Haematology Flashcards
Non-haemolytic febrile reaction
- temp increase by 1-2, or >38
- ABs reacting to WBC fragments/cytokines in blood product
- fever, chills
- slow / stop transfusion
- paracetamol
- monitor
Blood product transfusion reactions
Acute reactions
- Immunological – acute haemolytic, non-haemolytic febrile, allergic / anaphylaxis
- Infective
- Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
- Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO)
- Hyperkalaemia, iron overload, clotting
- hypotension in isolation
- transfusion associated dyspnoea
Delayed reactions
- Delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction
- Post transfusion purpura
- Transfusion associated graft vs host disease
Minor allergic reaction
- ?from foreign plasma proteins, hypersensitivity reaction
Px - pruritis
- urticaria
Mx - stop transfusion
- antihistamine
- monitor
- continue once sx resolve
- hypotension, SOB, wheeze, angioedema
- stop the transfusion
- IM adrenaline
- A-E, O2, fluids, antihistamine, corticosteroids, bronchodilators, ITU review
Acute haemolytic reaction
- ABO-incompatible blood -> massive intravascular haemolysis
- begin in minutes
- fever
- abdo/chest pain
- hypotension
- UO falls
- stop transfusion
- check pt identity, name on blood product
- Send bloods - DAT, G/S, crossmatch
- fluid resus
- discuss with haem / ITU - maybe steroids +/- IV Ig
- renal failure
Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO)
- excessive rate of transfusion, eg pre-existing HF
- immediately, can be <24hrs
Px - pulm oedema
- ?hypertension
Mx - Slow / stop transfusion
- Consider furosemide, O2
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
- non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema - increased vascular permeability from host neutrophils
- hypoxia / ARDS <6hrs post-transfusion
Px - hypoxia
- fever
- hypotension
Ix - CXR - pulm infiltrates
Mx - stop transfusion
- O2, supportive
Delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction
- fever, failure to respond to transfusion, unexplained bilirubin rise
- Dx on lab tests
Post-transfusion purpura
- immune mediated - 5-12d after transfusion
- platelet drop
Indications for blood transfusion
- acute bleeding, haemodynamically unstable
- Hb <70, stable
- Hb <80, ACS
- chronic transfusion-dependent anaemia
- radiotherapy (aim Hb>100)
- exchange transfusion
Anticoagulants reversal
dabigatran - idarucizumab
heparin - protamine sulfate
apixaban/rivaroxaban - andexanet alfa
edoxaban - ?andexanet alfa
warfarin - vit K, FFP, PCC
anaemia - definition
- low Hb conc
- Men Hb 130-180, women Hb 120-165
- MCV 80-100
causes of microcytic anaemia?
MCV<80 - microcytic
- iron deficiency
- anaemia of chronic disease
- thalassaemia
- congenital sideroblastic anaemia
- lead poisoning
causes of normocytic anaemia?
MCV80-100 - normocytic
- acute blood loss
- anaemia of chronic disease
- combined haematinic deficiency - iron + B12
- aplastic anaemia
- pregnancy
- haemolytic anaemia
- hypothyroidism
causes of macrocytic anaemia?
MCV>100 - macrocytic
- B12/folate deficiency - megaloblastic - pernicious anaemia
- alcohol excess / liver disease
- hypothyroid
- bone marrow failure / infiltration
- drugs - azathioprine, methotrexae
- reticulocytosis - rapid turnover, eg haemolytic anaemia
- myelodysplasia
what is haemolytic anaemia?
- abnormal breakdown of RBCs
- see reticulocytosis, increased bilirubin, LDH
Anaemia general Px
- fatigue, SOB, faint, dizzy
- palpitations, headaches, tinnitus, anorexia
- angina, HF
- conjunctival pallor, pale skin
- hyperdynamic circulation - tachycardia, flow murmurs, cardiac enlargement
Anaemia general Ix
- FBC - Hb, MCV
- reticulocyte count
- blood film
- renal profile
- LFTs
- ferritin, B12, folate
- TFTs
- IF ABs
- Coeliac ABs
- HB electrophoresis
- colonoscopy + OGD
- bone marrow biopsy
iron deficiency anaemia
- low Hb due to low iron
- iron absorbed in duodenum/jejunum - needed for haem formation
causes of iron deficiency anaemia?
