Gynaecology - Management Flashcards
POP (pelvic organ prolapse) conservative management
Who is given conservative management?
What does consversvative management consist of?
• Conservative – mild prolapse, want further pregnancies, frail/elderly, high anaesthetic risk, do not want surgery
1st line
o Watchful waiting
o Lifestyle modification – weight loss, minimising heavy lifting, smoking cessation (reduces chronic cough and therefore intra-abdominal pressure), preventing or treating constipation
2nd line
o Pelvic floor muscle exercises – with symptomatic POP-Q stage 1 or stage 2 prolapse – supervised 16-week course of pelvic muscle training
o 3-month trial (subsequent to digital assessment of pelvic muscle contraction)
o 8 contractions, 3x day, 3 months
o Vaginal oestrogen creams – for women with signs of vaginal atrophy
o An oestrogen-releasing ring – for women who have physical/cognitive problems which cause use of vaginal oestrogen pessaries or creams to be difficult
POP (pelvic organ prolapse) if conservative management (1st line) failed
Vaginal pessary insertion - 2nd line
o Good alternative to surgery
Short term relief of prolapse prior to surgery
Long term if surgery is not wanted or is contraindicated
o Alone or in combination with pelvic muscle exercises
o Inserted in the vagina to reduce the prolapse, provide support, relieve pressure on the bladder + bowel
o Made of silicone or plastic
Surgery - 3rd line o Referral Failure of conservative treatment Presence of voiding problems or obstructed defecation Recurrence of prolapse after surgery Ulceration Irreducible prolapse The woman prefers surgical treatment
o Goals
Restore anatomy
Improve symptoms
Return bowel, bladder, sexual function to normal
o Surgery may be by the abdominal route or vaginal
80-90% of procedures are done by the vaginal route
Types of vaginal pessaries available for POP (pelvic organ prolapse)
o Ring Usually first choice Common type Soft Does not prevent sex
o Shelf Common type Hard More support than a ring Prevents sex
o Gellhorn
Similar to shelf but soft instead of hard
Prevents sex
o Gehrung
Used for more serious prolapse
Easier to remove
o Cube
For very advanced prolapse
Uses suction to keep things in place
Different types of surgeries used to repair POP (pelvic organ prolapse)
Surgery for anterior (cystocele, cystourethrocele) or posterior (rectocele or enterocele) prolapse
o Surgery for anterior (cystocele, cystourethrocele) / posterior (rectocele or enterocele) prolapse
Anterior/posterior colporrhaphy without mesh
Recommendations related to the use of synthetic polypropylene or biological mesh insertion have been withdrawn – serious but well-recognised safety concerns
o Surgery for bladder/urethral prolapse [not on NICE]
Anterior colporrhaphy = Anterior vaginal vault repair
• Central plication of the fibromuscular layer of the anterior vaginal wall
• Performed transvaginally
• Open or laparoscopic
• Urethral sphincter incontinence associated with cystourethrocele
• Corrects SUI + cystocele
• Can worsen rectocele
• Low transverse suprapubic incision
• Elevates bladder neck and base
• SE of surgery – any paravaginal plexus damage can lead to lots of bleeding, voiding difficulties short term, de novo urgency, worsens rectocele
• Colposuspension performed at the time of sacrocolpopexy – to reduce postoperative symptomatic SUI in previously continent women
o Surgery for rectocele/enterocele [not on NICE]
Posterior colporrhaphy = posterior vaginal wall repair
• Levator ani muscle plication or by repair of discrete fascial defects
• Transvaginal approach more effective than transanal repairs
Different types of surgeries used to repair POP (pelvic organ prolapse)
Surgery for uterine prolapse
o Surgery of uterine prolapse
Hysterectomy (+/- vaginal sacrospinous fixation with sutures)
• Removal of the uterus +/- stitching the top of the vagina to the sacrospinous ligament
• No abdominal incision needed - less pain + hospital stay
• Can be combined with anterior/posterior colporrhaphy
Sacrohysteropexy with mesh
• Uterus is attached to the anterior longitudinal ligament over the sacrum using a mesh
• Open abdominal or laparoscopic
• If woman wishes to retain her uterus
Vaginal sacrospinous hysteropexy
• Unilateral/bilateral fixation of the uterus to the sacrospinous ligament
• Performed via vaginal route
• If woman wishes to retain her uterus
Manchester repair
• Shortening of the cervix + supporting the uterus in its natural position
• If woman wishes to retain her uterus but is not planning on having children in the future
• Obliterative surgery
• Can be used for vault or uterine prolapse
• Corrects prolapse by moving the pelvic viscera back into the pelvis + closing off the vaginal canal
• Vaginal intercourse is no longer possible
• 100% effective in treating prolapse, reduced peri-operative mortality
• Safe + effective for those who are frail or do not with to retain sexual function or are at an increased risk of operative and postoperative complications
Different types of surgeries used to repair POP (pelvic organ prolapse)
Surgery for vaginal vault prolapse
o Surgery for vaginal vault prolapse
Sacrocolpopexy with mesh [1st line]
• Mesh used to attach the vagina to the sacral vertebrae
• Mesh may be attached at one end to the longitudinal ligament of the sacrum and at the other to the top of the vagina and for a variable distance down the posterior and/or anterior vaginal walls
• Open abdominal, laparoscopic, robotic
• Most effective procedure – low recurrence rate
Vaginal sacrospinous fixation
• The top of the vagina is stitched to the sacrospinous ligament
• Obliterative surgery
• Can be used for vault or uterine prolapse
• Corrects prolapse by moving the pelvic viscera back into the pelvis + closing off the vaginal canal
• Vaginal intercourse is no longer possible
• 100% effective in treating prolapse, reduced peri-operative mortality
• Safe + effective for those who are frail or do not with to retain sexual function or are at an increased risk of operative and postoperative complications
Different types of surgeries used to repair POP (pelvic organ prolapse)
Surgery for women with both stress urinary incontinence + pelvic organ prolapse
Colposuspension • Urethral sphincter incontinence associated with cystourethrocele • Open or laparoscopic • Corrects SUI + cystocele • Can worsen rectocele
Consider concurrent surgery for stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in women with anterior and/or apical prolapse and stress urinary incontinence
o Review 6 months after surgery [vaginal examination, mesh exposure]
Vaginal pessary for POP (pelvic organ prolapse) complications
o Vaginal discharge and odour o Vesicovaginal + rectovaginal fistulas o Faecal impaction o Hydronephrosis o Urosepsis o Pessary may have an effect on sexual intercourse o Bleeding o Difficulty removing pessary o Expulsion
POP (pelvic organ prolapse) complications
• Prolapse
o Ulceration + infection of organs prolapsed outside the vaginal introitus
o Urinary tract complications – stress incontinence, chronic retention, overflow incontinence, recurrent UTI
o Rectocele – bowel dysfunction
POP (pelvic organ prolapse) complications of surgical management
• Apical/anterior prolapse surgery – postoperative urinary incontinence
• Sacrospinous Hysteropexy
o Lower success rate than sacrohysteropexy
o Risk of injury to the pudental nerve and vessels and the sciatic nerve
o Faster recovery and higher patient satisfaction
- Anterior colporrhaphy – haemorrhage, haematoma, cystotomy
- Posterior colporrhaphy – levator plication may lead to dyspareunia
• Mesh surgery
o Vaginal mesh extrusion and erosion – vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, dyspareunia
o Pain or sensory change in the back, abdomen, vagina, pelvis, leg, groin, perinium that is
Unprovoked or provoked by movement or sexual activity
Either generalised or in the distribution of a specific nerve e.g. obturator nerve
o Vaginal discharge, bleeding, dyspareunia, penile trauma, pain
o Urinary problems – recurrent infection, incontinence, retention, difficulty/pain during voiding
o Bowel problems – difficulty/pain on defaecation, faecal incontinence, rectal bleeding, passage of mucus
o Symptoms of infection
USI urinary stress incontinence management
• ?UTI
o UTI sx + positive urine tests for leukocytes + nitrites – send urine MSU, start antibiotic treatment while waiting for results
o UTI sx + negative urine tests for leukocytes + nitrites – send urine MSU, consider starting antibiotic treatment while waiting for results
o No UTI sx + positive urine tests for leukocytes + nitrites – send urine MSU, do not start antibiotic treatment until you have the results
• Temporary containment products to achieve social continence offered until there is a specific dx and management plan – pads, collecting devices
• Lifestyle changes, avoid caffeinated drinks, weight loss (only if BMI >30), smoking cessation, avoid drinking either excessive/reduced amounts of fluids daily, pelvic floor exercises, treat constipation
• Bladder diary for a min of 3 days
• Pelvic floor muscle exercises – 1st line
o 3-month trial (subsequent to digital assessment of pelvic muscle contraction)
o 8 contractions, 3x day, 3 months
o Continue if successful
o Consider electrical simulation +/or biofeedback in women who cannot actively contract pelvic floor muscles to aid motivation and adherence to therapy
o Patient information leaflet, can refer to physiotherapist
- Surgery – 2nd line
- If non-surgical management for stress incontinence has failed and the woman wishes to think about a surgical procedure – colposuspesion or autologous rectus fascial sling
o Colposuspension
Open or laparoscopic
Corrects SUI + cystocele
Can worsen rectocele
Neck of the bladder is lifted up and stitched in place to Cooper’s ligaments/Pectineal ligament
SE of surgery – any paravaginal plexus damage can lead to lots of bleeding, voiding difficulties short term, de novo urgency, worsens rectocele
Colposuspension performed at the time of sacrocolpopexy – to reduce postoperative symptomatic SUI in previously continent women
o Autologous rectus fascial sling
A sling placed around the neck of the bladder – elevates the urethra
o Intramural bulking agents
Glutaraldehyde cross-linked collagen, silicone, carbon-coated zirconium beads, hyaluronic acid
Injected to the wall of the urethra, helps it to remain closed
Considered if conservative management has failed
Their efficacy reduces with time, repeat injections may be needed
Not as effective as retropubic suspension/sling procedures
• Medication
o Duloxetine – 3rd line
SNRI, Enhances sphincter contraction
Do not routinely offer duloxetine as a second-line treatment for women with stress urinary incontinence
80% SE - dizziness, nausea
Offer it as a second line if women prefer pharmacological to surgical treatment or do not want/are unsuitable for surgery
Third line but first line if patient prefers pharmacological to surgical rx/doesn’t find pelvic floor muscle exercises effective + patient prefers pharmacological to surgical treatment/patient is not suitable for surgical treatment
Review in 2-4 weeks
o Desmopressin
To reduce nocturia if pt finds it a troublesome symptom
ADH analogue
Used in caution in women with – CF, reduced renal function, CVD
Contra-indicated in cardiac insufficiency, conditions requiring treatments with diuretics
Not oxytocin, not terbutaline
• Other interventions
o ((((Artificial sphincter
Only if previous surgery has failed
Procedure may be considered first-line in neurological disease if another procedure e.g. sling is considered less likely to promote continence
o Transvaginal laser therapy for stress urinary incontinence
Only used in the context of research
o Retropubic mid-urethral mesh sling procedure – elevates the urethra
This surgical intervention is not currently being used
Tension free vaginal tape (TVT) vs Transobturator tape (TOT)
TVT - Mesh (type 1 macroporous polypropylene tape)
Inserted transvaginally with 2 suprapubic exit points
Complications: short term voiding difficulties, de-novo urgency, Mesh erosion
Cure rate 80%
o Bladder catheterisation (intermittent/indwelling urethral/suprapubic) – should be considered for women in whom persistent urinary retention is causing
Symptomatic infections
Renal dysfunction
And in whom this cannot be otherwise corrected))))
MIXED INCONTINENCE – direct treatment towards the predominant symptom
OVERFLOW INCONTINENCE – refer to specialist urogynaecologist, timed voiding (1st line)
OAB (overactive bladder syndrome) urge incontinence 1st, 2nd and 3rd line management mx
• Lifestyle interventions – 1st line
o Caffeine reduction
o Pt should aim to drink normal quantities of fluid per day (about 2 litres)
If reduced – urine concentrated – irritated bladder – more detrusor muscle contractions
o Weight loss if BMI >30
o Avoid fizzy drinks, control diabetes well
• Bladder retraining – 1st line
o Min. of 6 weeks
o Progressively hold off going to the toilet (up to 25 minutes)
o Void 1.5-2L a day
o Input 1.5L/24 hours
o Aim to gradually increase the intervals between voiding
o Involves: pelvic muscle training, scheduled voiding intervals with stepped increases, suppression of urge with distraction or relaxation techniques
• Medications
o Anticholinergic drug – 2nd line
Oxybutynin, propiverine, tolterodine, darifenacin, solifenacin, fesoterodine, trospium chloride
Have a direct relaxant effect on the urinary smooth muscle + reduce involuntary detrusor contractions + increase bladder capacity
Reduces the activity of the detrusor muscle by blocking Ach to the nerves
- NICE recommends – oxybutynin (immediate release), tolterodine (immediate release), darifenacin (once daily preparation)
- Oxybutynin – 1st line (avoided in the elderly), not for >80s (official cut off)
• Darifenacin = M3 receptor agonist
• If immediate-release oxybutynin is not well-tolerated – darifenacin, solifenacin, tolterodine, propiverine, trospium or an extended release or transdermal formulation of oxybutynin should be considered as alternatives
May be used in conjunction with bladder training
Secondary care referral considered for patients who fail to respond to drug treatment after 3 months or who do not wish for drug treatment
o Mirabegron – 3rd line
Agonist of β3 receptors in detrusor smooth muscle
Promotes detrusor relaxation
Recommended only for people in whom antimuscarinic drugs are contra-indicated or clinically ineffective or have unacceptable side effects (older, frail women)
o Desmopressin
To reduce nocturia if pt finds it a troublesome symptom
ADH analogue
o Transdermal overactive bladder treatment to women unable to tolerate oral meds
o Intravaginal oestrogens to treat overactive bladder symptoms in postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy
SE of medications used in OAB (overactive bladder syndrome)
- Oxybutynin – 1st line (avoided in the elderly), not for >80s (official cut off)
