GULICK: Medical Screening Pt. 1 Systemic Pathology Flashcards
What is a RED Flag?
Predictor of pathology
From exam to either Initiating PT OR REFER OUT!
Dx Tests Ex’s
X-ray, MRI, CT, US, Bone Scan, DEXA, EMG/NCV, EKG, EEG, Urine Analysis, Blood Work,
Statistics: Sensitivity
SnNOUT→ If the test is NEGATIVE, it is effective @ RULING OUT dysfunction
- Sn== good ScreeNing tool
Generalized Systemic RED FLAGS!
Big picture, Key words, things that raise concern****
- Insidious, NO known MOI
- Sx’s out of proportion to injury
- NO change in sx’s, despite position, rest, tx
- NO pattern to sx’s; unable to reproduce sx’s
- Sx’s persist beyond expected healing time
- Recent OR Current fever, chills, night sweats, infx
- Unexplained wt loss, pallor, nausea, dizzy, vom, B&B changes (constitutional sx’s→ involve lots of systems)
MORE Generalized Systemic RED FLAGS
- HA/Visual changes
- *Change in vital signs→ NEED BASELINE!!
- B/L sx’s
- Pigmentation changes, edema, rash, nail changes, weakness, numb, tingle, burning→ all Endocrine***
- Hx of Cx
- >40yo gender, ethnicity, race
- Night pain
- Progressive neurology sx’s
- Cyclic presentation
- Jt pain w/ skin lesions
Dev’t of a Review-of-Systems Screening Tool for Ortho PT
23-Item tool correctly ID’d 100% of (+) responders
23 Questions:
- abnormal sensations (numb, pins, needles)?
- HAs?
- Night pain?
- Sustained morning stiffness?
- Light-headed?
- Trauma (MVA, fall)?
- Night sweats?
- Constipation?
- Easy bruising?
- Changes in vision?
- Changes in menstrual pattern?
- Balance disturbs?
- Chest pain w/ rest?
- SOB?
- MM weakness?
- Failure of conservative intervention (30d)?
- Excess sweating?
- Edema/wt gain?
- Heartbeat in abdomen when lie down?
- Cramps in legs when walk several blocks?
- Abdom pain?
- Changes in integrity of nails?
- Prolonged use of corticosteroids?→ myopathy!
Vital Signs
- MUST establish Baseline!!!!
- Standard of Minimal Acceptable Care!!!
Early Warning Signs of Cx
Mnemonic to use?
Early Warning Signs of Cx
- C: Change in B&B
- A: A sore that fails to heal in 6wks
- U: Unusual bleeding or discharge
- T: Thickening/lump (breast or elsewhere)
- I: Indigestion or diff swallowing
- O: Obvious change in wart, mole, freckle
- N: Nagging cough, hoarseness, rust colored sputum
Early Warning Signs of Cx
More on the O: Obvious change in wart, mole, freckle
- A: Asymmetrical shape
- B: Border irregularities
- C: Color→ pigmentation is not uniform
- D: Diameter >6mm
- E: Evolution (change in status)
Cx Screenings:
Many Cx’s do NOT display sx’s in early stages*****
Cx Screenings:
Many cx’s do not display sx’s in early stages!!!
Best approach?
Mammos, colonoscopy, pap smear & pelvic exam, prostate exam, skin exam
Monohemispheric Brain Tumor
Clinical Tests studied
- Spasticity of conjugate gaze
- Platysma sign
- Forearm rolling test
- Finger rolling test
- Digit quinti sign
- Souques interosseus sign
- Pronator drifting test
- Mayer sign
- Finger tapping sign
- Digit quinti rolling sign
- Foot tapping sign
- Babinski
- Chaddock sign
Monohemispheric Brain Tumor
6 of the tests that are great Dx TOOLS bc they have HIGH SPECIFICITY (SPPIN)
- Forearm rolling: Sp= 100%, PPV= 100%
- Finger rolling: Sp= 93%, PPV=92%
- Souques interosseus sign: Sp= 80%, PPV=70%
- Finger tapping: Sp= 90%, PPV= 78%
- Foot tapping: Sp= 93%, PPV=87%
- Babinksi: Sp= 100%, PPV=100%
Cerebral Lesions
What TEST was found to be MOST EFFECTIVE for this?
Cerebral Lesions!!!
Pain Patterns
- Dermatomes
- Myofascial Trigger Points
- Viscera
Visceral Referral Patterns
- Epigastric
- Suprapubic
See Anatomy notes for mnemonic!!!!!
- Pylorus, Duodenum, Liver, Rt kidney and adrenal gland, Hepatic flexure of colon, Head of pancreas
- Stomach, Spleen, L. kidney and adrenal gland, Splenic flexure of colon, Body of pancreas
- Cecum, Appendix, R. ovary and fallopian tube (female), R ureter and lower kidney pole, R spermatic cord (male)
- Sigmoid colon, L. ovary and fallopian tube (female), L. ureter and lower kidney pole, L. spermatic cord (male)
Visceral Anatomy
Say OUT LOUD where things are/what side!!!!
see pics
Visceral Referral patterns!!!! know them all/label!!!!
see pics
Slide 40…. go back and make blank one to practice!!!!
Purpose of Visceral Palpation
ID 3 things:
- Masses
- Tenderness
- Irregularities
Systemic Patho: Cardiovascular
Risk factors for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Modifiable, Non-modifiable, