Haematemesis Flashcards
Haematemesis define?
Vomiting of blood
Haematemesis first action?
Haematemesis location?
Haematemesis is due to bleeding in the upper GI tract = proximal to the ligament of Treitz that demarcates the boundary between the duodenum and jejunum.
Haematemesis likely causes?
Haematemesis varices pre-endoscopy treatment?
terlipressin and prophylactic antibiotics in pre-endoscopy management.
Haematemesis Scoring systems?
Rockall score = Developed to predict the risk of rebleeding and mortality in patients with upper GI haemorrhage ; age, HR, BP, comorbitities. Blatchford score = same ; urea, hb, BP.
Haematemesis mortality?
Haematemesis reason for emergency endoscopy?
Emergency endoscopy should be performed if patient has continual bleeding, oesophageal varices is thought to be the cause, the patient scores a high Rockall or has an aortic graft
Haematemesis + aortic graft likely cause?
Aortic-enteric fistula
Haematemesis Aortic graft other investigations?
Chest CT
Haematemesis chest Xray findings (2)?
left sided pleural effusion for Beorhaaves perforation and pneumoperitoneum for perforated peptic ulcer.
Pneumoperitionuim Xray
shows perforated gastric ulcer