- Tolterodine > oral immediate-release oxybutynin - reduced risk of dry mouth
- Extended-release preparations of oxybutynin or tolterodine might be preferred to immediate-release preparations – less risk of dry mouth
- Oxybutynin = increased risk of falls, avoided in the elderly as it may adversely affect cognitive performance (causes memory loss)
• NICE recommends – oxybutynin (immediate release), tolterodine (immediate release), darifenacin (once daily preparation)
• Darifenacin = M3 receptor agonist
Do not use in frail elderly women – can cause memory problems
Do not give if patient has closed angle glaucoma
SE: headache, memory problems, constipation, dry mouth, urinary retention, confusion
Review four-weekly, annually if stable, six-monthly if >75
o Desmopressin
Used in caution in women with – CF, reduced renal function, CVD
Contra-indicated in cardiac insufficiency, conditions requiring treatments with diuretics
Side effects: constipation, dry mouth, blurred vision, drowsiness
Link to Alzheimers over 65
OAB (overactive bladder syndrome) 4th line/secondary care management mx
• Secondary care management/ Surgical - 4th line
o For women with overactive bladder that has not responded to non-surgical mx or tx w med and who wish to discuss further treatment options
o Offer urodynamic ix to determine whether detrusor overactivity is causing her overactive bladder symptoms*
o First-line invasive option
o May be used if there is idiopathic OAB that has not responded to conservative treatment
Bladder wall injection with botulinum toxin type A
o only if the woman is willing, in the event of developing significant voiding dysfunction
To perform clean intermittent catheterisation on a regular basis for as long as needed or
To accept a temporary indwelling catheter if she is unable to perform clean intermittent catheterisation
o Risk of urinary retention and recurrent UTIs (need for ISC)
o 100-200 units
o 6 months
o Do not offer botulinum toxin type B
o If they have not responded to botulinum toxin type A or
o If they are not prepared to accept the risks of needing catheterisation associated with botulinum toxin type A
o 12 sessions weekly (30 mins)
o Should be offered to patients who do not want the first or second line options
o Only indicated for intractable and severe idiopathic OAB
o Augmentation cystoplasty is the most frequently performed surgical procedure for severe urge incontinence
o Open or laparoscopic
o Restrict it for the mx of idiopathic detrusor overactivity to women
Whose condition has not responded to non-surgical management and
Who are willing and able to self-catheterise
o The bladder is made larger by adding a piece of tissue from the intestines to the bladder wall (25 cm ileum to replace dissected bladder)
o Laparoscopy – less intraoperative blood loss, quicker recovery, less pain, shorter stay in hospital, smaller scars
o Complications – bowel disturbance, metabolic acidosis, mucus production and/or retention in the bladder, UTI and urinary retention, small risk of malignancy (adenocarcinoma)
o Side effects: incomplete voiding, straining, self catheterisation
o 5% adenocarcinoma
o Ileal conduit
o Intra-abdominal stoma
o Causes urine to flow through an opening in the abdomen into an external bag instead of into the bladder
o Should be considered for a woman with overactive bladder only when non-surgical management has failed + if botulinum toxin type A, percutaneous sacral nerve stimulation and augmentation cystoplasty are not appropriate/acceptable to her
o Bladder catheterisation (intermittent/indwelling urethral/suprapubic) – should be considered for women in whom persistent urinary retention is causing
Symptomatic infections
Renal dysfunction
And in whom this cannot be otherwise corrected)))
Initial management of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
• Start Abx before swabs if you suspect PID
o Do not delay abx while waiting for the results
o Broad-spectrum abx treatment to cover C. trachomatis, N. gonorrhoea, anaerobic infection is recommended
- Pregnant women with PID should be admitted
- Mild-moderate – can be managed in primary care
- Clinically severe – hospital admission for IV abx
• ?removal of IUCD
o May be associated with better short-term clinical outcomes
o This decision needs to be balanced against the risk of pregnancy in those who have had otherwise unprotected intercourse in the preceding seven days
BASHH guidelines for the management of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) - outpatient
outpatient • First line (all 3) o IM ceftriaxone 1g single dose and o Doxycycline 100mg PO BD 14 days and o Metronidazole 400mg BD 14 days
• Other – STI screening, contact tracing, discuss contraception, removal if IUCD, avoid sex
• Second line (for 14 days)
o Ofloxacin 400mg BD + metronidazole 400mg PO BD or
o Moxifloxacin 400mg PO OD
• Outpatient – alternative regimens
o IM Ceftriaxone 1g stat followed by
o Azithromycin 1 g/week for 2/52
- Metronidazole – for anaerobic bacteria implicate in severe PID, may be discontinued in pt w mild/moderate PID
- Ofloxacin + moxifloxacin – avoided in pt at high risk of gonococcal PID (pt partner has gonorrhoea, clinically severe disease, following sexual contact abroad) because of high levels of quinolone resistance
- Levofloxacin 500mg OD for 14 days as an alternative to ofloxacin 400mg BD
• Ofloxain, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin o Quinolones o Effective for C. trachomatis o Not licensed for use in patients <18 o SE – tendons, muscle, joints SE o Only recommended as second line therapy except for treatment of M. genitalium-associated PID
BASHH guidelines for the management of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) - inpatient
Inpatient – if pyrexial (>38) or septic
• Inpatient
o IV ceftriaxone 2g OD + IV doxycycline 100mg BD
followed by
o PO Doxycycline 100mg BD + PO Metronidazole 400mg BD for a total of 14 days
o IV Clindamycin 900mg TID + IV gentamicin (2mg/kg loading dose) followed by 1.5mg/kg TID or a single daily dose of 7mg/kg
followed by
o PO clindamycin 450mg QID or PO doxycycline 100mg BD to complete 14 days + PO metronidazole 400mg BD to complete 14 days
- IV therapy should be continued until 24h after clinical improvement, then switched to oral
- Other – STI screening, contact tracing, discuss contraception, removal if IUCD, avoid sex
Bartholin’s cyst management
Conservative management
• Cyst – nothing
• Abscess
o Incision + drainage
o Broad spectrum abx (co-amoxiclav) to treat smaller abscesses until cultures are obtained
o Flucloxacillin OD is often prescribed
• Warm baths to encourage spontaneous rupture and symptomatic relief
• Forming an open pouch to stop the cyst from reforming
• LA
• Vertical elliptical incision made just inside/outside the hymenal ring
• Oval wedge of skin from vulva + cyst wall is removed
• Loculations broken down with gloved finger
• Cyst wall sewn to the adjacent skin using interrupted sutures
• Large cyst – pack with ribbon gauze in flavine
• Complications after marsupialisation – haematoma, dyspareunia, infection
Word Catheter
• Balloon catheter
o LA, stab the cyst 1-1.5 cm deep
o Instrument used to break up loculations, drain cyst, pass word catheter into it (small rubber catheter with an inflatable tip)
o Inflate balloon with water or lubricating gel, pass other end in the vagina
o Leave catheter in situ for up to 4 weeks for complete epithelisation of the new tract
o Catheter removed by deflating the balloon
• Complications after balloon catheter – infection, abscess recurrence, bleeding, pain, scarring, expulsion of the bulb of the catheter, dyspareunia
Other techniques (less popular)
• Incision + curettage of the cavity
• Application of sliver nitrate to the abscess cavity
• Insertion of a plastic (Jacobi) ring
• Use of CO2 laser
• Complete excision of gland avoided unless malignancy is suspected
Endometriosis medical management
analgesia for all according to the WHO pain ladder
Medical management – should be avoided for women who are trying to conceive
• Pain – Paracetamol +/- NSAID - 1st line
o Adjunct – tranexamic acid
• For laparoscopically confirmed case – Suppression of ovarian function for at least 6 months
o Levonorgestrel intrauterine system
o Oral depot Medroxyprogesterone acetate
o Danazol
o GnRH agonist (e.g. leuprorelin)
Tx given for 3 months may be as effective as tx given for 6 months in relieving endometriosis-associated pain
Do not use longer than 6 months – inhibits oestrogen release – osteoporosis risk
Menopause-like side effects (hot flushes, night sweats)
If longer/repeated treatment required – GnRH can be extended with “add-back” therapy:
Low dose oestrogen/progestogen/tibolone to relieve menopausal SE + prevent bone loss
Can be used as an adjunct to surgery for deep endometriosis involving bowel/bladder/ureter (planned surgery)
• Laparoscopy may not be need if there is no evidence of pelvic mass on examination therapeutic trial of:
o COPC (monthly or tricycling)
Monthly – Take 21 days with 7 days off
Tricycle – take 3 packs, back to back
o Progestogen
To induce amenorrhoea in those where COPC is contraindicated
- Rectovaginal endometriosis refractory to other medical/surgical treatment aromatase inhibitors + COCP/GnRH analogues
- Medical treatment of symptomatic extragenital endometriosis – if surgical removal/excision not possible
- In infertile women with endometriosis clinicians should nor prescribe hormonal treatment for suppression of ovarian function to improve fertility
Endometriosis surgical management
• Pain – Paracetamol +/- NSAID
o Adjunct – tranexamic acid
Surgical management
• Laparoscopic excision at the time of dx laparoscopy
• Planned laparoscopic surgery
o Removal of severely and deeply infiltrating lesions
o Ablation of endometrioid lesions
Excision > ablation
Laparoscopic surgery (planned surgery) has been shown to reduce pelvic pain when compared to diagnostic laparoscopy alone (during diagnostic laparoscopy)
Before laparoscopic surgery use GnRH analogues to shrink endometriosis (planned surgery)
After laparoscopic excision or ablation of endometriosis consider hormonal tx to prolong the benefits of surgery and mx sx
For deep endometriosis involving bowel/bladder/ureters pelvic MRI before operative laparoscopy
May also consider surgical removal or symptomatic extragenital endometriosis – if this is not possible medical treatment
o Can use oxidised regenerated cellulose during operative laparoscopy for endometriosis prevents adhesion formation
• Adhesiolysis
• Ovarian cystectomy – for endometriomas
o If >30mm in diameter – obtain histology to identify endometriosis and exclude rare cases of malignancy
o Cystectomy > drainage + coagulation, CO2 laser vaporisation
o Hormonal contraceptives for the secondary prevention of endometrioma
• Bilateral oophorectomy – often with a hysterectomy
o Hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy reserved for women as a last resort
o Excise all visible endometriotic lesions at time of hysterectomy
o Hysterectomy indicated
In women who have completed their family and failed to respond to more conservative treatment
If the woman has adenomyosis or heavy menstrual bleeding that has not responded to other treatments
o Women should be informed that hysterectomy will not necessarily cure the symptoms or the disease
Endometriosis management in a woman who is trying to conceive (fertility is a priority)
• Pain – Paracetamol +/- NSAID
o Adjunct – tranexamic acid
• In women trying to conceive – no medical/hormonal management
• Endometriosis not involving bowel/bladder/ureter
o Excision or ablation of endometriosis + adhesiolysis (during diagnostic laparoscopy)
o Improves the chances of spontaneous pregnancy
• Deep endometriosis involving bowel/bladder/ureter
o Laparoscopic surgery (planned surgery)
o Pelvic MRI before operative laparoscopy
• Endometriomas
o Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy with excision of the cyst wall
o Improves the chance of spontaneous pregnancy
o Reduces recurrence
• Minimal-mild endometriosis
o Suppression of ovarian function to improve fertility is not effective
o Ablation of endometroid lesions + adhesiolysis is effective compared to diagnostic laparoscopy alone
o Subfertility related to minimal-mild endometriosis
Laparoscopic ablation +/- endometrioma cystectomy
No hormonal treatment if trying to conceive
Laparoscopic surgery to treat subfertility, may improve future fertility
Endometriosis management in a woman who is not trying to conceive (fertility is not a priority)
• Pain – Paracetamol +/- NSAID
o Adjunct – tranexamic acid
• Peritoneal endometriosis not involving bowel/bladder/ureter or uncomplicated ovarian endometriomas
o Laparoscopic excision or ablation (during diagnostic laparoscopy)
o Hormonal treatment after laparoscopic excision or ablation
• Deep endometriosis involving bowel/bladder/ureter
o 3-month course of GnRH before laparoscopic surgery – to shrink endometriosis
o Pelvic MRI before operative laparoscopy
o Laparoscopic surgery (planned surgery)
• Endometriomas
o Excision rather than ablation
• Hysterectomy with BSO (bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy)
Initial management of endometriosis
Initial management (1st line)
• Pain – Paracetamol +/- NSAID (3months)
o Adjunct – tranexamic acid
• Hormonal treatment – COPC or progesterone (POP, implant, injectables, LNG-IUS) (3 months)
Medical management of fibroids
• Only required if symptomatic (fibroids >3cm)
• Uterine fibroids
o Single most common indication for hysterectomy
1st line non-hormonal (not contraceptive)
• Antifibrinolytic agents (e.g. tranexamic acid)
o Tranexamic acid 1g TDS (contraindications: renal impairment, thrombotic disease)
• NSAIDs (e.g. ibuprofen, mefenamic acid)
o decrease menstrual blood loss when the cause is unknown
o Contraindications – IBD
1st line hormonal (contraceptive)
• Cyclical oral progestogens
• LNG-IUS (Mirena)
o More effective than COCP
o decrease amount of menstrual loss
o decrease uterine size in women with fibroids
• GnRH agonist
o decrease size of fibroids during treatment but once discontinued fibroid size increases again
o Used pre-hysterectomy
o Associated with significant side effects – menopausal symptoms (hot flushes, sweating, vaginal dryness), bone loss, osteoporosis
• Ulipristal acetate
o SPRM (selective progesterone receptor modulator) with predominantly inhibitory action
o Shrinks fibroids, reduced bleeding – Inhibits cell proliferation inducing apoptosis
o Should only be used for intermittent treatment of moderate to severe uterine fibroid symptoms before menopause and when surgical procedures (including uterine fibroid embolisation) are not suitable or have failed
o Reports of serious liver injury
Perform LFTs at least once monthly
Stop treatment if transaminase levels are >2 x the upper limit of normal
Repeat LFTs 2 and 4 weeks after stopping treatment
Surgical management of fibroids
