C Flashcards
unpleasant or harsh-sounding
like when you trying to learn how to play an instrument
to ask someone you know for something such as food, money, orcigarettes, because you do not have any or do not want to pay لاشخوری کردن
cadge something from/off somebody
The twoboysmoved around thebar,cadgingfreedrinks and cigarettes.
1 thick-skinned, insensitive
2 not caring that other people are suffering
We were shocked at the callous disregard for human life.
a callous attitude
تهمت و بهتان
false, deliberately misleading story
1 a Christian priest who has special duties in a cathedral(کلیسای جامع)
2 formal a standard, rule, or principle, or set of these, that are believed by a group of people to be right and good. Almost like creed or credo
canon of
Mapplethorpe’s pictures offended the canons of American good taste.
3 formal
a) a list of books or pieces of music that are officially recognized as being the work of a certain writer
the Shakespearean canon
b) all the books that are recognized as being the most important pieces of literature
the literary canon
4 a piece of music in which a tune is started by one singer or instrument and is copied by each of the others
5 an established law of the Christian Church
insincere talk, language of a particular group
like jargon, argot
thieves’ cant
bad-tempered and complaining a lot
• As Ethel grew older, she became more cantankerous.
impulsive and unpredictable, like a bride who suddenly leaves her groom standing at the wedding altar.
like fickle(بی ثبات و دمدمی مزاج)
often expressing criticisms about matters that are not important. Like pedantic
He must, indeed, be a captious critic who can find a pretext to make a quarrel out of that.
آدمی ک گیر ب چیزلی بیخود میده
1 relating to sex or someone’s body
carnal desires
2 → carnal knowledge/relations
sexual activity
science of making maps
Topography: the science of describing an area of land, or making maps of it.
1 one of the fixed social classes, which cannot be changed, into which people are born in India
the caste system
2 a group of people who have the same position in society
to criticize or punish someone severely
He even castigated himself for not being a better example, more patient, gentler.
• Hodge castigated Rhee’s statement and the actions of his supporters.
like excoriate, censure, rebuke, lambast, reproach
a violent or sudden event or change, such as a serious flood or earthquake. تحول ناگهانی
Do these eruptions act as a safety valve or will they lead to a cataclysm?
1 a substance that makes a chemical reaction happen more quickly without being changed itself
2 something or someone that causes an important change
catalyst for
They hope his election will act as a catalyst for reform.
absolute, without exception
categorical denial/assurance etc
Can you give us a categorical assurance that no jobs will be lost?
smaller group within an organization
the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus
1 relating to the connection between two things, where one causes the other to happen or exist → cause
causal relationship/link/factor etc
a causal relationship between unemployment and crime
2 technical a causal conjunction, such as ‘because’, introduces a statement about the cause of something
باعث شونده
1 a caustic substance can burn through things by chemical action سوزاننده
caustic soda (=a chemical used for cleaning things)
2 a caustic remark criticizes someone in a way that is unkind but often cleverly humorous SYN acerbic نیشدار
caustic wit/comments/remark etc
Eliot appreciated Pound’s caustic wit.
criticizing someone or something in a clever but cruel way SYN biting
acerbic wit
the ability to say things that are clever and amusing
a woman of great wit and charm
quick/dry/sharp etc wit
His sharp wit had them all smiling.
be at your wits’ end
to be very upset and not know what to do, because you have tried everything possible to solve a problem
not be beyond the wit of somebody
formal not be too difficult for someone to do
It’s surely not beyond the wit of man to come up with a solution.
آسمانی - الهی - سماوی
1 relating to the sky or heaven
celestial bodies (=the Sun, Moon, stars etc)
2 literary very beautiful
گریز از مرکز
centrifugal force.
OPP Centripetal
مایل به مرکز
centripetal force
as noun
as verb
to defend or support
Purcell championed social programs for the elderly.
to make someone realize that their behaviour was wrong or mistaken
Party workers have returned to their home towns, chastened by their overwhelming defeat.
Like disabuse
trickery, fraud
Clearly there is some chicanery going on and perhaps in due course we will find out the truth.
1 behaviour that is honourable, kind, generous, and brave, especially men’s behaviour towards women
2 a system of religious beliefs and honourable behaviour that knights in the Middle Ages were expected to follow
rude, boorish
(of a route or journey) longer than the direct way.
the canal followed a circuitous route
one who can predict the future
psychic, prophet, prescient
1 پیامبر
2 پیشگو
سرو صدا. بانگ و خروش
a very loud noise made by a large group of people or animals
He shouted over the rising clamour of voices.
a small exclusive group
a small group of people who think they are special and do not want other people to join them – used to show disapproval
clique of
a ruling clique of officials
the cliques formed by high school students
1 to confine, seclude
2 a building where monks or nuns live
thicken, congeal
if a liquid coagulates, or something coagulates it, it becomes thick and almost solid
The blood had not coagulated.
combine to form one single group SYN fuse, amalgamate
coalesce into/with
Gradually the different groups of people coalesced into one dominant racial group.