- low iron diet - vegans, lack of green leafy veg
- blood loss - menorrhagia, GI bleed, hookworm
- malabsorption - coeliac, Crohn’s
- higher iron demand - pregnancy, growing children
- PPIs
- paeds - excessive cow’s milk intake, CMPA
iron deficiency anaemia px
- anaemia - fatigue, SOB, pallor, dizzy/faint, palpitations, headaches
- brittle hair, nails
- atrophic glossitis
- koilonychia
- angular stomatitis / cheilitis
- pica
iron deficiency anaemia Ix
- FBC, blood film - hypochromic, microcytic anaemia, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis
- iron studies - low serum ferritin, high TIBC / transferrin
- reduced reticulocyte count
- colonoscopy + OGD
iron deficiency anaemia Mx
- oral iron - ferrous sulfate / fumarate
- iron-rich diet
- iron infusions - IV CosmoFer
- blood transfusion
Sideroblastic anaemia - Px, Ix and Mx
- RBCs fail to completely form haem
- congenital / acquired
- anaemia sx
- FBC - hypochromic, microcytic anaemia
- blood film - basophilic stippling of RBCs
- iron studies - high ferritin/iron/transferrin saturation
- bone marrow - Prussian blue staining – ringed sideroblasts
- tx cause, supportive
- pyridoxine (vit B6)
- transfusions
anaemia of chronic disease - Px, Ix and Mx
- anaemia secondary to chronic disease
- poor use of iron / decreased RBC survival / decreased EPO
Causes - Crohn’s, RA, TB, malignancy, CKD, SLE
- anaemia sx
- FBC, blood film - microcytic/normocytic, hypochromic
- iron studies - low serum iron/TIBC/transferrin sat, increased/normal serum ferritin
- tx cause
- recombinant EPO
- ?IV iron
aplastic anaemia - causes, Px, Ix and Mx
- bone marrow failure - pancytopenia
- Fanconi, acquired, chemo, infections (EBV, HIV, TB, hepatitis), pregnancy, radiation
- anaemia sx
- infections, bruising, bleeding
- FBC - normochromic, normocytic anaemia, low WCC, low platelets
- low reticulocyte count
- bone marrow biopsy - hypocellular marrow, increased fat spaces
- remove cause
- blood / platelet transfusion
- bone marrow transplant
- immunosuppression
B12 deficiency
- needed for RBC production / DNA synthesis
- megaloblastic / macrocytic anaemia
- absorbed in terminal ileum bound to IF (produced by parietal cells in stomach)
- also important for myelination of nerves
causes of B12 deficiency
- pernicious anaemia - associated with thyroid, T1DM, Addison’s, RA, vitiligo
- low dietary intake - vegans
- alcoholism, malnutrition
- atrophic gastritis
- gastrectomy
- Coeliac’s, Crohns
- drugs - colchicine, AEDs, PPIs, metformin
B12 deficiency Px
- anaemia sx
- glossitis
- angular stomatitis
- mild jaundice
- neuro sx - peripheral neuropathy, subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord, neuropsych
B12 deficiency Ix
- FBC, blood film - macrocytic anaemia, hypersegmented polymorphs, low WCC/platelets
- Auto-ABs - IF ABs, parietal cell ABs
- serum B12 low
- Schilling test not done
- LDH - increased
B12 deficiency Mx
- IM hydroxocobalamin - 3x weekly for 2wks
- pernicious - 2-3monthly injections
- diet - oral cyanocobalamin / 2x yearly injections
- do not give folic acid at same time - wait for B12 to resolve
folate deficiency
- (Vit B9) - absorbed in jejunum, found in green veggies
causes of folate deficiency
- poor folate diet - poverty, alcoholics, elderly
- malabsorption - Crohn’s, Coeliac, alcoholism
- pregnancy
- anti-folate drugs - methotrexate, trimethoprim, AEDs
folate deficiency Px
- anaemia sx
- no neuropathy
folate deficiency Ix
- FBC, blood film - macrocytic anaemia, hypersegmented polymorphs
- increased LDH
- low reticulocyte count
folate deficiency Mx
- tx cause
- folic acid
Haemolytic anaemia
- premature breakdown of RBCs - intra/extravascular
Haemolytic anaemia causes
- membrane - hereditary spherocytosis / elliptocytosis
- enzymes - G6PD deficiency, pyruvate kinase deficiency
- haemoglobinopathies - sickle cell, thalassaemia
Acquired - immune (Coombs+)
- autoimmune - warm/cold
- alloimmune - transfusion, haemolytic disease of newborn
- Drug - methyldopa, penicillin
Acquired - non-immune (Coombs-)
- microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia - TTP, HUS, DIC, malignancy, pre-eclampsia
- prosthetic heart valves
- paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
- infections - malaria
Haemolytic anaemia causes by site
