Gupta Corresponding to Robbins pg. 162-201 Flashcards
What are the two most common cancers in men? Women?
Men- prostate (28%) and lung (15%)
Women- breast (29%) and lung (11%)
NOTE: Lung cancers are the leading KILLERS of all cancers in both men and women by far (26-29%)
What are some characteristics of benign tumors?
slow growth, well-differentiated, lack of invasion, absence of metastases, circumscription (well defined borders)
T or F. Either benign or malignant tumors can be monoclonal
T. Common in malignancy
Ho would breast cancer look histologically?
the lobules would be invading fat!!
An adenoma/papilloma (benign) or an adenocarcinoma (malignant) are related to which germ layer?
A sarcoma is common in what germ layer?
mesoderm. Also fibroma or lipoma (benign)
What cancer syndrome is associated with defective RB gene?
What cancer syndrome is associated with defective TP53 gene?
What cancer syndrome is associated with defective APC gene?
Familial adenomatous poylposis/colon cancer
What cancer syndrome is associated with defective NF1/2 genea?
Neurofibromatosis 1 and 2
What cancer syndrome is associated with defective MEN1 and RET genes?
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 and 2
What cancer syndrome is associated with defective MSH2, MLH1, and MSH6 genes?
Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer
What are some AR syndromes of defective DNA repair? Name 4.
Highly testable.
Xerodema pigmentosum
Bloom Syndrome
Fanconi anemia
A benign biphasic tumor is called what?
A malignant biphasic tumor is called what?
Where would Wilm tumors be found?
Where would Ewing sarcoma be found?
Mutation of EGFR is associated with what syndrome?
breast (treat with Trastuzumab) and lung and colorectal (treat with Cetuximab) cancers
Mutation of RET is associated with what syndrome?
thyroid cancer, MEN
Mutation of c-kit is associated with what syndrome?
GIST (treat with Imatinib)
Mutation of KRAS is associated with what syndrome?
pancreas and colon cancer
Mutation of GTPase is associated with what syndrome?
Mutation of BCR-ABL is associated with what syndrome?
Mutation of EML4-ALK is associated with what syndrome?
adenoca lung
Mutation of BRAF is associated with what syndrome?
melanoma and hairy cell leukemia
Mutation of C-MYC is associated with what syndrome?
Burkitt lymphoma
Mutation of N-MYC is associated with what syndrome?
neuroblastoma (negative prognostic when amplified)
small cell carcinoma of the lung
Mutation of Rb is associated with what syndrome?
Mutation of cyclin D1 is associated with what syndrome?
cyclin D1- Mantel cell lymphoma
P16- familial melanoma
Mutation of CDK4 is associated with what syndrome?
Mutation of PTEN is associated with what syndrome?
acquired; endometrium cancer, Cowden syndrome
Mutation of NFkB is associated with what syndrome?
Secondary lymphoma in inflammatory states (Hashimoto’s, Celiac, etc.), classical Hodgkin
Mutation of E-cadherin is associated with what syndrome?
gastric and breast (lobular) cancer
Mutation of APC is associated with what syndrome?
deep fibromatoses
Mutation of Bcl-2 is associated with what syndrome?
follicular lymphoma
Mutation of P53 is associated with what syndrome?
most common acquired; skin (SCC/BCC), Li Fraumeni syndrome
Mutation of TNF-a is associated with what syndrome?
tumor cachexia
What signal activates the RAS pathway (RAF/ERK/MEK)?
EGF binds to an EGF receptor triggering cell growth through tyrosine kinase activity
In this pathway, RAS is a receptor-coupled protein that activates RAF to promote transcription
mutated RAS= continual transcription
Mutated Ras is common in what cancers?
pancreas (90%), colon and thyroid (50%), and lung (30%)
MANY others also
Describe the WNT, APC, beta-catenin pathway.
WNT is a soluble factor that can bind to cells to cause dissociation of APC from B-catenin (normally APC binds to B-catenin to shuttle it for destruction). Free B-catenin acts as a growth promoting transcription factor
Thus, the presence of WRT is needed for transcription OR a mutation in APC will result in the sam thing without WNT input
APC mutation is strongly associated to what syndrome?
familial adenomatosus polyposis (FAP)
What does increased levels of B-catenin lead to?
transcription of cyclin D1 and c-myc, which are important in controlling the G1 to S phase transition of the cell cycle
Mutations in the WNT, APC pathway are common in what conditions?
breast and prostate cancer, glioblastoma, and type II diabetes
What are some genes commonly found to be transcriptionally silences due to promoter hyper-methylation?
APC, MLH1, and BRCA1
Some cancer cells become addicted to the transcriptional silencing, due to promoter hyper-methylation, of some key tumor suppressor genes= epigenetic addiction
T or F. Carcinogenesis is a multistep process
T. Phases include initiation, promotion, and progression