Haematology Flashcards
What percentage of cases of neutropenia are suspected to be drug induced?
What are some of the main culprit drugs responsible for drug-induced neutropenia?
Antibiotics - Chloramphenicol, Dapsone, Isoniazid, Meropenem, Streptomycin, Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim
Antifungals - Terbinafine
Antimalarials - chloroquine, primiquine, quinine
Anti-inflammatories - diclofenac, ibuprofen, sulfasalazine
Anti-thyroid drugs - carbimazole, PTU
Antipsychotic drugs - chlorpromazine, clozapine
Antidepressants - mirtazapine, mianserin, tricyclics
Anti-epileptics - Carbamazepine, Ethosuximide, Phenytoin, Valproate, Zonisamide
Cardiovascular drugs - ACEIs, Acetazolamide, Digoxin, Flecainide, Procainamide, Propranolol, Spironolactone, Ticlopidine
Immunomodulators - hydroxychloroquine, leflunomide, rituximab
Nitrous oxide
Patients with chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is often dose-dependent, associated with other cell lines (due to bone marrow toxicity) with the nadir occurring at 7-14 days and recovery over 3-4 weeks - what is unusual of about the neutropenia that can occur in patients treated with chemotherapy + Rituximab therapy?
Patients who receive the anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody rituximab in addition to chemotherapy may, rarely, experience a delayed neutropenia beyond this 3-4-week period with unpredictable onset and recovery time
Why is it important to differentiate between idiosyncratic drug-induced neutropenia and dose-dependent drug-induced neutropenia?
Because idiosyncratic drug-induced neutropenia is associated with increased rates of infection and mortality rates ranging from 2.5-25%
How do you treat drug-induced neutropenia?
Cease the culprit medication immediately in patients with evolving neutropenia or agranulocytosis. However, if the effect is dose-dependent and mild, drugs can sometimes be continued with close monitoring, although making this distinction can be difficult
What are the most common infectious-causes of neutropenia?
Viral infections
Short and self-limited:
Viral hepatitis
Viral exanthems (measles, rubella, varicella)
Can neutropenia be secondary to bacterial infection and if so, which ones in particular?
Mycobacterial infections incl TB
Rickettsial infections
Severe overwhelming sepsis - poor prognostic indicator
How do you make the diagnosis of autoimmune neutropenia (ie related to autoimmune disease such as RA/SLE)
Largely clinical - as assays for antineutrophil autoantibodies are difficult to perform and generally considered to be unreliable or non-diagnostic
What is the significance of autoimmune neutropenia?
Neutropenia can be triggered by a flare in the underlying disease and tends to track disease activity.
How do you treat autoimmune neutropenia?
Most cases improve on management of the underlying condition and rarely require specific treatment
What is the classic triad of Felty’s syndrome?
RA + neutropenia + splenomegaly
What is the significance of recognising Felty’s syndrome?
Neutropenia tends to be severe and is associated with significant morbidity from infective complications and the RA is severe and deforming.
How do you treat Felty’s syndrome?
Felty’s syndrome is currently rarely seen because of early and aggressive management as well as substantial advancements in the efficacy of available therapies
Controlling the RA tends to resolve the neutropenia, but G-CSF (filgrastim or pegylated filgrastim) may be necessary in refractory cases
What nutritional deficiencies can cause neutropenia?
Vitamin B12 (assoc macrocytic anaemia)
Folate (assoc macrocytic anaemia)
Global - anorexia nervosa
What features may suggest a bone marrow failure/infiltration/dysplasia as cause of neutropenia?
- Other cell lines affected (eg anaemia)
- B symptoms incl fevers, weight loss, night sweats
- lymphadenopathy or bone pain
- blood film abnormalities incl blasts or in solid organ malignancies assoc with marrow involvement -> leukoerythroblastic anaemia (that is, nucleated red cells and neutrophil precursors)
What features does T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukaemia (T-LGLL)-associated neutropenia share with Felty’s syndrome?
An association with RA
Severe neutropenia
An association with HLA-DR4.
How do you differentiate T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukaemia (T-LGLL)-associated neutropenia from Felty’s syndrome?