- Mismatched blood transfusion
- G6PD deficiency (bit of both)
- RBC fragmentation – heart valves, TTP, DIC, HUS
- Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
- Cold autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
- SCA, thalassaemia
- Hereditary spherocytosis
- Haemolytic disease of newborn
- Warm autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
Haemolytic anaemia general Px
- anaemia sx
- splenomegaly
- jaundice
Haemolytic anaemia general Ix
- FBC, blood film - normocytic anaemia, schistocytes
- Direct Coombs test (DAT) - positive in AIHA
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) - Ix and Mx
- body creates ABs against RBCs -> haemolysis
- warm / cold types
- FBC - anaemia
- increased reticulocytes
- low haptoglobin
- raised LDH + indirect bilirubin
- blood film - spherocytes, reticulocytes
- positive DAT (Coombs)
- blood transfusions
- prednisolone
- rituximab
- splenectomy
Hereditary spherocytosis - Px, Ix and Mx
- autosomal dominant - defect in RBC cytoskeleton -> fragile RBCs break down in spleen
- failure to thrive
- anaemia
- jaundice
- gallstones
- splenomegaly
- aplastic crisis (parvovirus)
- FBC - raised MCHC, raised reticulocytes
- Blood film - spherocytes
- EMA binding test
- acute - blood transfusions, supportive
- long-term - folate, splenectomy, cholecystectomy
Hereditary elliptocytosis
- as spherocytosis but RBCs ellipse-shaped
- autosomal dominant
- Px / Mx the same
G6PD deficiency - Px, Ix and mx
- x-linked recessive - defect in gene for G6PD -> RBCs susceptible to oxidative stress
- triggers - infections, fava beans, meds
- jaundice
- gallstones
- anaemia
- splenomegaly
- blood film - Heinz bodies, bite+blister cells
- G6PD enzyme assay - dx
- remove trigger
- supportive
- transfusions
what is haemolytic disease of the newborn?
- If fetus is RhD+ (has RhD antigens on RBCs), and mother is RhD-, then during sensitisation event, mother can be exposed to fetal RhD, produce anti-D ABs against RhD
- In future, these ABs can cross placenta, cause haemolysis, destroying fetal RBCs
- To prevent sensitisation – give anti-D – Ig against RhD antigens that may have come from fetal blood into maternal bloodstream
Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA)
- destruction of RBCs as they travel through circulation
- abnormal activation of clotting cascade - thrombi obstruct vessels, churn RBCs -> haemolysis
- HUS, DIC, TTP, SLE, cancer
- schistocytes on blood film
Prosthetic valve haemolysis
- turbulent flow around valve -> shearing of RBCs
Mx - monitor
- oral iron / folic acid
- blood transfusions
- revision surgery
fanconi anaemia
- autosomal recessive cause of aplastic anaemia
- bone marrow failure, increased AML risk, neuro sx, short stature, thumb / radius abnormalities, café au lait spots
Sickle cell anaemia (SCA)
- autosomal recessive - production of abnormal Hb leading to vaso-occlusive crises (disorder of quality)
sickle cell pathophysiology
- HbS produced rather than HbA - which polymerises when deoxygenated - RBCs deform, produce fragile sickle cells -> intravascular haemolysis, obstruction, infarction
- HbSS/HbAS - anaemia / trait
- spontaneous
- dehydration, infection, stress, cold weather, high altitude
sickle cell crises
Vaso-occlusive crisis - RBCs clog capillaries -> distal ischaemia
Acute chest syndrome - lung vessels blocked
Splenic sequestration crisis - RBCs block flow through spleen
Aplastic crisis - cessation of RBC formation - parvovirus B19 trigger - anaemia
sickle cell Px
- anaemia
- jaundice
- infection, fever etc
- vaso-occlusive crisis - pain/swelling in hands, feet (also chest, back, elsewhere)
- acute chest syndrome - fever, SOB, chest pain, cough, hypoxia
- aplastic crisis - anaemia
- splenic sequestration crisis - painful splenomegaly, blood pooling -> anaemia, shock
sickle cell Ix
- newborn blood spot screening
- test pregnant women at risk of being carrier
- FBC - low Hb, increased reticulocytes, increased bilirubin
- Blood film - sickle cells
- Hb electrophoresis - definitive
- CXR - pulm infiltrates (acute chest syndrome)
sickle cell Mx
- avoid triggers, dehydration
- pneumococcal vaccine (and others)
- pen V abx prophylaxis
- hydroxycarbamide
- crizanlizumab
- blood transfusions