Indications + types of surgery
Indicated when
• There is excessively enlarged uterine size
• Pressure symptoms are present
• Medical management is not sufficient to control symptoms
• The fibroid is submucous and fertility is reduced
• Myomecotmy
o Safe alternative to hysterectomy
o Open or laparoscopic
o Power morcellation used to shrink the fibroids for removal
o Maintains reproductive potential/keeps uterus
o Laparoscopic myomectomy – subserous fibroids
o Hysteroscopic myomectomy – submucosal fibroids
• Vaginal removal of pendunculated vaginal fibroids – if >60, histology to exclude sarcoma
• Hysteroscopic TCRF (transcervical removal of fibroids)
o Small submucosal or polypoid fibroids
• Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation
o Women presenting with menorrhagia
• Total hysterectomy
o In women who have completed their family – hysterectomy remains the most effective treatment for excessive uterine bleeding
o In women with many fibroids
o Small fibroids – vaginal route
o Large fibroids, intraligamentous fibroids – laparotomy with preservation of ovaries
o Laparoscopic hysterectomy – higher risk of urinary tract injury + severe bleeding in comparison to open surgery
o Risk of blood loss directly related to uterine size – reduced by pre-treatment with GnRH agonists
• Uterine artery embolization (UAE)
o Effective and safe for women who wish to keep their uterus
o May preserve fertility, may also make ovaries fail
o Embolise both uterine arteries – infarct/degenerate fibroids
o Patients need admission to deal with associate pain (opiate analgesia)
• MRI-guided transcutaneous focused US
o Low morbidity, rapid recovery
o High-power US are used to ablate the fibroid – there may be skin burns as a result
Risks of different surgical approaches in the management of fibroids
Uterine artery embolization
o Risk of
Excessive bleeding – cross match blood
Requiring hysterectomy at the time of operation –obtain consent for hysterectomy
C-section in the future – risk of uterine rupture
Uterine artery embolization
o Risk of
Fever, infection, fibroid expulsion, potential ovarian failure
Placental insufficiency – small-for-gestational-age babies, increased c-section, prematurity
May necessitate hysterectomy due to complications during procedure – consent beforehand
o As effective as myomectomy for alleviating fibroid DUB and pressure symptoms
Cervical polyps management
• Management – reassurance
o Generally advised to remove (twist off if small or surgery)
o Polypectomy for symptomatic and large (>3cm) endocervical polyps
o To destroy the base of the polyp – liquid nitrogen, electrocautery ablation, laser surgery
o For more persistent lesions – surgical dilatation and curettage, electrosurgical excision, hysteroscopic polypectomy
o Send for histology
Cervical ectropion management
Cauterisation - burn + remove
Cryotherapy - freeze + remove
Move from oestrogen-based contraceptives
Endometrial polyp managment
o May resolve spontaneously if small
o Premenopausal – polypectomy for polyps >1.5 cm/symptomatic polyps/prolapsed polyps/multiple polyps/polyps associated with infertility
o Postmenopausal – polypectomy or hysterectomy
o Hysteroscopic removal or morcellation
o Polypectomy to (day case under GA or OPD under LA)
Alleviate AUB (abnormal uterine bleeding) symptoms
Optimise fertility
Exclude hyperplasia/cancer
First line management of menopause
Healthy lifestyle – 1st line
• Smoking cessation, lose weight, limit alcohol + caffeine, regular aerobic exercise
• Adequate calcium intake (around 700 mg/day)
• Hot flushes – regular exercise, WL, reduce stress
• Sleep disturbance – sleep hygiene, no late evening exercise
o Mood – sleep hygiene, regular exercise, relaxation techniques
o Cognitive symptoms – sleep hygiene, regular exercise
First line management of menopause
Oestrogen (Elleste Solo) to women without a uterus
• OD, oral oestrogen – standard therapy
Oestrogen + progestogen (Elleste duet) to women with a uterus
• Progesterone protects the endometrium
• You can have an oestrogen only preparation combined with an LNG-IUS (Mirena coil, releases progesterone)
o Progesterone – oral progesterone, mirena (better at protecting uterus)
o Topical oestrogen – vagifem, ovestin
o oestrogen patches
Pattern of HRT in peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women
Pattern of HRT
• Peri menopausal - Cyclical/Sequential pattern (SCT)
o Monthly:
Oestrogen every day of the month + progesterone the last 14 days
Produces a bleed every month
Indication – Regular periods + menopause symptoms
o 3-monthly
Oestrogen every day + progesterone alongside if for around 14 days every 3 months
Indication – irregular periods + menopause symptoms
Produces a bleed every 3 months
Common cause of IMB = endometrial polyp
• Post-menopausal (no period for >1 year) - Continuous pattern (CCT)
o Oestrogen + progesterone every day
- Oestrogenic – breast tenderness, nausea, headaches
- Progestogenic – fluid retention, mood swings, depression
• Unscheduled vaginal bleeding o Common in the first 3 months of HRT o Sequential>continuous HRT o Investigate if it continues past 6 months or after a spell of amenorrhoea)
Contraindications to HRT
- Any oestrogen-sensitive cancer
- Current or past Breast cancer
- Untreated endometrial hyperplasia
- Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
- Hx of VTE
- Current thrombophilia (AT-III, FV Leiden)
- Severe liver disease
- Pregnancy
Benefits of HRT
• Improved menopause symptoms - Most effective treatment to relieve the symptoms caused by menopause completely, particularly
o Vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes/night sweats)
o Mood swings
o Vaginal + bladder symptoms
• Osteoporosis
o Risk of fragility fracture is decreased while taking HRT
Fragility fracture – fracturs that result from mechanical forces that would not ordinarily result in fracture (fall from a standing height or less)
Most commonly occur in the spine, hip, wrist
Reduced BMD is a major RF
o This benefit is maintained during treatment but decreases once treatment stops
o This benefit may continue for longer in women who take HRT for longer
• Cardiovascular disease
o Oral (but not transdermal) oestrogen associated with a small increase in the risk of stroke
o HRT oestrogen alone associated with no/reduced risk of CHD
o HRT oestrogen + progestogen associated with no/little increase in the risk of CHD
Risks of HRT
• Cancer
o Oestrogen only – endometrial cancer, ovarian
o Combined – breast cancer, ovarian
o Any increase in the risk of breast cancer is related to treatment duration and reduces after stopping HRT
o Risk increased by oral HRT (oral>transdermal)
o Risk of VTE associated with transdermal no greater than baseline population risk
o Consider transdermal HRT for menopausal women who are at increased risk of VTE, incl. those with BMI >30kg/m2
Managing short-term menopausal symptoms
- Vasomotor symptoms
- Psychological symptoms
- Altered sexual function
- Urogenital atrophy
- Vaginal dryness
- Osteoporosis
- Herbal or complementary treatments
Managing short-term menopausal symptoms and alternative therapies to HRT
• The recommendations in this section are not intended for women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI)
• Vasomotor symptoms
o Do not routinely offer SSRI or SNRI or clonidine as first-line treatment for vasomotor symptoms alone unless HRT cannot be given
o SSRIs – fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, citalopram
Paroxetine is the most effective
Women on tamoxifen should not take fluoxetine or paroxetine makes tamoxifen ineffective
o SSRI-SNRIs – venlaflaxine
Velnaflaxine preferred in people taking Tamoxifen
Improvement in fatigue, mental health, sleep disturbance
o SSRI + SNRI SE – dry mouth, nausea, constipation, appetite problems, reduction in libido
o Alpha agonists – clonidine
Licenced but there are lots of anti-Ach SE
Only non-hormonal drug licensed for use for hot flushes in the UK
25 mcg BD for 2/52, increased to a max of 50 mcg TDS
Must be withdrawn gradually – suddenly stopping it can cause rebound high blood pressure
Anti-hypertensive – therefore not suitable for patients with low BP
o Gabapentin
Improves flushes and sweats
SE – sleepiness, dizziness, weight gain, dry mouth
o Vasomotor symptoms – isoflavines, black cohoshm clonidine, evening primrose oil, black cohosh, magnesium, st johns wort, acupuncture
Multiple preparations are available and their safety is uncertain
Different preparations may vary
Do not know which doses are effective
Interactions with other medicines have been reported
Not recommended for breast cancer survivors
Women on tamoxifen should not take St. John’s wort makes tamoxifen ineffectieve
• Psychological symptoms
o HRT – low mood
o CBT – low mood + anxiety
o No clear evidence for SSRIs or SNRIs
• Altered sexual function
o Testosterone supplementation for menopausal women with low sexual desire if HRT alone is not effective
o Tibolone
• Urogenital atrophy
o Vaginal oestrogen (also offered to those on systemic HRT)
o Moisturisers and lubricants can be used alone or in addition to vaginal oestrogen
o Vaginal lubricants Effective to use as non-hormone alternatives esp. if the main symptoms are pain on intercourse due to dryness
o Topical HRT in the short-term treatment of menopausal atrophic vaginitis
- Vaginal dryness – lubricants
- Osteoporosis treatment – tibolone, bisphosphonates (alendronic acid, ibandronic acid, risedroni acid, zoledronic acid), calcium, vitamin D, raloxifene (approved for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and to reduce risk of invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women at high risk or with osteoporosis)
• Herbal or complementary treatments
o Phyto-oestrogens
Naturally occurring compounds found in plant sources
Structurally related to estradiol
Isoflavins, genistein, daidzein, glycitein, ligans, coumestans
Soy beans, nuts, wholegrain cereals, oilseeds
Can be taken in the form of tablets
Efficacy has not been proven in RCTs, meta-analysis has shown that their use is associated with a reduction in the frequency of hot flushes
Early menopause management
Early menopause management
• HRT continued until they reach 51 years unless contra-indicated
• May need larger doses of HRT to control vasomotor symptoms
o Symptoms may be more severe in premature menopause, particularly after surgical menopause, often requiring higher doses of oestrogen than those needed following spontaneous menopause at a later age
• There is no evidence that there is any increased risk of breast cancer compared with normally menstruating women of the same age for early menopausal women on HRT
Premature ovarian insufficiency POI management
Premature ovarian insufficiency POI management
• Sex steroid replacement + HRT or COCP (combined hormonal contraceptive)
o Unless contraindicated (for example, in women with hormone-sensitive cancer)
o HRT/COCP should be continued until at least the age of natural menopause
o HRT may have a beneficial effect on blood pressure when compared to the COCP
o Both HRT + COCP offer bone protection
o HRT is not a contraceptive
Give examples of progestogen medications
Oral/depot Medroxyprogesterone acetate
Cyproterone acetate
Norethisterone acetate
Give examples of GnRH agonist medications
leuprorelin nafarelin buserelin goserelin triptorelin
Hormonal treatment after surgery for endometriosis - duration + indications
• Short-term
• Long-term
Hormonal treatment after surgery
• Short-term (<6 months) not recommended as there is no evidence that it improves the outcomes of the surgery
• Long-term (>6 months) contraception, secondary prevention
o Indication: secondary prevention of endometriosis associated dysmenorrhoea but not for non-menstrual pelvic pain or dyspareunia
Infertile women with endometriosis management
• In infertile women with endometriosis clinicians should nor prescribe hormonal treatment for suppression of ovarian function to improve fertility
• AFS/ASRM stage I/II
o Operative laparotomy – excision or ablation of the endometriosis lesions incl. adhesiolysis rather than diagnostic laparoscopy only – Increases ongoing pregnancy rates
o CO2 laser vaporisation of endometriosis
o Intrauterine insemination with controlled ovarian stimulation within 6 months after surgical treatment – increases live birth rates compared to expectant mx
• Ovarian endometrioma
o Excision of the endometrioma capsule + electrocoagulation of the endometrioma wall
o risks of reduced ovarian function after surgery + possible loss of ovary
o If endometrioma >3cm
No evidence that cystectomy prior to treatment with assisted reproductive technologies improves pregnancy rates
Only consider cystectomy to improve endometriosis-associated pain or the accessibility of follicles
o Can consider operative laparoscopy instead of expectant management to increase spontaneous pregnancy rates
• Do not prescribe adjunctive hormonal treatment before/after surgery to improve spontaneous pregnancy rates
• Use of assisted reproductive technologies for infertility associated with endometriosis, especially if tubal function is compromised or if there is male factor infertility, and/or other treatments have failed
o GnRH agonists for a period of 3 to 6 months prior to treatment with assisted reproductive technologies – improves clinical pregnancy rates in infertile women with endometriosis
o If undergoing laparoscopy prior to treatment with assisted reproductive technologies complete surgical removal of endometriosis
Post menopausal women with a hx of endometriosis mx
• Surgically induced menopause because of endometriosis estrogen/progestogen or tibolone for at least up to the age of natural menopause
• Postmenopausal women after hysterectomy + a hx of endometriosis avoid unopposed estrogen
o Endometriosis is an oestrogen-depending confition
o Hormonal therapy in women with menopausal symptoms + a hx of endometriosis may reactivate residual disease or produce new lesins
o Balance risk of disease reactivation + malignant transformation of residual disease against the increased systemic risks with combined oestrogen/progestogen or tibolone
What is tibolone and where is it used
- The first “bleed-free” HRT contains a synthetic hormone known as Tibolone, which is taken orally every day
- Combined oestrogen, progestogen and testosterone effects
- Relieves menopausal symptoms, prevents bone loss, and may improve interest in sex
- Normally prescribed at least 12 months after the last menstrual period, so many women switch to these continuous types after taking a sequential HRT
- Has also been shown to be particularly useful in women who are known to have endometriosis and fibroids as it does not appear to stimulate these conditions
Tamoxifen and SSRI SNRI interactions
- Tamoxifen is extensively metabolised via cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) to active metabolites, the most significant of which is endoxifen.