Monoclonal lymphocytes in T-LGLL
Oligoclonal or polyclonal lymphocytes in Felty’s syndrome
How do you diagnose Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia?
Once you have excluded other causes eg with history and exam + bone marrow biopsy
More common in px with mediterranean ancestry + mild-to-mod neutropenia (rarely dips <0.8 or requires treatment)
What is constitutional neutropenia (previously called benign ethnic neutropenia)?
A form of chronic, mild neutropenia in patients of the relevant ethnicity, with no other evident causes
Ethnicities - some Mediterranean, African, Yemenite Jewish, Ethiopian, Middle Eastern, Caribbean and West Indian populations
The diagnosis requires at least three blood tests showing neutropenia at least two weeks apart + exclusion of other causes
Note no associated increased rates of infection
What are the core features of cyclic neutropenia (CN)?
Cyclic neutropenia (CN) is a rare condition characterised by self-limiting neutropenia associated with fever, skin or oral ulcers, and/or cervical lymphadenopathy during a neutrophil nadir that occurs every 2-5 weeks
Patients are generally well between episodes
The absolute neutrophil count oscillates and severe neutropenia typically lasts 4-5 days each cycle, during which patients are also prone to infections
Cycle lengths vary between patients but are consistent in an individual.12
To diagnose CN, serial FBCs are required 2-3 times a week for at least six weeks to establish the pattern of neutropenia
The diagnosis can be confirmed with genetic testing for ELANE gene mutations and does not routinely require a bone marrow biopsy.
CN is an autosomal dominant condition resulting from mutations in the ELANE gene, the same gene implicated in many cases of SCN
What initial investigations should be ordered for a patient with neutropenia?
Recommended for all patients:
- FBC with differential.
- Blood film.
- EUC.
- LFTs.
Focused investigations based on clinical assessment:
- Septic screen (including blood culture).
- ANA, dsDNA, RF, anti-CCP, ESR/CRP.
- Flow cytometry
- B12/folate/copper
- HIV, HCV, HBsAg, HBsAb, HBcAb and other viral serology as appropriate.
Specialised investigations considered by a haematologist:
- Bone marrow biopsy.
- Genetic studies.
What are the main risks with G-CSF (Filgrastim) therapy
bone pain, myalgias, splenomegaly and osteoporosis
There is also a theoretical increased risk for AML in Severe Congenital Neutropenia
G-CSF is safe in acquired causes of neutropenia with no identified increased risk for AML
What are the indications for considering bone marrow transplant in a patient with Cyclic Neutropenia?
Disease refractory to G-CSF, recurrent severe infections, bone marrow failure and malignant transformation
What is the most common inherited bleeding disorder?
Von Willebrand Disease
What is the mode of inheritance for von Willebrand disease?
Autosomal with variable penetrance and expressivity
What is the cause and pathophysiology of von Willebrand Disease?
VWD is due to qualitative and quantitative defects in von willebrand factor secondary to an autosomal genetic condition
Rarely patients can develop acquired von Willebrand syndrome secondary to lymphoproliferative disorders (e.g. MGUS, MM, Waldenstrom’s) and has been reported with aortic stenosis and hypothyroidism
Von Willebrand Factor is synthesised in endothelial cells and megakaryocytes and is a high molecular weight multimer
VWF mediates platelet adhesion to exposed subendothelium at sites of vascular injury + stabilises and carries factor VIII (protective co-factor)
Patients with vWD predominantly have symptoms of platelet dysfunction eg mucosal bleeding
Type 1 = quantititive defect
Type 2 = qualitative defect
Type 3 = severe quantitative defect
What subtypes of von Willebrand disease may be accompanied by haemarthroses and low factor VIII levels?
Type 2N and type 3 - can resemble haemophilia A
Type 2N = marked decrease in the affinity of vWF for factorVIII thus patient’s factor VIII half life is very short (plasma levels reduced to 5-25%)
Type 3 = complete absence of VWF
What is unique about Type 2B von Willebrand Disease?