- bone marrow transplant
sickle cell crises management
- low threshold to admit
- abx for infections
- keep warm, hydrate, IV fluids, analgesia, O2
- blood transfusion
- exchange transfusion
- splenectomy
- acute chest syndrome - incentive spirometry, resp support
sicke cell complications
- anaemia
- infections
- sickle cell crises
- stroke
- avascular necrosis
- hypoxia -> fibrosis -> pulm HTN
- gallstones
- priapism
- splenic infarction, hyposplenism etc
what is thalassaemia
- autosomal recessive genetic defect in Hb protein chains -> underproduction of one globin chain
- reduced production + premature destruction of RBCs - disorder of quantity
thalassaemia pathophysiology
- HbA - 2 alpha, 2 beta chains
- lack of production of a/b chain
- reduced RBC production, fragile RBCs break down
thalassaemia Px
- Microcytic anaemia
- Fatigue
- Pallor
- Jaundice
- Gallstones
- Splenomegaly
- Poor growth + development
alpha thalassaemia
- Defect on gene for alpha-globin, 2 separate genes on each c16 (4 total)
1 deletion
- blood picture normal
2 deletions
- asym, mild microcytic anaemia
3 deletions
- Hb H disease
- severe haemolytic anaemia, splenomegaly
4 deletions
- alpha thalassaemia major - no a-chain, stillborn infant
beta thalassaemia
- defect in b-globin gene c11
- Homozygous B-thalassaemia -> little/no B chain production -> excess A-chain production -> A-chains combining with whatever B, delta, gamma chains available -> increased production of HbA2 and HbF -> ineffective erythropoiesis and haemolysis
- either abnormal gene / deletion of gene
B-thalassaemia minor / trait
- asym, heterozygous carrier
- mild/absent anaemia
- monitor only
B-thalassaemia intermedia
- 2 defective genes - 2 abnormal / 1 abnormal + 1 deletion
- moderate anaemia
- splenomegaly
- transfusions, iron chelation
B-thalassaemia major
- homozygous - 2 deletion genes
- severe anaemia, failure to thrive
- bony abnormalities - frontal bossing, enlarged maxilla, depressed nasal bridge, protruding upper teeth, prominent frontal/parietal bones
thalassaemia ix
- screen in pregnancy at booking
- FBC - hypochromic, microcytic anaemia, raised HbA2 (HbF also in major)
- Blood film - RBCs pale, irregular
- increased reticulocytes
- ferritin raised in iron overload
- Hb electrophoresis - dx
- DNA testing
- Skull XR
thalassaemia Mx
- exercise good diet
- folate supplements
- regular blood transfusions
- desferrioxamine / ascorbic acid
- splenectomy
- hormonal tx for endocrine cx
- bone marrow transplant
- cancer of immature blast blood cells / stem cells - precursors of RBCs, platelets, WBCs
leukaemia pathophysiology
- energy wasted making useless cells
- cells take up space from nutrients / other cells
- fewer functioning blood cells
- pancytopenia
- acute leukaemia - cells don’t differentiate (partially differentiate in chronic)
- Lymphoid - adaptive immune system, myeloid - innate immune system
leukaemia - general Px
- Fatigue, fever
- Pallor - anaemia
- Petechiae / bruising
- Abnormal bleeding
- Lymphadenopathy
- Failure to thrive
leukaemia - general Ix
- FBC <48hrs
- Blood film
- LDH raised
- Bone marrow biopsy - from iliac crest
- CT / PET
- lymph node biopsy
- genetic tests, immunophenotyping
leukaemia - general Mx
- chemo
- targeted therapy
- bone marrow transplant
- surgery
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)
- malignant proliferation of lymphoblasts (B/T cell precursors)
- 80% childhood leukaemias
- Some Philadelphia chromosome involvement
- radiation, Down’s
- bone marrow failure - anaemia, infections, fever, bleeding, bruising
- bone pain
- lymphadenopathy
- headache, CN palsies
- fever
- testicular swelling - unilateral
- FBC - low Hb, platelets, WCC
- Blood film - blast cells
- Bone marrow aspirate - blast cells
- blood / platelet transfusions
- infection prophylaxis
- chemo
- marrow transplant
ALL poor prognostic factors
- Age <2yo, >10yo
- WBC >20 at diagnosis
- T/B cell surface markers
- Non-Caucasian
- Male
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
- malignant proliferation of myeloblast cells (basophil, neutrophil, eosinophil precursor)
- most common acute leukaemia in adults
- chemo, radiation, Downs RFs
- anaemia, infection, bleeding
- bleeding gums, gum hypertrophy
- bone pain
- skin involvement