- Paroxetine is a potent CYP2D6 inhibitor,
- Fluoxetine is a moderate-to-potent inhibitor, and fluvoxamine and duloxetine are moderate inhibitors.
- Preference should be given to SSRIs/SNRIs with weak inhibitory effects on CYP2D6, such as citalopram, escitalopram, sertraline and venlafaxine
Women on tamoxifen should not take fluoxetine or paroxetine makes tamoxifen ineffective
Velnaflaxine preferred in people taking Tamoxifen
Menopause Treatments for breast cancer survivors
Treatments for breast cancer survivors
• Most clinical guidelines do not recommend oestrogen based treatments
• NAMS (north American menopause society) SSRIs, SNRIs, gabapentin, pregabalin, clonidine, CBT
o SSRIs, SNRIs, Gabapentine – no better than placebo
o Paroxetine + fluoxetine – will reduce the efficacy of tamoxifen
o Clonidine, venlafaxine, gabapentine
o St Johns wort may improve symptoms but not recommended because of serious drug interactions
• Isoflavones, red clover, black cohosh – not recommended
Atrophic vaginitis mx
Hormonal preparations (oestrogen): Topical and systemic oestrogens are the most efficacious treatment for atrophic vaginitis
• Topical HRT
o Restores vaginal pH
o Works by thickening and revascularizing the vaginal epithelium, so improving lubrication
o Helps to improve urinary symptoms
o Systemic HRT – not recommended as 1st line treatment for those with only vaginal symptoms + no menopausal symptoms
o Around 10-25% of women receiving HRT still have symptoms – will require topical oestrogen in addition to HRT
• Topical treatments:
o Intravaginal cream
Common to have more vaginal discharge with creams
This may be an advantageous SE in sexually active women
o Vaginal gel
o Vaginal tablets
o Vaginal pessary
One vaginal pessary daily for the first 3 weeks
Reducing to one vaginal pessary 2ice a week
o Vaginal ring
Inserted into the upper third of the vagina
Changed every 3 months
Maximum duration of continuous treatment = 2 years
Vaginal oestrogens can be really effective in patients with urinary symptoms
No evidence that topical oestrogens cause endometrial proliferation after long-term use
Low dose topical oestrogen is safe and does not need to be given with systemic progestogens
Women receiving hormonal treatment should be advised to contact their doctor if they experience any vaginal bleeding
Non-hormonal treatments
Lubricants + moisturisers used in those with contra-indications/cannot use oestrogen
Lower efficacy than oestrogen
• Lubricants
• Moisturisers
o Bio-adhesive – attach to mucin and epithelial cells on the vaginal wall – therefore retain water
o Can also lower vaginal pH
o Safe to be used daily
o Should be used regularly rather than during sexual intercourse
+ systemic HRT If co-existent menopausal sx
Asherman’s syndorme mx
• Surgical management
o Hysteroscopic adhesiolysis (sometimes assisted by laparoscopy) – to cut the adhesions of the uterine wall
• Post-op management – re-adhesion prevention
o Chemicals
Hyaluronic acid – acts as a temporary barrier to prevent re-adhesion and may also promote tissue repair
o Splint/balloon insertion to prevent apposition of the walls during the immediate post-operative healing phase
o Weekly in-office hysteroscopy to cut away any newly formed adhesions
o Paediatric Foley catheter
To separate the uterine walls to prevent the recurrent adhesions
Insert into the uterine cavity for 5-7 days with a bag removing the drainage of the uterus
• Uterus restoration therapies
o Oestrogen supplementation
Can be inserted into the uterus as post-op ICUD for 2-3 months – oestrogens induce endometrial proliferation + prevent re-formation of IUA
Repairs + restores the uterine wall, stimulates uterine healing
2 cycles of cyclical oestrogen + progesterone (Specialties guide)
o Antibiotics – to prevent infections + inflammation that may damage the uterus and trigger re-adhesion of the uterine walls
- Mild cases – only require surgical treatment
- Severe cases – may require all 3 approaches
Asherman’s syndrome prevention
• Prevention
o Misoprostol for miscarriage or RCT
o Perform D+C under US guidance rather than blindly
o Early identification of miscarriage – adhesions are more likely to occur after a D+C the longer the period after fetal death
Miscarriage mx >6 weeks pregnant
> 6 weeks pregnant –> EPAU referral
• Threatened miscarriage – expectant management
o Advise a woman with vaginal bleeding + confirmed intrauterine pregnancy with a fetal heartbeat that
If her bleeding gets worse or persists beyond 14 days she should return for further assessment
If the bleeding stops, she should start or continue routine antenatal care
Offer vaginal micronized progesterone 400mg BD to women with an intrauterine pregnancy confirmed by a scan, if they have vaginal bleeding and a previous miscarriage
If a fetal heart beat is confirmed, continue progesterone until 16 completed weeks of pregnancy
- Complete miscarriage – menstruation will begin in 4-8 weeks, try for another when mentally ready
- Incomplete miscarriage – expectant for 14 days (1st line) , medical or surgical (2nd line)
Miscarriage mx <6 weeks pregnant
<6 weeks pregnant - expectant management, no USS
• Pregnancy test in 1 week
• If positive/symptoms persist – follow up in clinic in 2 weeks
• If RPC – medical/surgical mx
recurrent miscarriage due to APLS mx
• Low dose aspirin + LMWH if thrombophilia identified (APLS)
• Symptoms – VTE, arterial thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, RMC, pre-eclampsia
o Assess for features of SLE
• Ix – lupus anticoagulant AB +/- anti-cardiolipin Ab
• Mx
o Acute – warfarin + LMWH
o Chronic – DOAC
o Pregnancy – low-dose aspirin + LMWH
Miscarriage conservative mx
Conservative/Expectant for confirmed miscarriage (70%)
• 1st line treatment - expectant management for 7 to 14 days for women with a confirmed dx of first-trimester miscarriage after the scan at the EPAU
o Expectant management for 7-14 days
o Urine pregnancy test after 3 weeks
If positive – need to be reviewed and considered for either medical or surgical treatment
o Review the condition of the woman at a minimum 14 days after the first follow-up appointment
• Repeat scan after the period of expectant management if the pain and the bleeding
o Have not started (suggesting that the process of miscarriage has not begun) or
o Are persisting and/or increasing (suggesting incomplete miscarriage) – follow up in clinic in 4 weeks
• Consider other management options (medical or surgical) in women with
o An increased risk of haemorrhage (e.g. she is in the late first trimester)
o A previous adverse or traumatic experience associate with pregnancy (stillbirth, miscarriage, antepartum haemorrhage)
o Increased risk from the effects of haemorrhage (if she has coagulopathies or is unable to have a blood transfusion)
o Any evidence of infection
- Offer medical management to women with a confirmed dx of miscarriage if expectant management is not acceptable to the woman
- Conservative management is associated with higher unplanned emergency interventions + blood transfusion rates but no difference in infection rates
Miscarriage medical mx
Medical management of confirmed miscarriage (20-30%)
• 2nd line – expectant failed, pt choice
o If bleeding has not started within 24h of treatment, contact a healthcare professional
• Misoprostol
o Synthetic prostaglandin analogue – binds to myometrial cells to cause cervical softening + dilation + uterine contractions leading to expulsion of tissue
o Vaginal - Missed (800μg, single dose) or incomplete (600 μg, single dose) miscarriage
o Oral - alternative
o Pessary is the most effective, oral tablets are the least effective
• Can cause more pain and bleeding than surgical
o Bleeding can continue for up to 3 weeks
- Analgesia
- Anti-emetics
• Mifepristone no longer given
• Women should take a urine pregnancy test 3 weeks after the medical management of miscarriage
o If worsening symptoms/positive urine test after 3 weeks – return to review that there is no molar or ectopic pregnancy
Miscarriage surgical mx
- If medical failed, pt choice
- Less likely than medical management to lead to emergency intervention, associated with a shorter duration of bleeding + fewer GI SE – no difference in infection rates or need for transfusion
• Clinical indications for surgical mx o Persistent excessive bleeding o Haemodynamic instability o Evidence of infected retained tissue o Suspected gestational trophoblastic disease
• Choice of
o Manual vacuum aspiration (suction curettage) under LA in an OP or clinic setting
Safe, Quick, less painful than sharp curettage
Sexual hx/screening for infection (incl. Chlamydia trachomatis) should be undertaken in women undergoing surgical uterine evacuation
o Surgical management in theatre, under GA
ERPC – evacuation of retained products of conception
- Vaginal or sublingual misoprostol is often used to ripen the cervix to facilitate cervical dilation for suction insertion
- Anti-rhesus D prophylaxis (250IU)
o Should be offered to all rhesus -ve women who have had a surgical procedure to manage a miscarriage
o Do not offer anti-rhesus D prophylaxis to women who
Receive solely medical treatment for their ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage or
Threatened/complete miscarriage or
o Administer if mother is rhesus -ve + >12w GA (any method of management)
o Therapeutic termination - anti-D given regardless of method + GA
• Tissue obtained at the time of miscarriage is examined histologically – confirm pregnancy + exclude ectopic pregnancy or gestational trophoblastic disease
Miscarriage advice
• There is no evidence to support couple delaying attempts to conceive following a miscarriage
- Conservative/expectant management – should perform a pregnancy test 3/52 after resolution of bleeding + pain
- Medical management – Should perform a pregnancy test 3/52 after receiving medical management unless they have worsening symptoms
o Worsening symptoms – review, may need a repeat USS - ?molar or ectopic pregnancy,
- Smoking, alcohol, illicit drug use
- Vitamin supplementation prior to or in early pregnancy does not prevent miscarriage although multivitamins with iron and folic acid do reduce the risk of stillbirth
Complications of
mx of miscarriage
- Expectant management – higher risk of incomplete miscarriage, need for unplanned/additional surgical emptying of the uterus, bleeding and need for transfusion
- Surgery – uterine perforation, cervical tears, intraabdominal trauma, intrauterine adhesions, haemorrhage, retained products of conception, infection
• After complete miscarriage, bleeding stops within 10 days
o If part of the placenta remains – bleeding may continue with cramps
o Repeat USS + surgery often required
Hydatidiform moles mx
o Suction curettage
Method of choice of evacuation for complete and partial molar pregnancies
US guidance during removal and curettage - minimise the chance of perforation and to ensure that as much tissue as possible is removed
o Urinary pregnancy test
To be performed 3 weeks after medical management of failed pregnancy if products of conception are not sent for histological examination
o Anti-D prophylaxis after evacuation of a molar pregnancy
o Single dose of oxytocic following evacuation if there is excessive bleeding
When do you refer a patient with ?gestational trophoblastic disease to a trophoblastic screening centre?
o For follow up depending on hcg levels at 56 days (8 weeks) of pregnancy event**
o Considered for all women with persistently elevated hCG either after an ectopic has been excluded or after 2 consecutive treatments with methotrexate for a PUL
o Complete mole – after hCG levels return to normal**:
If hcg levels have normalised within 8/52 - monthly urine hCG testing is continued for 6/12 from evacuation, follow-up for 6 months
If hcg levels have not normalised within 8/52 - monitoring continues for 6/12 from when levels became normal, follow up for 6 months from normalisation of the hCG level
Follow up (monitoring of pregnancy hormone levels) is done in the trophoblastic screening centre
Twin pregnancies with a viable fetus and a molar pregnancy mx
o Pregnancy should be allowed to proceed if the mother wishes
Probability of achieving a viable baby is poor (around 25%) + there is a high risk of complications e.g. premature delivery + pre-eclampsia
No increased risk of developing persistent GTD after this type of molar pregnancy
Outcome after chemotherapy is unaffected
o Prenatal invasive testing for fetal karyotype
Should be considered in cases where it is unclear if the pregnancy is a complete mole with coexisting normal twin or a possible singleton partial molar pregnancy or in cases of an abnormal placenta
o Placental site trophoblastic tumour (PSTT)
o Epithelioid trophoblastic tumour (ETT)
o Recognized variants of GTN
o May be treated with surgery because they are less sensitive to chemotherapy
• Hysterectomy – PSTT
Surveillance after hydatidiform moles
o 2/7 serum + urine samples until hCG concentrations are normal
o Partial mole – surveillance may end once the hCG has returned to normal on two samples, at least 4 weeks apart
o Complete mole – after hCG levels return to normal**:
If hcg levels have normalised within 8/52 - monthly urine hCG testing is continued for 6/12 from evacuation, follow-up for 6 months
If hcg levels have not normalised within 8/52 - monitoring continues for 6/12 from when levels became normal, follow up for 6 months from normalisation of the hCG level
Follow up (monitoring of pregnancy hormone levels) is done in the trophoblastic screening centre
o All women to notify the screening centre at the end of any future pregnancy whatever the outcome of the pregnancy - Levels of hCG are measured 6-8/52 after the end of the pregnancy to exclude disease recurrence
(o Women who have a pregnancy following a previous molar pregnancy, which has not required treatment for GTN, do not need to send a post-pregnancy hCG sample
o Histological examination of placental tissue from any normal pregnancy, after a molar pregnancy, is not indicated)
Where is chemotherapy for gestational trophoblastic disease given?
