Gustation Flashcards
a chemical sense involved with taste
the perception of taste
- =taste + olfaction
- influenced by smell, intensity, mouth feel….
retronasal olfactory sentation
the sensation of an odor that is perceived when chewing and swallowing force an odorant in the mouth up behind the palate into the nose
- smells coming from mouth while eating
what happens if we lose our taste but not our smell
we still wont be able to taste
chorda tympani
the branch of cranial nerv 9 that carries taste info from the anterior, mobile tongue
trigeminal sense
the sense that signals the presence of irritant in the mouth and contribute to the mouth feel of food
- like spicy or menthol
properties of taste
- onset/aftertaste
- intensity
- qualities (sweet, salty…)
- hedonics
- localization
molecules that taste receptors recognize and respond to by producing neural signals that the brain represents as perceptions of different tastes
- they get dissolved in saliva
- contain cation and anion
- it changes over time and the intensity can change
- glucos, sucrose of fructose
- one type of receptor for sweet food
- artificial sweeteners also bind there
- comes from acidic substances
- can be dangerous at high concentrations
- usually unpleasant
- can signal toxic food
- quinine is a prototypical biter substance
- savory flavor that typically indicates proteins
- msgs
tiny structures on surfaces of th mouth mainly on the tongue that contain taste buds
papillae that have no taste buds
circular shaped structures that form a v shape on the back of the tongue
- we only have 8-12 of these but they have 200-700 tastebuds