- FBC - increased WCC, anaemia, thrombocytopenia
- Bone marrow biopsy - Auer rods, high proportion blast cells
- infection prophylaxis
- blood / platelet transfusions
- chemo
- bone marrow transplant
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)
- Malignant proliferation of myeloid cells (WBCs - neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils)
- Adults 50-60yo
- chronic, accelerated, blast phases
- Philadelphia chromosome
- Insidious onset
- Fever, wt loss, fatigue
- Gout (from purine breakdown)
- Bleeding, bruising
- Anaemia
- FBC - increased WCC, anaemia
- Bone marrow biopsy - hypercellular
- cytology
- genetics
- chemo
- imatinib
- bone marrow transplant
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
- Malignant proliferation of mature B cells - accumulate + escape apoptosis
- Elderly
- associated with warm haemolytic anaemia
- mutations, Downs, pneumonia may be trigger
Richter’s transformation
- CLL may transform into rare type of aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- suddenly unwell - lymphadenopathy, fever, wt loss, night sweats, nausea, abdo pain
- Often asym
- Anaemia, infection
- Wt loss, night sweats
- Anorexia
- Lymphadenopathy
- FBC - anaemia, raised WCC, high lymphocytes, thrombocytopenia
- Blood film - smudge / smear cells
- Blood transfusion
- chemo / radio
- rituximab
- ibrutinib
- bone marrow transplant
- 1/3 never progress, 1/3 progress slowly, 1/3 progress quickly
Tumour lysis syndrome
- release of chemicals from cells destroyed by chemo
- high grade lymphomas / leukaemias
tumour lysis syndrome pathophysiology
- High uric acid -> form crystals in kidneys -> AKI
- High K -> cardiac arrhythmias
- High phosph
- Low Ca - from high phos
- Cytokines -> systemic inflammation
Tumour lysis syndrome Px
- suspect in AKI with high phos, high uric acid
Tumour lysis syndrome Ix
Clinical tumour lysis syndrome is - lab tumour lysis syndrome plus 1+ of:
- Increased serum creatinine >1.5x upper limit normal
- Cardiac arrhythmia / sudden death
- Seizure
Tumour lysis syndrome Mx
- good hydration / UO before chemo - IV fluids
- allopurinol
- rasburicase
- cancer of lymphocytes in lymphatic system
- proliferate in lymph nodes
Lymphoma Lugano classification
Stage 1 – one node / group of nodes
Stage 2 – 1+ group of nodes, same side of diaphragm
Stage 3 – lymph nodes above + below diaphragm
Stage 4 – widespread, inc organs eg lungs, liver
Ann Arbor Classification
I – confined to single lymph node region
II – involvement of 2+ nodal areas on same side of diaphragm
III – involvement of nodes on both sides of diaphragm
IV – spread beyond lymph nodes, eg liver, bone marrow
Each stage is A/B
A – no systemic symptoms other than pruritis (severe itching of skin)
B – presence of B symptoms (fever, wt loss, night sweats)
Lymphadenopathy DDx
- infective - IM, HIV, eczema, rubella, toxoplasmosis, CMV, TB, roseola infantum
- neoplastic - leukaemia, lymphoma
- SLE, RA, graft vs host disease, sarcoidosis, drugs
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- specific type of lymphoma
- 20-25yo, and 80yo
Hodgkin’s pathophysiology + RFx
- nearby contiguous spread, rarely extranodal, Reed-Sternberg cells
RFs - HIV, EBV, RA, sarcoidosis, FHx
Hodgkin’s Px
- lymphadenopathy - worse after alcohol
- B sx - fever, wt loss, night sweats, anorexia
- fatigue, itching, cough, SOB, abdo pain, recurrent infections
- compression - MSCC, SVC, DVT
Hodgkin’s Ix
- FBC - raised WCC, anaemia
- LDH - high
- Lymph node biopsy - Reed-Sternberg cells (multinucleated)
Hodgkin’s Mx
- Chemo
- radiotherapy
- stem cell transplant
- surgical removal of lymph nodes
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- all other types of lymphoma
- 80% B cell, 20% T cell
Non-Hodgkin’s patho + RFx
- non-contiguous spread
- extranodal - GI tract, skin, brain
- low/high grade
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- rapidly growing, painless mass, older pts
Burkitt’s lymphoma
- HIV, EBV, malaria association
- starry sky appearance on microscopy
MALT lymphoma
- affects mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue around stomach
- H pylori association
- HIV, EBV, H pylori, hep B/C, pesticides, industrial chemicals, FHx
Non-Hodgkin’s Px
- lymphadenopathy