• Chemotherapy – specialist centres – CX, Sheffield, Dundee
• Future pregnancy advice for women with gestational trophoblastic disease
+ Support for women with gestational trophoblastic disease
o Women being monitored after molar pregnancy should be advised not to conceive until their hCG levels have been normal for 6 months/until follow up is complete
o Women who undergo chemotherapy are advised not to conceive for 1 year after completion of treatment
o Women who have had a removal of a molar pregnancy are advised not to become pregnant until they have completed their hCG follow up
o GTD nurse specialists and advisors – can be accessed wither through attending a GTD centre or via phone or both
o Online support groups are available ( alongside regular drop-in support groups
• Contraception + HRT following treatment for gestational trophoblastic disease
once hCG levels have returned to normal
o The use of exogenous oestrogens and other fertility drugs may be used
o HRT may be used
o COCP may be used
o Avoid IUDs until Hcg normalised (risk of uterine perforation)
o Barrier contraception until hcg normalises
Gestational trophoblastic disease indications for chemotherapy
• The need for chemotherapy following a complete mole is 8-20% and is 0.5% after a partial mole
o Plateaued or rising hCG levels after evacuation
o Serum hCG >20,000 IU/L more than 4 weeks after evacuation because of the risk of uterine perforation with further evacuation attempts
o Raised hCG level 6 months after evacuation (even if falling)
o Histological evidence of choriocarcinoma
o Evidence of mets. in the brain, liver, GIT or radiological opacities >2cm on CXR
o Pulmonary, vulval or vaginal metastases unless hCG concentrations are falling
o Heavy vaginal bleeding or evidence of GI or intraperitoneal haemorrhage
Gestational trophoblastic disease chemotherapy for low-risk patients
o Methotrexate IM
Repeat every 48 hours
Total of 4 doses
Courses repeated every 2 weeks
Calcium folinate (folinic acid)
• Orally
• 30 hours after each injection of methotrexate
Gestational trophoblastic disease chemotherapy for high-risk patients
o There are a number of different regimes in use
Charing cross regimen – two regiments that alternate each week = EMA/CO schedule (=etoposide/methotrexate/dactinomycin (actinomycin D)/cyclophosphamide/vincristine – formerly oncovin)
o Regimen 1
Day 1 – etoposide, methotrexate and dactinomycin (actinomycin-D)
Day 2 – etoposide, dactinomycin (actinomycin – D), folinic acid rescue (starting 24 hours after beginning the methotrexate infusion)
o Regimen 2
Day 8 – cyclophosphamide and vincristine (on Day 8 only)
EP/EMA regime can be used as second-line if resistance develops
o Regimen 1
Day 1 - etoposide, methotrexate and dactinomycin (actinomycin-D)
Day 2 – folinic acid
o Regimen 2
Day 8 – etoposide, cisplatin
o Treatment continued until hCG levels have returned to normal + then for a further consecutive 6/52
o Women with high-risk GTN who require multi-agent chemotherapy which includes etoposide should be advised that they may be at increased risk of developing secondary cancers
Gestational trophoblastic disease follow-up after chemotherapy
o Urine + serum hCG levels are monitored weekly
o This gradually drops to 4-weekly urine levels in year 2
o Through further gradual reductions in frequency to 6-montly levels from year 6
o The highest risk of recurrence is in the first year
- Women who have not received chemotherapy no longer need to have hCG measured after any subsequent pregnancy event
- If hcg continues to rise - ?choriocarcinoma
PCOS mx of oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea
Oligomenorrhoea and amenorrhoea – May predispose women to endometrial hyperplasia and cancer
If the woman has prolonged amenorrhoea (oligomenorrhoea 3 or more months), abnormal vaginal bleeding or excess weight
o Cyclical progestogen to induce a withdrawal bleed then
o Refer for a TVUS to assess endometrial thickness
If endometrial thickening is present (>10mm) or endometrium has an unusual appearance – biopsy
If endometrium is of normal thickness + appearance – advise treatment to prevent endometrial hyperplasia – treatment which leads to a withdrawal bleed every 3 or 4 months should be recommended – options
- Cyclical progestogen (e.g. methylprogesterone 10g) daily for 14 days every 1-3 months (contraception)
- Low dose COCP (contraception + hyperandrogenism)
- LNG-IUS – to prevent hyperplasia (contraception)
- If a woman is unwilling to take cyclical hormone treatment – regular TVUSS (every 6-12 months) required to assess endometrial thickness + morphology
o These treatments increase the SHBG which helps relieve androgenic symptoms
o Encourage healthy lifestyle – weight loss may lead in menstrual regularity
o Osteoporosis prophylaxis is not required for women with PCOS who are amenorrhoeic – they are not oestrogen deficient
o US of the endometrium should be done if withdrawal bleeds do not occur
o Endometrial biopsy if
Endometrial thickness is >7-10mm
There is presence of an endometrial polyp
PCOS mx of hyperandrogenism
• Acne
o Encourage a healthy lifestyle – weight loss may reduce hyperandrogenism
o COCP – first-line treatment (contraception + hyperandrogenism)
o If needed, add a topical retinoid, topical antibiotic, oral antibiotic
• Hirsutism
o Encourage a healthy lifestyle – weight loss may reduce hyperandrogenism
o Discuss methods of hair reduction and removal
o Consider prescribing a COC
o Eflornithine cream for facial hair
PCOS mx of infertility
o Carry out an assessment to identify possible causes of infertility which may not be PCOS
o 1st line – Encourage a healthy lifestyle – weight loss, stop smoking
o Refer woman to be screened for GDM
All women who are planning a pregnancy should be offered an OGTT – either at pre-conception or before 20 weeks of gestation
Pregnant women should be offered another OGTT at 24-28 weeks of gestation
2nd line or 1st line in women with normal BMI
o Clomiphene (up to 6 months)
Induces ovulation
Given on day 2-6 of cycle (50mg) and then day 21 progesterone is neasured
If ovulation has occured, continue clomifene for 6 more cycles
If ovulation hasnt occured, increase dose to 100 mg
Improves pregnancy rates
Should not be used for >6 months x risk of ovarian carcinoma
Associated with an 11% risk of multiple pregnancy women should have US monitoring during treatment
Clomiphene citrate is preferable to metformin for ovulation induction
SERM (selective oestrogen receptor modulator) – blocks ER in hypothalamus reduces -ve feedback more GnRH pulsatile release
o Metformin
May be used instead or together with clomiphene to improve pregnancy rates
Usually added after 3 failed cycles with clomiphene
Warn women about side-effects
Metformin is not recommended in pregnancy
o Or a combination of the two (clomiphene + metformin)
Used after 3 failed clomiphene cycles
o 3rd line – gonadotrophins (risk: OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome))
OHSS multiple luteinized cysts lots of oestrogen, progesterone, VEGF pain, bloating
Women with PCOS who are being treated with gonadotrophins should not be offered treatment with GnRH agonist concomitantly – does not improve pregnancy rates, increases the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation
o 3rd line – Surgery
o Ovarian electrocautery
Should be considered for selected anovulatory patients (esp. those with normal BMI) as an alternative to ovulation induction
o Laparoscopic ovarian drilling – destroys ovarian stroma + prompts ovulatory cycles
• Obstructive sleep apnoea
o Due to androgen excess
o Ask about snoring + daytime fatigue/somnolence
o If there are symptoms, refer for investigation and treatment
PCOS mx for women not planning pregnancy
o Lifestyle advice – dietary modification + exercise
o Weight reduction
o Treatment of hirsutism/androgenic symptoms (specialties guide, not in NICE)
Co-cyprindiol (dianette)= Cyproterne acetate + ethinylestradiol
Used in PCOS complicated by hirsutism + acne
Also acts as contraception
COCP + enhanced anti-antrogenic activity
o Cyproterone acetate (antiandrogen)
o Topical eflornithine cream (hyperandreognism)
o GnRH analogues (reserved for women who are intolerant to other therapies)
o Surgical treatment (laser or electrolysis)
o Contraception
COCP – To control menstrual irregularity
If RF to the COPC – progestogens may be used to induce bleeds to protect the endometrium
IUS may be used as endometrial protection
o Metformin
Has been increasingly used off-licence for PCOS – NICE suggests it’s side-effects and cost outweigh its benefits + any as yet unproven, long-term health benefits
o Orlistat
Can help with weight loss in overweight/obese women
May improve testosterone + insulin sensitivity with similar efficacy to metformin
May be helpful in reducing hyperandrogenaemia
Subfertility lifestyle interventions
• Lifestyle interventions o Aim for BMI 20-25 o BMI <19 – weight gain o BMI >30 – weight loss BMI >30 – are likely to take longer to conceive, losing weight is likely to increase their chance of conception, men with BMI >30 are likely to have reduced fertility
o Exercise, dietary advice, weight loss advice
o Stop smoking (impairs fertility, smoking in pregnancy increaes risk of miscarriage, obstetric complications, IUGR, delayed reading ability, association between smoking and reduced semen quality)
o Cut down on drinking (no more than ½ units per week)
o Avoid illicit drugs (cannabis can impair ovulation, cocaine can cause tubual infertility)
o Folic acid
- Wait for regular intercourse to be established for at least 12 months (every 2-3 days)
- Start performing ix after 12 months
• If unexplained sub-fertility, mild endometriosis, male factor sub-fertility – try for another 12 months
o After this consider IVF
Medical and surgical management of male factor fertility problems
- Treatment of ejaculatory failure can restore fertility without the need for invasive methods of sperm retrieval or the use of associated reproduction procedures
- Persistent azoospermia is incompatible with fertility – the couple may wish to consider donor sperm
Medical management
• Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism – gonadotrophin drugs
Surgical management
• Obstructive azoospermia - surgical correction of epididymal blockage
o Surgical correction should be considered as an alternative to surgical sperm recovery + IVF
- Surgery for varicoceles should not be offered as it does not improve pregnancy rates
- In men with cryptorchidism and azoospermia, orchidopexy may result in spermatozoa being present in the ejaculate
Group 1 ovulatory disorders mx
- Increasing their body weight if they have a BMI <19
- Moderating their exercise levels if they undertake high levels of exercise
- Offer pulsatile administration of GnRH or gonadotrophins with LH activity to induce ovulation
Group 2 ovulatory disorders mx
• Lose weight If BMI >30
• 1st line – Ovulation induction – Offer one of the following treatments
o Clomiphene citrate (SERM)
o Metformin
o Combination of the above
o lowest effective dose and duration of use
• For women who are taking clomiphene citrate
o Offer US monitoring during at least the first cycle of treatment to ensure that they are taking a dose that minimises the risk of multiple pregnancy
o Do not continue treatment for longer than 6 months
• Inform women of SE of metformin – N+V, other GI disturbances
• 2nd line – If resistant to clomifiene
o Laparoscopic ovarian drilling
Removes endometrium – reduce amount of androgen-producing tissue
o Combined treatment with clomiphene citrate + metformin (if not already offered as first line)
o Gonadotrophins
Women with PCOS who are being treated with gonadotrophins should not be offered treatment with GnRH agonist concomitantly – does not improve pregnancy rates, increases the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation
Women who are offered ovulation induction with gonadotrophins should be informed about the risk of multiple pregnancy + ovarian hyperstimulation –> ovarian US monitoring to measure follicular size + number to reduce those risks
Tubal and uterine surgery for infertility
mild tubal disease proximal tube obstruction hydrosalpinges intrauterine adhesions adhesions/ovarian cyst/endometriosis fibroids
- Tubal microsurgery + laparoscopic tubal surgery –> Mild tubal disease – tubal surgery may be more effective than no treatment
- Tubal catheterisation or cannulation –> Proximal tube obstruction –> selective salpingography + tubal catheterisation or hysteroscopic tubal cannulation
- Surgery for hydrosalpinges before IVF –> women with hydrosalpinges should be offered salpingectomy, preferably by laparoscopy before IVF as this improves the chance of a live birth
- Uterine surgery –.>women with amenorrhoea who are found to have IUA –> hysteroscopic adhesiolysis
- Operative laparoscopy adhesions, ovarian cyst, endometriosis
- Myomectomy, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, laparotomy, fibroid embolisation fibroids
Unexplained infertility mx
- Do not offer oral ovarian stimulation agents (e.g. clomifine citrate, anastrozole, letrozole)
- Inform women with unexplained infertility that clomifene citrate as a stand-alone treatment does not increase the chances of a pregnancy or a live birth
- Try to conceive for a total of 2 years before considering IVF
- Offer IVF to women with unexplained fertility who have not conceived after 2 years of regular unprotected sexual intercourse
What is meant by assisted conception
- Refers to procedures whereby treated or manipulated sperm are brought into proximity with oocytes
- It includes
o IUI – intrauterine insemination with partner or donor sperm in natural or stimulated cycles
o Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)
o Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Intrauterine insemination +/- FSH stimulation
• Involves the introduction of prepared sperm into the uterine cavity around the time of ovulation (spontaneous or induced)
• Consider unstimulated intrauterine insemination as a treatment option in the following groups as an alternative to vaginal sexual intercourse
o People who are unable to or would find it very difficult to have vaginal intercourse because of a clinically diagnosed physical disability or psychosexual problem
o People with conditions that require specific consideration in relation to methods of conception (e.g. HIV +ve partner)
o People in same-sex relationships
o Idiopathic, anovulation unresponsive to ovarian induction, mild male factor, minimal to mild endometriosis
• Offer 12 cycles before IVF is considered
• For people with unexplained infertility, mild endometriosis or mild male factor infertility who are having regular unprotected sexual intercourse
o Do not routinely offer intrauterine insemination
o Advise them to try to conceive for a total of 2 years before IVF will be considered
Criteria for referral for IVF
• Full cycle of IVF (+/- ICSI) = 1 episode of ovarian stimulation + the transfer of any resultant fresh/frozen embryo
• In women <40 y/o who have not conceived after 2 years of regular unprotected intercourse or 12 cycles of artificial insemination (where >6 are by intrauterine insemination)
o Offer 3 full cycles of IVF +/- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
o Those women who reach 40 years during treatment should not be offered further cycles
