given in autoimmune cases of aplastic anaemia?
ATG infusion can be used in the treatment of what?
Aplastic anaemia
What 2 types of anaemia may phenytoin cause?
- Megaloblastic Macrocytic
- Aplastic
Fill in the 3 blanks:
Phenytoin causes altered metabolism of ____, causing ____ ____ anaemia
- Folate
- Megaloblastic
- Macrocytic
Parvovirus B19 can cause what type of anaemia?
Name 2 conditions in which platelet transfusion in the context of low platelets is not indicated
- Chronic bone marrow failure
- Immune mediated thrombocytopenia
What is the threshold for platelet transfusion in those with no active bleeding or planned invasive procedure?
What are the thresholds for platelet transfusion in those with:
1. Active mild-moderate bleeding
2. Active severe bleeding
- 30
- 100
What transfusion should be given first line to patients with CKD and low Hb?
EPO stimulating agent
Superior vena cava syndrome can be treated by what?
- Endovascular stenting for symptom relief
- Chemo or radio for definitive management
Superior vena cava syndrome is most commonly caused by what 2 malignancies?
Small cell lung cancer and lymphoma
What is the first line treatment for ITP in adults?
Oral prednisolone
What medication may be administered to reduce bleeding in Von Willebrand’s disease and haemophilia A?
Which haematological malignancy may polycythaemia rubra vera transform into?
Acute myeloid leukaemia
In a non urgent scenario, over what time period should 1 unit of red blood cells be transfused?
90-120 minutes
Heinz bodies on blood film are suggestive of what?
G6PD deficiency
Rituximab acts against which class of receptors?
What is the universal donor for FFP?
What is the first line imaging modality in suspected myeloma?
Whole body MRI
Which virus can cause aplastic crises in patients with hereditary spherocytosis?
Ileocaecal resection may lead to deficiency in what?
Vitamin B12
Which medication should be prescribed in polycythaemia vera to decrease incidence of thrombotic events?
SLE commonly causes which FBC defect?
Low haptoglobin is suggestive of what?
Haemolytic anaemia
The EMA binding test is used to diagnose what?
Hereditary spherocytosis
What is the first line treatment for polycythaemia vera in order to keep Hb in range?
What is the first line treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia?
Decreased leukocyte alkaline phosphatase is implicated in which haematological malignancy?
Chronic myeloid leukaemia
Myeloma diagnosis is achieved through what 2 tests?
Serum protein electrophoresis then bone marrow biopsy
What are the 3 main components for dealing with a sickle cell crisis?
Oxygen, analgesia, fluids
Which leukaemia is most likely to present with massive splenomegaly?
Chronic myeloid leukaemia
Which leukaemia is most likely to be picked up incidentally?
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Methotrexate can result in deficiency of what?
Macrocytic anaemia plus isolated rise in GGT is suggestive of what?
Alcohol excess
Tear drop poilkilocytes on blood film are associated with what?
Hyperplasia of abnormal megakaryocytes is suggestive of what disorder?
What medication can be used as prophylaxis for neutropenic sepsis?
If a patient with neutropenic sepsis is still unwell after 48 hours of tazocin therapy, what should they be given instead?
Which blood product can be given in an emergency in haemophilia or Von Willebrand’s disease?
Which blood product is given in cases of low fibrinogen?
Pappenheimer bodies on blood film are suggestive of what?
Post splenectomy
Which prophylactic antibiotic should be given to patients who are post splenectomy?
Pen V
IgA deficiency increases the risk of what complication during blood transfusion?
Which blood product holds the highest risk for bacterial contamination and why?
Platelets, stored at room temperature
Fever, abdominal pain and hypotension are characteristic of which blood transfusion reaction?
Acute haemolytic
Non haemolytic febrile reaction to blood transfusion should be managed how?
DIC is associated with what finding on blood film?
What is the major constituent in cryoprecipitate?
Factor VIII (8)
Coeliac disease is associated with what finding on blood film?
Howell-Jolly bodies
In patients with hereditary spherocytosis, what may trigger an aplastic crisis?
Parvovirus B19
State the levels of each of the following in Von Willebrand’s disease:
1. Bleeding time
2. Platelets
- Prolonged
- Normal
- Prolonged
Bite and blister cells on blood film are characteristic of what?
G6PD deficiency
Administering irradiated blood products decreases the risk of what?
Graft versus host disease
What is the first line transfusion product in DIC?
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
State the levels of the following in tumour lysis syndrome:
1. Potassium
2. Phosphate
3. Calcium
4. Uric acid
- High potassium
- High phosphate
- Low calcium
- High uric acid
Raynaud’s phenomenon is suggestive of what type of anaemia?
Cold autoimmune haemolytic anaemia