Extranodal disease
- Gastric - dyspepsia, dysphagia, wt loss, abdo pain
- Bone marrow - pain, bruising, infections - pancytopenia, anaemia
- Lungs
- Skin
- CNS - nerve palsies, spinal cord
B sx
- fever, wt loss, night sweats, anorexia
Non-Hodgkin’s Ix
- FBC - raised WCC, low Hb/platelets
- raised LDH
- lymph node biopsy
- CT / MRI / PET
Non-Hodgkin’s Mx
- chemo
- pred
- rituximab
- radiotherapy
- stem cell transplant
- cancer of plasma cells in bone marrow
- multiple myeloma - myeloma in multiple sites of bone marrow
- MGUS - production of paraprotein without myeloma/cancer
- smouldering myeloma - abnormal plasma cells/paraproteins, no sx
myeloma pathophysiology
- cancer of plasma cell - large production of one antibody (IgG most commonly)
- other Ig levels low - immunoparesis, infections
- bone marrow failure - anaemia, low WCC, low platelets
- increased bone turnover
- renal impairment
- hyperviscosity syndrome
- relapsing/remitting disease
Myeloma Px
OLD - old age
C - Ca high
R - renal failure - thirst
A - anaemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia - infection, bleeding, fatigue, pallor
B - bone lytic lesions - bone/back pain, fractures
myeloma Ix
- FBC - anaemia, low WCC
- Blood film - Rouleaux formation
- raised ESR, ALP, Ca
- Urea + creatinine raised
- serum electrophoresis
- serum-free light-chain assay
- urine protein electrophoresis - Bence-Jones protein
- XR - lytic, punched out lesions, fractures
- CT / MRI / skeletal survey
- bone marrow biopsy
Myeloma Dx criteria
1 major + 1 minor, or 3 minor + sx
- Plasmacytoma – tumour of plasma cells on biopsy
- 30% plasma cells in bone marrow sample
- Elevated M protein levels in blood / urine
- 10-30% plasma cells in bone marrow sample
- Minor elevation of M protein in blood / urine
- Osteolytic lesions – on imaging
- Low AB level
myeloma Mx
- chemo
- radio
- stem cell transplant
- analgesia
- bisphosphonates
- surgery
- IV Ig
- transfusion
Myeloproliferative disorders
- uncontrolled proliferation of one stem cell - form of cancer
- scarring of bone marrow -> fibrosis -> bone marrow failure
Primary myelofibrosis
- haematopoietic stem cells
- low Hb, high/low WCC, high/low platelets
Polycythaemia vera
- RBCs
- high Hb
Essential thrombocytosis
- megakaryocyte
- high platelets
Myeloproliferative disorders Px
- asym
- fatigue, wt loss, night sweats, fever
- sx of specific disorder
- anaemia, HSM, portal HTN, bleeding, petechiae
- infections, gout, thrombosis, raised Hb (itchy, headaches, red face)
Myeloproliferative disorders Ix
- genetic testing
- bloods - low Hb, high WCC/platelets, high urate/LDH
- blood film - teardrop shaped RBCs, blasts, anisocytosis
- bone marrow biopsy
Myeloproliferative disorders Mx
Primary myelofibrosis
- supportive
- chemo
- ruxolitinib
- allogenic stem cell transplant
Essential thrombocytosis
- aspirin
- chemo
- anagrelide
- increase in RBC mass / Hb / packed cell volume
causes of polycythaemia
- primary - polycythaemia vera (JAK2 mutation)
- secondary - hypoxia, high EPO (RCC, HCC)
- apparent polycythaemia - obesity, HTN, alcohol, smoking
- dehydration
polycythaemia Px
- asym
- gout
- VTE, arterial thrombosis
- headaches
- itching - after warmth
- dizziness
- tinnitus
- visual disturbance
- angina
- red face
polycythaemia Ix
- FBC - high Hb, raised WCC/platelets
- ferritin low in primary
- genetic screen
- bone marrow biopsy
polycythaemia Mx
- venesection
- chemo
- aspirin
- high platelet count
- reactive - stress, infection, surgery, IDA
- malignancy
- essential thrombocytosis
- hyposplenism
myelodysplastic syndrome
- Cancer caused by mutation in myeloid cells (haematopoietic stem cells) in bone marrow -> inadequate production of blood cells
- potential to transform into AML
- pancytopenia - anaemia, infections, bleeding etc
- may be asym
- FBC - pancytopenia
- blood film - blast cells
- bone marrow biopsy
- W+W
- blood / platelet transfusions
- granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
- chemo
- targeted therapies
- allogenic stem cell transplant
- low platelet count - normal 150-450
- from reduced production / increased destruction
Thrombocytopenia causes
Reduced production
- B12, folate deficiency
- Liver failure – reduced thrombopoietin production
- Leukaemia
- Myelodysplastic syndrome
