H - I Flashcards
halcyon days
literary a time in the past when you were very happy
holy, sacred
The bones will be buried in hallowed ground.
But why is it in the hallowed halls of a gallery of twentieth century design?
Consecrate: make a place hallowed
very frightening or shocking and making you feel very upset
a harrowing experience
a harrowing story
an animal that feeds mainly on plants.
hermetically sealed technical
very tightly closed so that air cannot get in or out SYN airtight
not widely accepted
heterodox beliefs, practices etc are not approved of by a particular group, especially a religious one.
Orthodox: widely accepted
covered by hair
Homeostasis is a word you learn in biology. It refers to a cell’s home state — the way it wants to be, and should be if everything that regulates the cell is working.
A homily is a sermon(خطبه) or religious speech offering encouragement or moral correction.
consisting of people or things that are all of the same type opp heterogeneous
a homogeneous society
heterogeneous: consisting of parts or members that are very different from each other
a way of describing something by saying it is much bigger, smaller, worse etc than it actually is SYN exaggeration
It was not hyperbole to call it the worst storm in twenty years.
1 the practice of worshipping idols(بت)
2 when you admire someone or something too much
igneous rocks are formed from lava (=hot liquid rock)
showing no emotion
Her impassive face showed no reaction at all.
poor, having no money
having very little money, especially over a long period – sometimes used humorously
He came from a respectable if impecunious family.
indigence: poverty
to make it difficult for someone or something to move forward or make progress
Storms at sea impeded our progress.
not allowing liquids or gases to pass through OPP permeable نشت ناپذیر
No paint is impermeable to water vapour.
remaining calm and unworried in spite of problems or difficulties SYN unflappable
غیر قابل نفوذ
1 formal not affected or influenced by something and seeming not to notice it
impervious to
His ego was impervious to self-doubt.
2 technical not allowing anything to enter or pass through
impervious volcanic rock
impervious to
materials that are impervious to water
impinge on/upon somebody/something phrasal verb formal گند زدن ب چیزی
to have a harmful effect on someone or something
Personal problems experienced by students may impinge on their work.
1 suggested or understood without being stated directly OPP explicit
implicit criticism/threat/assumption
Her words contained an implicit threat.
His statement is being seen as implicit criticism of the work of research laboratories.
2 formal forming a central part of something, but without being openly stated
implicit in
Confidentiality is implicit in your relationship with a counselor.
3 complete and containing no doubts
implicit faith/trust/belief
They had implicit faith in his powers.
1 technical to explode inwards OPP explode
The windows on both sides of the room had imploded.
2 written if an organization or system implodes, it fails suddenly, often because of faults that it has SYN collapse
Most nations learned their lesson during the 1930s, when trade imploded and incomes plunged.
curse, damnation
حرف زشت
carelessly, unintentionally
“without knowledge or intent,” like when you inadvertently take someone else’s coat from the coatroom because it looks just like yours.
1 → be evil/beauty/greed etc incarnate
2 in human form:
One survivor described his torturers as devils incarnate.
insignificant, unimportant
Like picayune
a sudden invasion
incursion into
a combined British and French incursion into China in 1857
uncertain, indefinite
lazy, idle(not working or producing anything)
they were indolent and addicted to a life of pleasure
Sloth: laziness
inevitable, unavoidable
1 technical not producing a chemical reaction when combined with other substances
inert gases گاز بی اثر
2 literary not moving, or not having the strength or power to move بی جون
He lay, inert, in his bed.
3 not willing to do anything
The government was inert and inefficient.
Some mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact poisonous.
1 not knowing about something that could happen to you SYN unaware
insensible of
She remained insensible of the dangers that lay ahead.
2 unable to feel something or be affected by it
insensible to/of
insensible to the cold
3 literary not conscious
He fell to the ground, insensible.
1 to suggest indirectly, imply, intimate
Are you insinuating that the money was stolen?
What are you trying to insinuate?
2 formal to gradually gain someone’s love, trust etc by pretending to be friendly and sincere
He managed to insinuate his way into her affections.
insinuate yourself into something
He insinuated himself into Mehmet’s confidence.
3 formal to move yourself or a part of your body into a place
a large cat insinuated itself through the gap
ی بیخیالی پازیتیو
insouciance SYN nonchalance
a relaxed and happy way of behaving without feeling worried or guilty:
I admired his youthful insouciance.
narrow-mindedness, isolation
1 interested in your own group, country, way of life etc and no others – used to show disapproval → parochial
an insular community
the insular world of the law
شکست ناپذیر - فائق نیامدنی
an insuperable difficulty or problem is impossible to deal with
There were insuperable obstacles, and the plan was abandoned.
As usual, the hero was facing insuperable odds.
1 an intangible quality or feeling is difficult to describe exactly
The island has an intangible quality of holiness.
2 intangible things have value but do not exist physically – used in business
intangible assets such as customer goodwill
You can’t touch this word — it is intangible. You can grasp the meaning of the word in your head, but you can’t close your hands around it; you’ll just put fingerprints on your monitor.
Tangible: tactile
to forbid, prohibit
deadly to both sides
internecine fighting or struggles happen between members of the same group or nation
internecine warfare
1 to put additional words into a piece of writing SYN insert
Some of the writing seems to have been interpolated at a later date.
2 to interrupt someone by saying something
a period of time when a country or organization has no ruler or leader, and they are waiting for a new one.
In this way, the period 1800 -1824 could be regarded as an interregnum during which economic change put the old system under severe strain.
رام نشدنی
tending to think deeply about your own thoughts, feelings, or behaviour
a shy and introspective person
to cover with water
to persuade someone to do what you want, especially in a dishonest way
inveigle somebody into doing something
She had inveigled me into taking messages to her lover.
inveterate liar/smoker/womanizer etc written
someone who lies a lot, smokes a lot etc and cannot stop
inveterate fondness/distrust/hatred etc written
an attitude or feeling that you have had for a long time and cannot change
easily angered
unsure of how to act
The room was empty except for Nigel, standing irresolute by the drinks tray.
travelling from place to place, especially to work
itinerant labourers
a plan or list of the places you will visit on a journey