o If the woman reaches the age of 40 during treatment, complete the current full cycle but do not offer further full cycles
• In women 40-42 y/o who have not conceived after 2 years of regular unprotected intercourse or 12 cycles of artificial insemination (where >6 are by intrauterine insemination) – offer 1 full cycle of IVF (+/- ICSI) provided the following 3 criteria are fulfilled
o They have never previously had IVF
o There is no evidence of low ovarian reserve
o There has been a discussion of the additional implication of IVF + pregnancy at this age
• When IVF is used and a top-quality blastocyst is available, a single embryo transfer is recommended to minimise the numbers and associated risks of a multiple pregnancy
IVF indications
blocked tubes
male minor factor
unsuccessful ovarian induction or 12 failed cycles of intrauterine insemination
description of stages
• Concept: leave the egg and sperm in a petri dish and they will fertilise each other
• Pre-treatment in IVF
COCP to suppress the woman’s own hormone production
• Down regulation and other regimens to avoid premature luteinising hormone surges in IVF
o GnRH agonist or GnRH antagonist as part of the gonadotrophin-stimulated IVF treatment cycles
o Only offer GnRH agonists to women who have a low risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
• Controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF
o Use ovarian stimulation as part of IVF treatment
o Use either urinary or recombinant gonadotrophins for ovarian stimulation
o Offer women US monitoring (+/- oestradiol levels) for efficacy and safety throughout ovarian stimulation
o Clomiphene citrate-stimulated and gonadotrophin-stimulated IVF cycles have higher pregnancy rates per cycle than natural cycle IVF
o Do not offer women natural cycle IVF treatment
o Limit the use of ovulation induction or ovarian stimulation agents to the lowest effective dose and duration of use
• Triggering ovulation in IVF
o Offer women human chorionic gonadotrophin (urinary or recombinant) to trigger ovulation in IVF treatment
o Offer US monitoring of ovarian response as an integral part of the IVF treatment cycle
o Be prepared to prevent, diagnose and manage ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
• Oocyte and sperm retrieval in IVF
o Transvaginal retrieval of oocytes
• Embryo transfer strategies in IVF
o US-guided embryo transfer
o Replacement of embryos into a uterine cavity with a endometrium of <5mm thickness is unlikely to result in pregnancy – not recommended
o Evaluate embryo quality at both cleavage and blastocyst stages
o Offer cryopreservation to store any remaining good-quality embryos after embryo transfer
o The likelihood of a live birth after replacement of frozen-thawed embryos is similar for embryos replaced during natural cycles and hormone-supplemented cycles
• Luteal phase support after IVF
o Offer women progesterone for luteal phase support after IVF treatment for 8 weeks
o Do not routinely offer women hCG for luteal phase support after IVF treatment - increased likelihood of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (in IVF)
• Indications o Severe deficits in semen quality o Obstructive azoospermia o Non-obstructive azoospermia o Also considered for couples in whom a previous IVF treatment cycle has results in failed or very poor fertilisation
- Where the indication for ICSI is a severe deficit of semen quality or non-obstructive azoospermia, the man’s karyotype should be established (after genetic counselling)
- ICSI improves fertilisation rates compared to IVF alone, but once fertilisation is achieved the pregnancy rate is not better than with IVF
- Most common treatment for male infertility
- Sperm directly injected into the egg (bypass natural barriers)
Donor insemination+/- FSH stimulation indications
• Indications
o Obstructive azoospermia
o Non-obstructive azoospermia
o Severe deficits in semen quality in couples who do not wish to undergo ICSI
• Should also be considered in conditions such as
o Where there is a high risk of transmitting a genetic disorder to the offspring
o Where there is a high risk of transmitting infectious disease to the offspring or woman from the man
o Severe rhesus isoimmunisation
o Single women
Donor insemination+/- FSH stimulation
how many cycles
intrauterine vs intracervical insemination
- Women with no RF in their hx should be offered tubal assessment after 3 cycles if treatment by donor insemination has been unsuccessful
- Women who are ovulating regularly should be offered a minimum of 6 cycles of donor insemination without ovarian stimulation – to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancy and its consequences
- Women should be offered intrauterine insemination in preference to intracervical insemination – improved pregnancy rates
Oocyte donation indications
• The use of donor oocytes is considered effective in managing fertility problems associated with the following conditions
o Premature ovarian failure
o Gonadal dysgenesis incl. Turner’s syndrome
o Bilateral oophorectomy
o Ovarian failure following chemotherapy or radiotherapy
o Certain cases of IVF treatment failure
• Should also be considered
o Where there is a high risk of transmitting a genetic disorder to the offspring
o Women whose egg quality is poor
o Previous surgery/chemotherapy where ovarian function was adversely affected
People with cancer who wish to preserve their fertility
• Cryopreservation of semen, oocytes and embryos
o Do not use a lower age limit for cryopreservation for fertility preservation in people diagnosed with cancer
o Offer sperm cryopreservation to men and adolescent boys who are preparing for medical treatment for cancer that is likely to make them infertile
Use freezing in liquid nitrogen vapour as the preferred cryopreservation technique for sperm
o Offer oocyte or embryo cryopreservation as appropriate to women of reproductive age (incl. adolescent girls) who are preparing for medical treatment for cancer that is likely to make them infertile if
They are well enough to undergo ovarian stimulation and egg collection and
This will not worsen their condition and
Enough time is available before the start of their cancer treatment
In cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos, use vitrification instead of controlled-rate freezing
o Store cryopreserved material for an initial period of 10 years
o Offer continued storage of cryopreserved sperm, beyond 10 years, to men who remain at risk of significant infertility
Most serious complication of infertility treatment
• Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
o Most serious complication
o Ovaries become hyperstimulated exposure to hCG pro-inflammatory mediators ovarian enlargement, increased vascular permeability (third spacing), prothrombotic state
o May occur when ovarian stimulation techniques are used
o Lower abdominal discomfort, N+V+D, abdominal distension
o Mx – symptomatic management, fluid replacement, VTE prophylaxis
o Signs of severe disease incl. need for hospital mx – ascites, rapid weight gain, hypotension, tachycardia, oliguria, U+E/other metabolic anomalies
How to reduce viral transmission from male to female during infertility treatment
• Viral transmission
o Sperm washing if man is HIV +ve and not compliant with HAART or has a plasma viral load >50 copies/ml, pre-exposure prophylaxis in woman, vaccination for Hep B
Mx of infertility due to hyperprolactinaemic amenorrhoea
o DA agonists e.g. bromocriptine, cabergollinr
IVF stages
- Concept: leave the egg and sperm in a petri dish and they will fertilise each other
- Pre-treatment in IVF
- Down regulation and other regimens to avoid premature luteinising hormone surges in IVF
- Controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF
- Triggering ovulation in IVF
- Oocyte and sperm retrieval in IVF
- Embryo transfer
- Luteal phase support after IVF
Hyperplasia without atypia mx
• Observation with follow up
o The majority of cases of endometrial hyperplasia without atypia will regress spontaneously during follow-up
• Progestogen treatment
o First line medical treatment
o LNG-IUS (1st line) > oral continuous progestogens (2nd line)
LNG-IUS – first line medical treatment, higher disease regression rate, more favourable bleeding profile, fewer adverse effects
Minimum of 6 months – in order to induce histological regression of endometrial hyperplasia without atypia
Women should be encouraged to retain the LNG-IUS for up to 5 years – reduced risk of relapse
Cyclical progestogens should not be used – less effective in inducing remission
o Higher disease regression rate compared with observation alone
o Also used in women who fail to regress following observation alone
o Used in symptomatic women with abnormal uterine bleeding
• Hysterectomy
o Not considered first line – progestogen therapy is very effective
o Indicated in women not wanting to preserve their fertility when
There is no histological regression of hyperplasia despite 12 months of treatment – risk of cancer is high and chances of disease regression are low
Progression to atypical hyperplasia occurs during follow up
There is relapse of endometrial hyperplasia after completing progestogen treatment
There is persistence of bleeding symptoms
The woman declines to undergo endometrial surveillance or comply with medical treatment
o Post-menopausal women – TAH + BSO
o Pre-menopausal women – TAH +/- BSO
o Laparoscopic approach
Atypical hyperplasia mx not fertility preservng
• TAH o Risk of underlying malignancy or progression to cancer o Laparoscopic approach o Post-menopausal women – TAH + BSO o Pre-menopausal women – TAH +/- BSO
Atypical hyperplasia mx fertility preserving
Fertility preserving
• Counsel woman about the risks of underlying malignancy + subsequent progression to endometrial cancer
• Rule out invasive endometrial cancer or co-existing ovarian cancer
• LNG-IUS – first line
• Orla progestogens – second line
• Once fertility is no longer required – hysterectomy
How to use HRT to prevent endometrial hyperplasia
- Systemic oestrogen only HRT should not be used in women without a uterus
- All women taking HRT should be encouraged to report unscheduled vaginal bleeding promptly
• Women with endometrial hyperplasia taking sequential/cyclincal HRT
o Change to continuous progestogen intake (LNG-IUS or continuous combined HRT preparation)
How to manage endometrial hyperplasia confined to an endometrial polyp + monitoring
- Complete removal of uterine polyps
- Endometrial biopsy to sample the background endometrium
• Endometrial surveillance should include endometrial sampling by OP endometrial biopsy
o Minimum of 6-monthly intervals
o At least 2 consecutive 6-monthyl negative biopsies should be obtained prior to discharge
o Once 2 consecutive negative endometrial biopsies have been obtained - endometrial biopsy once a year
• If abnormal vaginal bleeding recurs after completion of treatment – may indicate disease relapse
Atypical hyperplasia monitoring if no hysterectomy
goals for women wishing to conceive
• Routine endometrial surveillance should include endometrial biopsy
• Review intervals should be every 3 months until 2 consecutive negative biopsies are obtained
o Long-term follow-up with endometrial biopsy every 6-12 months until a hysterectomy is performed
Women wishing to conceive
• Disease regression should be achieved on at least 1 endometrial sample before women attempt to conceive
• Refer women to a fertility specialist – assisted reproduction has a higher birth rate + prevents relapse
Endometrial cancer mx stage I
Stage I
Stage IA -?adjuvant therapy
Stage IB - ?adjuvant therapy
o TAH + BSO (+ lymphadenectomy)
o TAH – laparoscopy or laparotomy
o Lymphadenectomy
For patients with stage I disease it is no beneficial with regards to survival or recurrence
Important for staging and as a guide for adjuvant therapy
o Sentinel lymph node mapping – may be considered during surgical staging to assess for pelvic lymph node mets (non-inferior to and results in lower morbidity than lymphadenectomy)
o If woman is low risk + wants to preserve fertility
Low-dose megestrol
Aggressive monitoring + hysteroscopy with endometrial sampling every 3-6/12
Patients advised to consider hysterectomy once childbearing is completed
o Stage IA disease
Without myometrial invasion or With myometrial invasion + Low-intermediate risk* – adjuvant therapy not required
With myometrial invasion + High-intermediate risk* – adjuvant radiotherapy (vaginal brachytherapy)
*based on age and the following RF – tumour grade 2 or 3, lymphovascular space invasion, outer third myometrial invasion
o Stage IB or II classified as low risk – no adjuvant therapy required
o Stage IB or II classified as high-intermediate risk or high risk
Adjuvant radiotherapy (vaginal brachytherapy)
If deep myometrial invasion, gross cervical involvement +/or tumour grade 3 – adjuvant EBRT +/- vaginal brachytherapy
Chemotherapy may be offered – paclitaxel + carboplatin
Endometrial cancer mx stage II
o IIB Radical hysterectomy + systematic pelvic node assessment/clearance
Para-aortic lymphadenectomy may also be considered
Radical hysterectomy = TAH + BSO + lymphadenectomy + resection of the parametrium + upper part of the vagina
o Stage IB or II classified as low risk – no adjuvant therapy required
o Stage IB or II classified as high-intermediate risk or high risk
Adjuvant radiotherapy (vaginal brachytherapy)
If deep myometrial invasion, gross cervical involvement +/or tumour grade 3 – adjuvant external beam radiotherapy EBRT) +/- vaginal brachytherapy
Chemotherapy may be offered – paclitaxel + carboplatin
Endometrial cancer mx stage III-IV or all non-endometrioid carcinomas
o Maximal de-bulking surgery + adjuvant chemotherapy + radiotherapy (EBRT)
Chemo – paclitaxel + carboplatin
o Stage IV – may take palliative approach – low dose radio/high dose progesterone
Recurrent or incurable endometrial cancer mx
o Supportive care
o Isolated + symptomatic recurrence
Salvage radiotherapy (combination of EBRT + vaginal brachytherapy) +/or
Surgical resection
o Oestrogen/progesterone receptor -ve tumour
Palliative chemo – paclitaxel + carboplatin
o Oestrogen/progesterone receptor +ve tumour
Better prognosis
Hormone therapy with progestin or aromatase inhibitor – tamoxifen or megestrol or medroxyprogesterone or leuprorelin or letrozole
Usually – tamoxifen alternating with medroxyprogesterone
o Microsatellite instability-high or mismatch repair deficient tumour
Pembrolizumab – programmed death receptor-1 blocking monoclonal antibody (immune checkpoint inhibitor)
o Vaginal recurrence – radiotherapy
Endometrial cancer mx if
surgery not possible because of medical contraindications
frail elderly women not suitable for surgery
- if surgery not possible because of medical contra-indications – external beam radiotherapy and intracavity radiotherapy may be used
- frail elderly women no suitable for surgery – progestogen therapy
Endometrial cancer mx summary
o Localised disease –
o High risk patients –
o Progestogen therapy as an alternative to TAH suitable for
o Localised disease – TAH + BSO
o High risk patients – radio
o Progestogen therapy as an alternative to TAH suitable for
Early-stage low-grade endometrial cancers
Frail elderly women not suitable for surgery
Endometrial cancer and fertility - alternatives to hysterectomy?