- Chemotherapy
Increased destruction
- meds - valproate, methotrexate
- alcohol
- hypersplenism - portal HTN, splenomegaly
Thrombocytopenia Px
mild - asym
<50 - nosebleeds, bleeding gums, heavy periods, easy bruising, haematuria, PR bleed
<10 - risk spont bleed - intracranial haemorrhage, GI bleed
DDx abnormal bleeding
- Thrombocytopenia
- Von Willebrand disease
- Haemophilia
- DIC (usually secondary to sepsis)
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
- ABs created against platelets
- T2 hypersensitivity
- eg after infection, vaccination - more acute in children
- adults - autoimmune disorders
- bruising
- petechial / purpuric rash
- epistaxis, gingival bleeding
- FBC - low platelets
- blood film
- bone marrow biopsy - if atypical features
- children - resolves alone
- avoid contact sports / trauma
If v low platelets / bleeding
- oral / IV corticosteroid
- IV Ig
- platelet transfusions
- oral prednisolone
- IV Ig
- avatrombopag - thrombopoietin receptor agonist
- rituximab
- splenectomy
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) - definition and causes
- widespread aggregation of platelets
- deficiency in ADAMTS13 protein - usually inactivates vW - lack of it increases clot formation
- thrombi -> purpura, tissue ischaemia
- post-infection
- pregnancy
- drugs
- tumours
- florid purpura (bright red)
- fever, fatigue
- haemolytic anaemia, may have AKI
- bruising, bleeding
- confusion, headache, cerebral dysfunction - from microemboli
- FBC - low platelets
- U/E
- LDH raised
- blood film - schistocytes / fragmented RBCs
- coag - normal
- plasma exchange
- steroids - IV methylprednisolone
- rituximab
- splenectomy
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
- ABs against platelets produced in response to heparin (also LMWHs)
- Px is 5-10d after heparin tx
- ABs bind to platelets, activate clotting cascade, cause thromboses, break down platelets
- pt on heparin + low platelets + abnormal clots
Ix - for HIT ABs
Mx - stop heparin
- use alt anticoagulant
Von Willebrand Disease
- malfunctioning of vWF - important for platelet adhesion/aggregation
- prolonged / heavy bleeding
- bleeding gums, epistaxis
- easy bruising
- menorrhagia
- Clotting - prolonged bleeding time, APTT prolonged
- Factor VIII assay - reduced
- Von Willebrand screen - factor 8, VWF:Ag, VWF activity
haemophilia defintion
- inherited bleeding disorder from deficiency of clotting factors
- Haemophilia A - factor 8
- Haemophilia B - factor 9
- x-linked recessive
haemophilia px
- easy bruising, haematomas, prolonged bleeding, haematuria, epistaxis, haemarthrosis, GI bleeds, brain bleeds
haemophilia ix
- PTT, vWF normal (extrinsic)
- APTT prolonged (intrinsic)
- factor auto-AB
- factor 8/9 assay
haemophilia Mx
- desmopressin
- recombinant factor 8 infusion
- FFP - acute bleed
- emicizumab
- recombinant factor 9
- steroids
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) - what is it and what causes it ?
- massive activation of clotting cascade - widespread clotting + bleeding
- extensive damage to vascular endothelium
sepsis, trauma, advanced cancer, obstetric cx
- ill pt, shocked
- bleeding, bruising
- confusion
- purpura, petechiae, infarctions
DIC Ix and Mx
- FBC - low platelets
- blood film - schistocytes
- coag - prolonged PTT, APTT, thrombin time (TT)
- decreased fibrinogen, elevated FDPs
- tx cause
- transfuse - platelets, RBCs, FFP, cryo
thrombophilia - definition and causes
- overtendency for blood to clot
- factor V Lieden
- Prothrombin gene mutation
- Antithrombin III deficiency
- Protein C deficiency
- Protein S deficiency
APL syndrome
Acute intermittent porphyria
- autosomal dominant - defect in enzyme for biosynthesis of haem
- results in toxic accumulation of delta aminolaevulinic acid and porphobilinogen
- Abdo pain, vomiting
- Motor neuropathy
- Depression
- HTN, tachycardia
- Urine turns deep red on standing
- Will have attacks of sx
- raised urinary porphobilinogen
- assay of RBCs for porphobilinogen deaminase
- raised serum delta aminolaevulinic acid, porphobilinogen
- avoid triggers
- acute attacks - IV haematin / haem arginate / IV glucose
- Igs which undergo reversible precipitation at 4 deg, dissolve when warmed to 37
- 3 types - eg IgG/M, mixed, polyclonal….