It is actually a result of a gain-of-function mutation which increases binding of vWF to platelets resulting in the platelet-VWF complex being more readily cleaved by ADAMTS13 and subsequently cleared by the reticuloendothelial system
These patients often have a mild-to-moderate thrombocytopenia
What blood group has lower von Willebrand Factor levels at baseline?
O-type blood
Why might a young adult with mucosal bleeding who is diagnosed with von Willebrand’s disease have normal von Willebrand Factor levels in later life?
Because von Willebrand Factor levels increase with age and may, in a sizeable % of patients reach normal levels later in life
Note vWF levels can increase with exercise, inflammation, stress and menstrual cycle/pregnancy
What are the typical symptoms of von Willebrand Disease?
Easy bruising
Excessive bleeding from minor wounds/surgery esp mucosal eg tonsillectomy, wisdom tooth extraction
Mucosal bleeding
May have symptoms of iron deficiency/anaemia
Which subtypes of VWD are associated with more severe disease?
Type 2 or 3 - symptoms may begin at earlier age, more likely to have positive family history (as autosomal dominant) and in cases of type 2N or 3 may have haemarthroses
How do you test for von Willebrand Disease?
In addition to FBC and coagulation tests (which are often normal) request:
1) von Willebrand factor antigen
(measures the quantity of plasma vWF using ELISA-based method; <30% = VWD, 30-50% with positive bleeding history also indicates VWB)
2) Platelet-dependent VWF activity (eg VWF:RCo or VWF:GP1BM or VWF:CB)
- these assess the ability of VWF to bind to its normal binding partners
VWF:RCo has been the gold standard but not automated and not as sensitive so VWF:GP1bM/collagen so now others mostly used
<30IU = VWD
30-50IU and bleeding history = VWF
3 ) Factor VIII levels
(often normal or low-normal but may be frankly decreased in VWD Type 2N or 3)
How do you distinguish between VWD and mild haemophilia?
Clinically similar bleeding symptoms although VWD tends to have more mucosal bleeding
Family history - VWD is autosomal whilst haemophilia is X-linked pattern
haemophilia have reduced Factor VIII with normal VWF Ag and activity
Type 3 VWD - factor VIII + VWF ag + VWF activity all reduced
Type 2N VWD - Use special VWF binding to normal factor VIII studies and/or genetic analysis of the VWF binding site for factor VIII
How do you distinguish the subtype of VWD?
Initially can look at platelet-dependent VWF activity to VWF antigen level
- if ratio >0.7 = Type 1
- if ratio <0.7 = Type 2 because it demonstrates platelet-dependent VWF activity is out of proportion to reduction of VWF in circulation
Can also perform FactorVIII activity to VWF antigen (low in Type 2N)
Can also perform VWF multimer analysis (visually quantifies the densitometry of the bands to distinguish those with large multimers from others
What other tests might you consider in patient with newly diagnosed von Willebrand Disease?
TSH - to detect hypothyroidism
Serum protein electrophoresis - to detect MGUS/MM
How do you treat von Willebrand disease?
Depends on subtype
Note if life-threatening bleeding - treat as for type 3 until more information required with:
VWF-containing concentrate +/- platelet transfusion +/- cryoprecipitate
Type 1
- see whether they respond to desmopressin (desmopressin results in release of vWF and Factor VIII from endothelial stores); patients show have at least 3-5x increase in levels of these 30-60mins post administration
- antifibronolytics (e.g. tranexamic acid)
+ desmopressin (if desmopressin responder)
OR vWF-containing concentrate (if non-responder)
Type 2
- can use desmopressin for 2A and 2M (may respond)
+ antifibrolytic
+ VWF containing concentrates
- however desmopressin ineffective in 2B (and may worsen thrombocytopenia) and 2N
Type 3
- VWF-containing concentrates (note important to give high-purity concentrate which also contains Factor VIII as otherwise takes 6-8hrs post-VWF alone for endogenous levels of Factor VIII to reach haemostatic levels
antifibrinolytic therapy
How do you treat patients with chronic or recurrent menorrhagia in setting of vWD?
Hormonal therapy (if benefits > risks) as oestrogen increases VWF and may reduce menstrual blood flow
Can consider desmopressin but evidence inconclusive