o Primary infertility due to PCOS – RF for pre-menopausal endometrial caner
o Alternatives to hysterectomy for pre-menopausal women are only possible for pre-cancer or early-stage low-grade endometrial cancers
o Hormone therapy (PO progestogens or LNG-IUS) – associated with moderate response and high relapse rates
o Consider ovarian conservation and/or stimulation for egg retrieval and surrogacy
Complications of endometrial cancer mx
- menopausal symptoms after BSO
- bladder instability following surgery – bladder pain, UI, UU, haematuria, symptoms of cystitis
- vaginal stenosis, atrophy and fibrosis following radiotherapy
- long term sexual dysfunction
Women at high risk of ovarian cancer mx
- High risk women should be offered genetic screening and counselling
- May also be offered prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy
- Women diagnosed with ovarian cancer should be offered genetic screening for the relevant gene mutations
• Urgent referral (2WW) to a gynaecological cancer service for ?ovarian cancer if physical examination identified..
ascites and/or pelvic/abdominal mass
Stage I ovarian cancer mx
• Optimal surgical staging
o Midline laparotomy to allow thorough assessment of the abdomen + pelvis - for histological confirmation, staging and tumour debulking
o Infracolic omentectomy
o Biopsies of any peritoneal deposits
o Random biopsies of the pelvic-abdominal peritoneum
o Retroperitoneal lymph node assessment
Involves sampling retroperitoneal lymphatic tissue from the para-aortic area + pelvic side walls if there is a palpable abnormality or random sampling if there is no palpable abnormality
• Debulking surgery
o Complete resection of all macroscopic disease, complete cytoreduction
o If complete cytoreduction is not possible – there is still benefit to debulking surgery provided optimal cytoreduction can be achieved (i.e. residual tumour <1cm)
o Other surgical procedures may be performed during debulking surgery to achieve complete or optimal cytoreduction, incl. bowel resection, appendicectomy, diaphragm stripping and splenectomy
o Debulking surgery may facilitate effective adjuvant chemo
• Adjuvant Chemotherapy
o First line chemotherapy = paclitaxel + platinum-based compound or platinum-based therapy alone (cisplatin or carboplatin)
o Stage Ia or Ib, Grade 1 or 2 – do not offer adjuvant chemotherapy to women who have had optimal surgical staging
o Stage Ic or Grade 3 – adjuvant chemotherapy (6 cycles of carboplatin)
• Genetic risk evaluation and genetic testing (e.g. BRCA mutations) should also be carried out if not done previously
• In young women with early stage low-risk disease who want to preserve their fertility (i.e. germ cell tumours)
o Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy + staging
Stage II ovarian cancer mx
- Surgery either before chemo or after neoadjuvant chemo
- First line chemotherapy = paclitaxel + platinum-based compound or platinum-based therapy alone (cisplatin or carboplatin) [IV, 3-6 cycles, 3 weeks apart in OPD] [NICE pathways]
• Stages III- IV also need maintenance therapy after first line chemotherapy
o Olaparib – BRCA+ advanced high grade epithelial ovarian/fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer that has responded to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy
Maintenance Olaparib can be continued up to 2 years or until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity
o Niraparib - high grade epithelial ovarian/fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer after a complete or partial response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy
Maintenance Niraparib can be continued up to 3 years or until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity
o Olaparib + bevacizumab - high grade epithelial ovarian/fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer when there has been a complete or partial response after first-line platinum-based therapy + bevacizumab and the cancer is associated with HRD (homologous recombination deficiency)
Should only be considered for patients who received bevacizumab as first-line chemo
- Chemotherapy is not useful in sex cord stromal tumours - surgery is mainstay
- Patients will undergo a CT scan following completion of chemo to assess response to treatment
• Follow-up includes clinical examination + ca125 measurement
o ca125 tends to rise prior to the onset of clinical evidence in disease recurrence
Relapse/recurrence of ovarian cancer mx
• Platinum based combination chemotherapy
o Paclitaxel or PLD
• Hormonal therapies
o Where there is platinum- resistant recurrence, particular subtypes or a wish to avoid chemo
o Tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors, LHRH agonists
• Bevacizumab
o Used in the treatment of the first recurrence of platinum-sensitive advanced ovarian cancer that has not been previously treated with bevacizumab or other VEGF inhibitors or VEGF receptor targeted agents
• However, when disease recurs, treatment is largely palliative
Ovarian cysts acutely unwell mx
• Urgent surgical exploration (laparoscopy or laparotomy) to manage possible ovarian torsion/cyst rupture or haemorrhage
o Torsion - If operated within 6 hours of onset of symptoms – tissue will remain viable
• Resus
• Broad spectrum antibiotics
Ovarian cysts premenopausal women mx
conservative mx
surgical mx
preoperative assessment
• Conservative/expectant
o <50mm in diameter simple or functional ovarian cyst – will almost always resolve within 3 menstrual cycles, no FU needed
o 50-70mm in diameter simple ovarian cyst – yearly US FU
o >70mm in diameter simple ovarian cyst – MRI +/- surgical intervention
Laparoscopy > laparotomy
Laparotomy – presence of large masses with solid components (e.g. large dermoid cysts)
o Watchful waiting for 2-3 cycles is appropriate + if cyst persists then surgical management is often indicated
o Ovarian cysts that persist/increase in size are unlikely to be functional – need surgical management
• Surgery
o If conservative mx fails
o If criteria for surgery are met:
Ovarian cysts that persist or increase in size after several cycles – unlikely to be functional
Mature cystic teratomas (dermoid cysts) have been shown to grow over time, increasing the risk of pain + ovarian accidents
Persistent simple ovarian cysts >5-6cm, especially If symptomatic
Complex, suspicious, multiloculated ovarian cysts
o Spillage of cyst contents should be avoided where possible – preoperative and intraoperative assessment cannot absolutely preclude malignancy
Surgical specimen should be removed without intraperitoneal spillage in a laparoscopic retrieval bag via the umbilical port (quicker + results in less postoperative pain + a quicker retrieval time than when using lateral ports of the same size) or transvaginally
o Preoperative assessment – using RMI 1 or US rules (IOTA group)
o Children + younger women – laparoscopic cystectomy > oophorectomy
o Laparoscopic > open surgery
Laparoscopy – gold standard for the management of benign ovarian masses – lower postoperative morbidity, shorter recovery time
Laparoscopy may need to be upgraded to laparotomy when malignancies are discovered
Laparotomy – presence of large masses with solid components (e.g. large dermoid cysts)
Ovarian cysts postmenopausal women mx
• Conservative/expectant
o Asymptomatic, simple, unilateral, unilocular ovarian cysts, <5cm, RMI <200, normal CA125 –> Repeat CA125, TVS +/- TAS in 4-6 months
o Low risk of malignancy
o Discharge after 1 year if the cyst remains unchanged/reduces in size + normal ca125
• Laparoscopy
o RMI <200, symptomatic, non-simple features, >5cm, multilocular, bilateral / suspicious / persistent / complex / solid – should undergo TVUS to determine RMI
o BSO rather than cystectomy
o Counsel preoperatively that a full staging laparotomy will be required if evidence of malignancy is revealed
o Surgical specimen should be removed without intraperitoneal spillage in a laparoscopic retrieval bag via the umbilical port (quicker + results in less postoperative pain + a quicker retrieval time than when using lateral ports of the same size) or transvaginally
• Laparotomy (full laparotomy + staging procedure)
o All ovarian cysts suspicious of malignancy (RMI >200, CT findings, clinical assessment or findings at laparoscopy)
o If malignancy is revealed during laparoscopy or from subsequent histology –> refer woman to a cancer centre for further management
o Staging laparotomy Performed through a midline incision Cytology – ascites or washings TAH, BSO + omentectomy Biopsies from any suspicious areas May include bilateral selective pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy
• Aspiration of ovarian cyst
o Not recommended for the management of ovarian cysts in postmenopausal women
o Symptoms control in women with advanced malignancy who are unfit to undergo surgery or further intervention
• Team
o Low risk of malignancy (RMI <200) – general gynaecologist
o High risk of malignancy – trained gynaecological oncologist
Ovarian cyst - indications for watchful waiting
Unilateral Unilocular (no solid parts) Premenopausal (3-10cm) Postmenopausal (2-6cm) Normal ca125 No free fluid
Ovarian cyst mx
o Ovarian torsion
o Haemorrhagic cyst
o Pseudomyxoma peritonei
o Ovarian torsion
Laparoscopy with uncoiling of the affected ovary + possible oophoropexy
Salpingo-oophorectomy – if severe vascular compromise / peritonitis / tissue necrosis
o Haemorrhagic cyst – immediate surgical intervention
o Pseudomyxoma peritonei – surgical debulking
Lichen sclerosus mx
Asymptomatic pt
- Inform patients of the small risk of neoplastic change
- Safety-netting – inform the doctor if they notice a change in appearance or texture (e.g. lump or hardening of skin) or if there is a major change in symptoms
- Treatment recommended if patients have features of active disease e.g. ecchymosis, hyperkeratosis, progressive atrophy
Lichen sclerosus mx
Symptomatic pt
- Inform patients of the small risk of neoplastic change
- Safety-netting – inform the doctor if they notice a change in appearance or texture (e.g. lump or hardening of skin) or if there is a major change in symptoms
• Advice
o Wash with bland emollients – aq cream, soap substitute, avoid topical irritants + tight clothing, use lubricants if necessary
o Seek medical attention if possible signs of malignancy – persistent lump, change in texture of skin (e.g. thickening), non-healing ulcer/erosion
• Ultra-potent topical steroids
• Clobetasol propionate
o Reducing course of clobetasol propionate 0.05% - half a fingertip unit
o OD at night for 1/12 - alternate nights for 1/12 - twice weekly for 1/12
o Review at 3 months
• Alternative regimens – treat secondary infection if secondary infection is a concern
o Ultra-potent topical steroid with antibacterial + antifungal – e.g. Dermovate or generic equivalent (clobetasol with neomycin + nystatin)
o An alternative preparation that combats secondary infection (Fucibet cream)
o Should only be used for a short period of time to clear infection
• Unlicensed treatments
o Topical calcineurin inhibitors – tacrolimus, pimecrolimus
o Oral retinoid – acitretin
Severely teratogenic
Pregnancy must be avoided for 2 years after finishing treatment
o UVA1 phototherapy
- Successful treatment – hyperkeratosis/ecchymoses/fissuring/erosions resolve but atrophy/colour change remain
- Maintenance treatment may be required with PRN use of very potent steroids
• Treatment failure
o Check compliance
o Correct diagnosis? There may be an additional problem e.g. infection or allergy to the preparation
o Complication
• If resistant to initial steroid treatment
o Biopsy
• Pregnancy and breastfeeding
o Topical steroids are safe to use while pregnant or breast feeding
o Topical calcineurin inhibitors are contraindicated
o Retinoids are absolutely contra-indicated during pregnancy + at least 2 years before
Lichen sclerosus follow up
• After 3 months to assess response to treatment
• Long term FU needed for women with LS
o Particularly for patients on long-term steroids and poorly controlled LS
• Stable disease / Patients who respond well to treatment + need only small amounts of steroids
o Annual review
o Can be done in primary care
o Safety-netting – report immediately any persistent new lumps, skin changes, erosions, ulcers, sore area, change in symptoms or change in appearance
Lichen sclerosus complications + mx
• Scarring
o Common – may cause urinary symptoms or sexual dysfunction
o Labial fusing – urinary difficulties, dyspareunia
o May require surgery – meatal dilatation, vulval surgery
• Constipation
o Due to anal fissures
o Prescribe softening laxatives
• Squamous cell carcinoma
o Small risk of SCC of the vulva (3.5-5%)
o About 60% of vulval SCC arise on a background of LS
o Long term follow-up
o Warn patients about signs of malignancy + biopsy any suspicious lesions
o Extragenital lesions – do not appear to have increased risk of malignancy
• Dysesthesia
o Vulvodynia, vestibulodynia – neuropathic type pain, does not respond to steroid treatment
o Topical local anaesthetics (e.g. 5% lidocaine ointment)
• Clitoral pseudocyst
o Due to build-up of debris under clitoral adhesions
o Refer to gynae if pain or recurrent infection
• Sexual dysfunction
FGM recording, reporting, referral, safeguarding mx
- Gynaecologists should ask all women from communities that traditionally practise FGM whether they have had the procedure
- Women attending maternity, family planning, gynaecology and urology clinics (among others) should be asked routinely about the practice of FGM
• NHS hospitals have to record
o If a patient has had FGM
o If there is a FH of FGM
o If an FGM-related procedure has been carried out on a woman
• Reporting to the police and social services
Mandatory reporting:
o FGM in girls <18 should
o All women and girls with acute or recent FGM
o If the unborn child or any related child is considered at risk
o The mandatory duty to tell the appropriate agency will not apply to at risk or suspected cases >18 years
o It is not mandatory to report all pregnant women to social services or the police
o Individual risk assessment should be made using an FGM safeguarding risk assessment tool
• When a woman with FGM is identified
o HCP must explain UK law on FGM
o HCP must record + report (make a referral to police and/or social services)
o Check to see if there are young girls in the family who are at risk
• Referral to FGM services
o Can be made by the GP to a hospital gynaecology clinic
o Women should be able to self-refer
All women should be offered referral for psychological assessment and treatment, testing for HIV, HBV, HCV and sexual health screening
Where appropriate, women should be referred to gynaecological subspecialties e.g. psychosexual services, urogynaecology, infertility
o All children with FGM or suspected FGM should be seen within child safeguarding services
• Specialist multidisciplinary FGM services should offer o Information and advice about FGM o Child safeguarding risk assessment o Gynaecological assessment o De-infibulation o Access to other services
FGM mx procedures
• De-infibulation
o May be required prior to gynaecological procedures e.g. surgical management of miscarriage, TOP
o Counsel and offer procedure before pregnancy, ideally before first sexual intercourse
o Adequate analgesia to avoid flashbacks of FGM
o Incision along the vulval incision scar
o Prior urinary infection screening + given appropriate antibiotics
o Access to specialist services + support groups is necessary
• Clitoral reconstruction
o Should not be performed – unacceptable complication rates without conclusive evidence of benefit
• During pregnancy
Ensure all the relevant information is documented in the clinical records
Refer to a designated consultant obstetrician/midwife with responsibility for FGM patients
Refer for psychological assessment and treatment
Inspect vulva to determine the type of FGM + whether de-infibulation is indicated
• If the introitus is sufficiently open to permit vaginal examination + if the urethral meatus is visible – de-infibulation is unlikely to be necessary
Offer screening for HCV in addition to the other routine AN screening (HBV, HIV, syphilis)
o De-infibulation in pregnancy
May be performed AN / in the first stage of labour / at the time of delivery / perioperatively after a C-section
Can usually be performed under LA in a delivery suite room
Re-infibulation will not be undertaken under any circumstances
o Intrapartum care
Labial tears in women with FGM should be managed in the same manner as in women without FGM – repairs should be performed where clinically indicated
o Postnatal
• Consider + Discuss the option of perioperative de-infibulation (i.e. just after C-section)
• F/U in gynae OP or FGM clinic so that de-infibulation can be offered before a subsequent pregnancy
FGM reporting to the police
when is it mandatory
• Reporting to the police and social services
Mandatory reporting:
o FGM in girls <18 should
o All women and girls with acute or recent FGM
o If the unborn child or any related child is considered at risk
o The mandatory duty to tell the appropriate agency will not apply to at risk or suspected cases >18 years
o It is not mandatory to report all pregnant women to social services or the police
First line and second line treatment of endometriosis
NSAIDs such as mefenamic acid
If painkillers for e.g. NSAIDs or paracetamol are ineffective
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (progesterone)
Both COCP + medroxyprogesterone acetate reduce menstruation, which can improve symptoms associated with the proliferation of ectopic endometrial tissue.