Px - Raynaud’s in type 1
- Vascular purpura
- Distal ulceration
- Arthralgia
- Renal involvement – glomerulonephritis
Ix - low complement, esp C4
- high ESR
Mx - Tx underlying condition
- immunosuppression
- plasmapheresis
Hereditary angioedema (HAE)
- autosomal dominant - low levels of C1 inhibitor
- bradykinin -> oedema
Px - painful macular rash
- painless, non-pruritic swelling
- upper airway, skin, abdo organs
- no urticaria
-C1-INH level low during attack - Low C2 and C4
Mx - Acute - IV C1-inhibitor conc, FFP
- prophylaxis - anabolic steroid danazol
lead poisoning
- Results in defective ferrochelatase and ALA dehydratase function
Px - Abdo pain
- Peripheral neuropathy – motor mainly
- Neuropsych sx
- Fatigue
- Constipation
- Blue lines on gum margin (20% adults)
Ix - high serum lead
- FBC - microcytic anaemia
- Blood film - basophilic stippling, clover-lead morphology
- raised serum + urine delta aminolaevulinic acid
- increased urine coproporphyrin
Mx - Chelating agents - DMSA, D-penicillamine, EDTA, dimercaprol
neutropenia - definiton and causes
- low neutrophil count <1.5
- viral
- drugs
- Benign ethnic neutropenia – common in black ethnicity, no tx
- Haem malignancies – myelodysplastic, aplastic
- Rheum
- RA, eg hypersplenism in Felty’s syndrome
- Severe sepsis
- Haemodialysis
hyposplenism - causes
- Splenectomy
- Sickle cell
- Coeliacs, dermatitis herpetiformis
- Graves
- Amyloid
- Howell-Jolly bodies
- Siderocytes
splenomegaly causes
Massive splenomegaly
- Myelofibrosis
- Visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar)
- Malaria
- Gaucher’s syndrome
- Portal HTN
- CLL, Hodgkins
- Haemolytic anaemia
- Hepatitis, glandular fever
- IE
- Sickle cell (majority have atrophied spleen from repeated infarction)
- Thalassaemia
- RA – Felty syndrome
post-thrombotic syndrome
- cx after DVT
- venous outflow obstruction + venous insufficiency -> chronic venous HTN
Px - painful, heavy calves
- pruritis
- swelling
- varicose veins
- venous ulceration
Mx - compression stockings
- elevate leg
Most common tumour of anterior mediastinum
Usually 60-70yo
Associated with:
- Myasthenia gravis - 30-40% of pts with thymoma
- Red cell aplasia
- Dermatomyositis
Death from
- Airway compression
- Cardiac tamponade
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
- B/T cell dysfunction causing primary immunodeficiency
- X-linked recessive, WASP gene mutation
Px - recurrent infections, eg chest
- eczema
- thrombocytopenia
- low IgM
Graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) - definition and RF
- Multi-system cx of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (from host)
- autologous - from own pt
- also solid organ transplant / transfusion
- T cells in donor tissue mount immune response to host cells
- poorly matched donor/recipient (HLA)
- types of conditioning prior to transplant
- gender disparity graft/host
- graft source - eg bone marrow / peripheral blood source
Billingham criteria for dx of GVHD
- Transplanted tissue contains immunologically functioning cells
- Recipient + donor are immunologically different
- Recipient immunocompromised
acute GVHD
- <100d post-transplant
- skin, liver, GI tract
Px - Painful maculopapular rash – may progress to erythroderma or TEN-like syndrome
- Jaundice
- Watery / bloody diarrhoea
- Persistent N+V
- Fever (culture negative)
chronic GVHD
- > 100d post-transplant
- varied clinical picture - often lung + eye
Px - skin, eye, GI, lung sx
- organ dependent
- LFTs, hepatitis screen, USS, abdo imaging
- PFTs
- biopsy
- immunosuppression - IV steroids, biologics
- supportive
- prophylaxis - calcineurin inhibitors