Gyn VTE Flashcards
When is a thrombophilia evaluation warranted?
- Strong Fm Hx (VTE < 45)
- Recurrent thrombosis
- Thrombosis in unusual vascular beds (portal 4. veins, hepatic veins, cerebral veins)
- Warfarin induced skin necrosis (Protein C Def)
- Arterial thrombosis (APLS)
Caprini Score
1-2 = low risk
3-4 = intermediate risk
>/= 5 = high risk
Balance the risk of bleeding with risk of VTE
Mechanical and/or pharmacologic ppx
Prevention is always preferable to treatment :)
Lower extremity signs of DVT
Swollen (> 3 cm difference in calf circumference)
Locally Tender
Venous Cords
Wells Score for clinical suspicion of DVT
0 = low (D-dimer)
1-2 = moderate (D-dimer or US)
>/= 3 = high (get US)
Get 1 point for: Recently bedridden for > 3 days or major surgery within 4 weeks
Automatically puts our patient in “moderate” category
D-dimer not reliable after surgery (or in preg) so go straight to compression US
Modified Wells Criteria for PE
< 2 = low risk (D-dimer)
2-6 = Mod Risk (D-dimer, then CT angio if > 500)
> 6 - high risk (CT angio)
Get 1.5 point for immobilization, surgery in the past 4 weeks
D-dimer not reliable after surgery, automatically puts us into getting CT PE
First line treatment of PE in hemodynamically stable pt, with CrCl > 30?
DOAC (oral factor Xa inhibitor)
*No monitoring is required :)
When is IV UF Heparin consider first line for treatment of PE?
Hemodynamically unstable
CrCl < 30
Obesity > 150 kg
High risk of bleeding
Dose of IV UF Heparin to treat PE?
5,000 units IV bolus then 1,200 units/hr
Check aPTT every 6 hours (1.5-2.5 nl)
Check Plt count Day2-3 to assess for HIT
When checking an aPTT every 6 hours while on therapeutic IV Heparin, what is the goal aPTT?
1.5 - 2.5 normal
If someone develops HIT, what anticoagulant should you switch them to?
Argatroban (direct thrombin inhibitor)