Treatment resistant endometriosis mx
Leuprorelin acetate
GnRH analogue
Works by preventing FSH/LH release from the anterior pituitary
For severe, refractory cases after laparoscopic excision and if the patient does not want to have children.
mx of primary dysmenorrhoea
Mefenamic acid
Ibuprofen are effective in up to 80% of women
Work by inhibiting prostaglandin production
COCP used second line
Contraception options for women on enzyme inducing anticonvulsants/drugs
• Anticonvulsants that induce liver enzymes (phenytoin, barbiturates, primidone, topiramate, carbamazepine, oxacarbazepine)
o Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
o Should be scheduled every 10-weekly
o Rather than 12-weekly
o IUCD o LNG-IUS o Barrier methods o Natural family planning methods o NOT recommended: POP, progestogen implant
Emergency contraception in women taking AEDs
o Copper IUD preferred choice for emergency contraception for WWE taking enzyme AEDs
o Effectiveness of levonorgestrel + possibly ulipristal decrease in women taking enzyme-inducing drugs + possibly for 4 weeks after stopping
o Dose of levonorgestrel - increase to a total of 3mg taken as a single dose
medical management of
ectopic - methotrexate
miscarriage - misoprostol
TOP - mifepristone + misoprostol
Anti-D prophylaxis
VTE prophylaxis
Anti-D prophylaxis
• Offer if abortion >10+0w + RhD -ve
• Do not offer if medical abortion <10+0w
• Consider if surgical abortion <10+0w + RhD -ve
• Do not routinely offer abx prophylaxis for medical abortion
• Offer abx prophylaxis for surgical abortion
• PO doxycycline 100mg BD 3/7 or metronidazole
VTE prophylaxis
• For women who need VTE prophylaxis – LMWH for at least 7/7 after abortion
• If at high risk of thrombosis consider starting LMWH before abortion + giving it for longer afterwards
Methods for TOP
• Choice between medical + surgical abortion up to + incl. 23+6w
o Surgical abortion can be performed shortly after 23+6w gestation only if feticide is given <23+6w)
o (feticide – the injection of digoxin or KCl into the fetus or an injection of digoxin into the amniotic cavity >21+6w to stop the fetal heart before an abortion + to eliminate the possibility of aborted fetus showing any signs of life)
• Mifepristone
o Anti-progestogen
o Blocks the action of progesterone, halting the pregnancy and relaxing the cervix (often referred to as RU486)
o Result in uterine contractions, bleeding from the placentl bed, sensitisation of uterus to prostaglandins
o Reduces the treatment to delivery interval in TOP
• Misoprostol
o Prostaglandin E1 analogue
o Used off-licence in medical TOP + for cervical preparation in TOP
o Softens the cervix + Stimulates uterine contractions
• Gemeprost
o Prostaglandin E1 analogues
o Softens + dilates the cervix before surgical TOP in the first trimester + therapeutic TOP in the second trimester
<13 weeks – Vacuum aspiration – surgical dilation + suction of uterine contents
• Involves gently dilating the cervix and using vacuum suction to evacuate the uterus
• Can be performed under LA or GA
• Cervix primed to make procedure easier
• Prophylactic antibiotics (metronidazole) can be given to reduce the risk of infection
> 15 weeks – surgical dilation and evacuation of uterine contents or late medical abortion (induces “mini-labour”)
• Required good cervical dilation to remove larger fetal parts
• Extraction using aspiration + other instruments (e.g. forceps)
• USS to confirm evacuation
Medical TOP
< 9+0w
<10+0 w (when the first medication is administered)
Interval treatment
10+1w – 23+6w
24+0 – 25+0 w
25+1 – 28+0 w
> 28+0 w
● Mifepristone is oral
○ <9+6w – misoprostol can be taken at home or in the clinic or hospital
○ >10w – misoprostol can be taken in the clinic or hospital (increased risk of bleeding + discomfort)
● Misoprostol can be given PB, buccal or sublingual
● Analgesia (paracetamol/ ibuprofen) recommended (cramps)
● Offer if abortion >10+0w + RhD -ve
● Do not offer if medical abortion <10+0w
< 9+0w
Give them the choice of having mifepristone PO + misoprostol PV at the same time
o Misoprostol be administered at home provided that the patient is easy to follow + can seek medical attention if necessary
o Expect bleeding for 2 weeks, do a pregnancy test in 2-3w
If given at the same time, explain that
o The risk of ongoing pregnancy may be higher and that it may increase with gestation
o It may take longer go the bleeding and pain to start
o It is important for them to complete the same follow-up programme that is recommended for all medical abortions up to and including 10+0 weeks
<10+0 w (when the first medication is administered)
Interval treatment
Mifepristone PO followed 24-48 hours later by misoprostol PO/PV or gemeprost PV
o Misoprostol to be taken in the clinic or hospital but can have expulsion at home after they have taken the misoprostol
10+1w – 23+6w
Anti D
200mg mifepristone PO followed 36-48h later by
800μg misoprostol PV or 600μg misoprostol given sublingually for women who decline PV misoprostol
Follow the initial dose with 400μg doses of misoprostol (PV, sublingual or buccal) given every 3h until expulsion (max: 5)
Special consideration after 21+ weeks
Feticide (intracardiac KCl injection) should be given to eliminate the possibility of aborted foetus showing any signs of life
24+0 – 25+0 w
Anti D
200mg mifepristone PO followed by 400 μg misoprostol every 3h until delivery
25+1 – 28+0 w
Anti D
200mg mifepristone PO followed by 200 μg misoprostol every 4h until delivery
> 28+0 w
Anti D
200mg mifepristone PO followed by 100 μg misoprostol every 6h until delivery
- The uterus is more sensitive to misoprostol as pregnancy advances
- RF for uterine rupture – pre-existing uterine scar, increased GA, multiparity
Surgical TOP
- Prophylactic abx
- Anti-D
<13 weeks – Vacuum aspiration – surgical dilation + suction of uterine contents
• Involves gently dilating the cervix and using vacuum suction to evacuate the uterus
• Can be performed under LA or GA
• Cervix primed to make procedure easier
• Prophylactic antibiotics (metronidazole) can be given to reduce the risk of infection
> 15 weeks – surgical dilation and evacuation of uterine contents or late medical abortion (induces “mini-labour”)
• Required good cervical dilation to remove larger fetal parts
• Extraction using aspiration + other instruments (e.g. forceps)
• USS to confirm evacuation
Anaesthesia + sedation in surgical TOP
• LA alone, conscious sedation with LA, deep sedation or GA
o LA means they will be able to spend less time in hospital
o IV sedation + LA will help if they are anxious about the procedure
o With deep sedation or GA they will not usually be aware during the procedure
o GA – IV propofol + short-acting opioid e.g. fentanyl rather than inhalational anaesthesia
Cervical priming before surgical abortion
what to use
- Softens + dilates cervix
- Reduces the risk of incomplete abortion for women who are parous
- Makes dilation easier for women who are parous or nulliparous
- May cause bleeding + pain before the procedure
400μg sublingual misoprostol given 1h before the abortion or
400μg PV misoprostol given 3h before the abortion or
200mg PO mifepristone 24-48h before abortion
14+0 – 16+0w Consider cervical priming with osmotic dilators or buccal, sublingual, PV misoprostol or 200mg mifepristone, given the day before the abortion
16+1 – 19+0w
Osmotic dilators or
Buccal, sublingual, PV misoprostol
200mg PO mifepristone the day before the abortion and
Insert osmotic dilators at the same time as mifepristone
- Osmotic dilators inserted the day before the abortion
- Do not offer misoprostol for cervical priming if the woman has had an osmotic dilator inserted the day before the abortion
Follow up after TOP
Follow up and support after abortion
Follow up after medical abortion up <10+0w
• If expulsion at home – offer the choice of self-assessment, remote assessment, clinic follow-up
• Provide them with a low sensitivity or multi-level urine pregnancy test to exclude an ongoing pregnancy
• Advice women to seek support if they need it + how to access it
o Support from family, friends or pastoral support
o Peer support, support groups for women who have had an abortion
o Counselling or psychological interventions
• Discuss contraception
o With all TOP patients discuss the insertion of long-acting reversible contraception (e.g. copper IUD, LNG-IUS, Nexplanon)
o Contraceptive implant should be offered the day of the surgical abortion or the day they take mifepristone
o Intrauterine methods should be offered at the same time as surgical abortion or asap after expulsion of pregnancy for medical abortions
o DMPA IM injection for contraception can be provided at the same appointment as when they take mifepristone but having the injection at this stage may increase the risk of ongoing pregnancy, although the overall risk is low
• Other things to discuss
o No medical need for follow-up after uncomplicated abortion
o No effect on future reproductive potential or ectopic pregnancy
o What to expect
Women may experience vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramps intermittently for up to 2 weeks after the procedure.
Do pregnancy test 3 weeks after to confirm completion
With all abortion patients, discuss the insertion of long-acting reversible contraception (e.g. copper IUD, LNG-IUS, Nexplanon)
Suggest counsellor if indicated
o Safety net: heavy bleeding (RPC), severe pain, smelly vaginal discharge, fever; ongoing signs of pregnancy (nausea or sore breasts), damage to cervix/ uterus/ etc. shoulder tip pain, mental health
Complications of TOP
o Complications of TOP: N, V, D due to PGs – occasional but transient Significant bleeding (1:1000) Genital tract infection (5-10%) Surgical TOP • Uterine perforation (1-4:1000) • Cervical trauma (1:1000) • Failed TOP (2.3:1000) • Haemorrhage • Infection Medical TOP • Uterine rupture – mid-trimester medical TOP (<1:1000) • Failed TOP (1-14:1000) RPC Psychological sequelae – short-term anxiety, depressed mood Long-term regret + concern about future fertility
Abortion before definitive US evidence of an IUP (a yolk sac) mx
- Consider if no symptoms/signs of ectopic
- Explain that there is a small chance of ectopic pregnancy follow-up appointments needed to ensure that the pregnancy has been terminated + to monitor for ectopic pregnancy
- Provide 24h emergency contact details + advise them to get in contact immediately if they develop sx of ectopic pregnancy