1 an additional separate part at the end of a piece of music
2 a separate piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or a speech
December’s earthquake was but a coda to a terrible year…
Opp prologue
to arrange laws, principles, facts etc in a system
Theagreementmust still becodifiedbyfederallegislation.
informed, awareخوب میدونه
I’m cognizant of the fact that your client has tried to pay the debt.
• And so, um, he was very cognizant of what he was doing and why he did it.
Have you ever cut out a bunch of pictures from magazines and pasted them together to make a big picture? If you have, you have made a collage.
proportional, adequate,
Salary will be commensurate with age and experience.
brief, comprehensive summary
هرچی دستته بسته
There’s a danger of becoming complacent if you win a few games.
a complacent attitude towards the problem
complacent about
We simply cannot afford to be complacent about the future of our car industry.
If only the world were populated entirely with complaisant people! Complaisant means willing to do something to please others, and complaisant people or animals are wonderful to be around.
1 willing to obey or to agree to other people’s wishes and demands → comply
For years I had tried to be a compliant and dutiful wife.
2 made or done according to particular rules or standards → comply
compliant with
Future versions will be fully compliant with the industry standard.
a feeling that you should not do something because it is bad or wrong پشیمانی-ندامت like contrition
have/feel no compunction about (doing) something
He had no compunction about interfering in her private affairs.
They used their tanks against the leftists without compunction.
convex محدب
intended or likely to placate or pacify. آشتی جویانه
conciliatory approach/tone/gesture etc
Perhaps you should adopt a more conciliatory approach.
Brooks felt in no mood to be conciliatory.
سرهم کردن
to invent
John concocted an elaborate excuse for being late.
Jean concocted a great meal from the leftovers.
existing or happening together, especially as a result of something. Like corollary
war with all its concomitant sufferings
چشم پوشی کردن
I cannot condone the use of violence under any circumstances.
I’m not condoning his behaviour, but I can understand why he wanted revenge on his daughter’s attacker.
1 friendly and comfortable
congenial atmosphere/surroundings/environment
The department provides a congenial atmosphere for research.
Frank was a very congenial colleague.
congenial to
The summers out here are not congenial to the average North European.
2 suitable
Compost provides congenial conditions for roots to develop.
1 relating to marriage
conjugal love
2 → conjugal visit
a private meeting between a prisoner and his wife, during which they are allowed to have sex
a wine connoisseur
Fry was a connoisseur of Renaissance art.
as noun سرباز وظیفه
Many conscripts - they make up 65 percent of the armed forces - receive only the most basic training.
as verb مشمول خدمت کردن
Young Frenchmen were conscripted into the army and forced to fight in Algeria.
1 make a place or a building holy
2 to officially state in a special religious ceremony that someone is now a priest, bishop(راهب)
1 to compete
contend for
Three armed groups are contending for power.
Inevitably, fights break out between the members of contending groups.
2 to argue or state that something is true SYN insist
contend (that)
Some astronomers contend that the universe may be younger than previously thought.
1 controversial
contentious issue/area/subject
2 argumentative
next to something, or next to each other همجوار- مجاور
America’s 48 contiguous states
1 medical the ability to control your bowels (روده) and bladder(مثانه) OPP incontinence
2 old-fashioned the ability to control your sexual desires
توانایی نگه داشتن شاشت یا حشرت
feeling guilty and sorry for something bad that you have done. like compunction (contrition)
Her tone was contrite and I thought Puddy was going to get all choked up(خفه).
disobedient - rebellious
He’s showing you his contumacious side داره روی سگشو نشون میده
a difficult problem
1 a large formal meeting
a teachers’ convention
the city’s new convention center
a convention for science fiction fans
2 a pact
the European convention on human rights
3 a custom
Playing together teaches children social conventions such as sharing.
They defied the conventions of the time by living together without being married.
by convention
By convention, the bride’s father gives her away at her wedding.
to approach, come together, tend to meet همگرا شدن opp diverge
The two rivers converge into one near Pittsburgh.
Reporters converged on the scene.
Cultural beliefs about the role of women converge with government policies.
twisted, complicated
زن عشوه گر
woman who flirts
secret or hidden OPP overt
covert operations
چشش دنبال مال دیگرانه
• He’s being covetous the way I was.
Covet: to have a very strong desire to have something that someone else has.
to trick or deceive someone. like dupe, hoodwink, swindle, gull
In college he learned how to cozen his parents into thinking he remained a good Catholic.
She was determined not to be cozened.
a craven act of terrorism
a formal statement of the beliefs of a particular person, group, religion etc
American Express is emphasizing its ‘the customer is first’ credo.