F - G Flashcards
a servant or worker who has to do many different kinds of jobs for someone.
a handyman
fallow land is dug or ploughed but is not used for growing crops.
If you’re smart but lazy, someone might say you have a fallow mind.
مث دختری ک پستوناشو مالوندیو اماده دادنه ولی هنوز نکردیش
verysillyorstupidSYNidiotic. Puerile
fatuous questions
Lincoln’s felicitous words about government
a felicitous choice of candidate
1 feral animals used to live with humans but have become wild
feral cats
2 feral children or young people behave badly in public and commit crimes, because they are not controlled by anyone and have no respect for authorityیاغی
The riots were blamed on feral teenagers.
very strongbeliefor feeling
like ardor or passion شور و شوق - تب و تاب
The country was swept by patriotic(میهن پرستی) fervor.
religious fervour
revolutionary fervour
patriotic fervor
having a strong bad smell SYN stinking, malodorous. Noisome
the black fetid water of the lake
the dog’s fetid breath
1 to restrict someone’s freedom and prevent them from doing what they want
fettered by family responsibilities
2 to put chains around a prisoner’s hands or feet SYN chain
arbitrary order,
an official order given by someone in a position of authority, without considering what other people want
by fiat
The matter was settled by presidential fiat.
the importance of marital fidelity (=in marriage)
the movie’s fidelity to the original book
his fidelity to the company over 25 years
to try to delay action in Congress or another law-making group by making very long speeches
Opponents of the bill tried to filibuster its final stages.
لفت دادن
as noun
if you do something with finesse, you do it with a lot of skill and style
Dario played the sonata with great finesse.
as verb
to handle a situation well with a deceptive or evasive(گریزان) strategy.
like the finesse it takes to help two friends work out their differences — without taking sides or alienating(بیگانه کردن) either one.
a deep crack, especially in rock or earth
شکاف - درز
To disobey a law obviously
to deliberately disobey a law, rule etc, without trying to hide what you are doing.
to scorn or show contempt for
Some companies flout the rules and employ children as young as seven.
deliberately/openly flout something
The union had openly flouted the law.
1 to show that you think that something is stupid, unreasonable, or not worth accepting
Many women scorn the use of make-up.
2 to criticize someone or something because you think they do not deserve respect
He scorned the government’s record in dealing with crime.
I would like tothankthem for their continuingforbearanceandunderstanding, and for their hard work throughout the year.
to prevent something from happening or prevent someone from doing something by doing something first. like preempt
a measure intended to forestall further attacks
People who are formidable inspire fear and respect thanks to their size, or special ability, or unusual qualities. Like redoubtable
The building is grey, formidable, not at all picturesque.
The new range of computers have formidable processing power.
formidable task/challenge
the formidable task of local government reorganization
Awe: a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise.
to stop doing something or promise that you will stop doing something SYN renounce
We are forswearing the use of chemical weapons for any reason.
1 to fail after a period of time because something has gone wrong
Their marriage began to founder soon after the honeymoon.
founder on
The talks foundered on disagreements between the two parties.
2 if a ship or boat founders, it fills with water and sinks
founder on
The ship foundered on the rocks.
noisy quarrel(نزاع)
Eight people were injured in the fracas.
a painting made on a wall while the plaster is still wet
a decoration that goes along the top of the walls of a room or a building
disobedient, stubbornly contrary
If your dog sits when you call her to come and runs away when you tell her to sit, you can say she’s froward.
هرکاری بگی برعکسشو انجام میده
careful to buy only what is necessary
to attack or criticize loudly
fulminate at/against/about
Mick was fulminating against the unfairness of it all.
a fulsome speech or piece of writing sounds insincere because it contains too much praise, expressions of thanks etc. خایه مالانه
fulsome gratitude/praise/tribute etc
The book contains a fulsome dedication to his wife.
1 a combination of separate qualities or ideas
Her work is a fusion of several different styles.
the best fusion cuisine in the whole of Vancouver
2 a physical combination of separate things → fission
the energy that comes from the fusion of hydrogen atoms
→ nuclear fusion
ineffective, useless
a futile attempt/effort
a futile attempt to save the paintings from the flames
My efforts to go back to sleep proved futile.
it is futile to do something
It was futile to continue the negotiations.
1 a florid face is red in colour
a middle-aged man with a florid complexion
2 florid language, music, or art has a lot of extra unnecessary details or decorations (full of decorations)
a book written in a very florid style
to jump or run around in a lively active way SYN frolic بازی و شادی کردن
lambs gambolling in a field
clumsy(دست و پا چلفتی)
It would be gauche to mention the price.
cheerfulness, kindliness, sociability
genial: friendly
1 said easily and without thinking about all the problems involved – used to show disapproval
glib generalizations
2 speaking easily but without thinking carefully – used to show disapproval
glib politicians
دخترا معمولا گلیب حرف میزنن..
1 to make someone do something by annoying or encouraging them until they do it → provoke. Like badger
goad somebody into (doing) something
Kathy goaded him into telling her what he had done.
goad somebody on
They goaded him on with insults.
2 to push animals ahead of you with a sharp stick
Gossamer is something super fine and delicate — like a spider web or the material of a wedding veil.
1 todigorcutinto something in aroughorviolentway:
He took a knife and gouged a hole in the bottom of the boat.
2 to swindle or steal by overcharging. تیغ زدن
Thebankhitme with a £140chargeand twodayslaterthey gouged me another £85.
using words that are too long and formal in order to sound important SYN pompous
قلمبه سلمبه
to complain, grumble
His main grouse is that he isn’t paid enough.
an outward appearance that conceals the true nature of someone or something. پوشش.لباس مبدل
in/under the guise of something
They operated a drug-smuggling business under the guise of an employment agency.
It’s the same idea in a different guise.
easily deceived گالیور
Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists.
Gustatory is an adjective that refers to tasting or the sense of taste. چشایی
olfactory: connected with the sense of smell. بویایی
the olfactory cells in the nose