H/E/T Theory Flashcards
Not reductionism- examining the whole of our experience rather than the pieces
Not determinism- less focus on cause and effect and more emphasis on freedom of choice, how we make meaning, and deal with what we can not change
Not outcome- life is a process rather than outcome or event; being is not fixed but an unfolding process in which we make meaning and experience
What “force” is humanistic psychology?
“Third force”
Who are the key figures in humanistic psychology?
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
What does humanistic mean?
humanistic psychologies focus on humanness, the experience of being human in each moment ; focuses on growth, filling human potential, and improving well being rather than focusing on dysfunction and pathology; process rather than a destination
What is potential?
innate tendency in all of us toward wholeness, growth, and flow
What is part of the Rogerian Concepts?
the process of potential or becoming a “fully functioning person”, congruence, and unconditional positive regard
What are the characteristics of a “Fully Functioning Person”?
openness, presence, prizing and trusting of feelings, creativity, fulfillment
being open to experience; turning towards new experiences rather than closing off to only what is known of comfortable
being here and now; experiencing of the present moment as opposed to being caught up in worries of the future or regrets of the part which remove us from being able to fully experience where we are
Prizing and Trusting of Feelings
allowing feelings and emotions to emerge without judgement; trusting the process of emotions means the individual can experience these emotions in moment, name those feelings, and meet them without judgement
not necessarily to do or make something, but is instead a way of being that allows life to live
the fulfillment that occurs when we are able to be present to the various circumstances of life-not in relation to the external achievements of material possessions
correspondence between the ideal self and the real self (or the private self and the public self); takes less energy and leads to a feeling of freedom to be
Unconditional Positive Regard
accepting the self or another exactly as they are without judging or trying to change them; seeing them where they are; holding space’ non-judgemental acceptance; as apposed to conditions of worth (conditional acceptance)
What are the concepts of Maslow?
self-actualization, hierarchy of needs, and peak experiences
the ability to be real and present in our lives; happens in the here and now; innate tendency
Hierarchy of Needs
typically displayed as a pyramid, but Kunkel notes that it can be misleading; self-actualization is a process not a destination; self actualizing tendency may be towards needs that are physiological, safety, belonging, or esteem at different times in our lives
What are the three characteristics of self-actualizing process?
creativity increases, middle way, peak experiences
Middle Way
moving from binary thinking (either/or; all or nothing) to a both/and way of being
Peak Experiences
moments of being positioned above and apart from what is ordinary that allows us to transcend what happens below- new perspectives (peak, peek, pique)
Extrinsic Motivation
those things that pull us from the outside (financial achievement, external success etc)
Intrinsic Motivation
behavior driven by internal rewards; arises from within the individual because it is enjoyable or interesting to you
What are the foundations of existential psychology?
meaning-making and authenticity
we create our own meaning in our lives rather than inherit meaning or take others meanings or values
1) to live meaningfully in and through what is given about human experience 2) to take up the task of being free and responsible in ways that allow us to affirm and own our lives in true and unusual self-aware ways
givens of existence; things that we all face and cannot change- body, time (death), others (isolation), freedom and responsibility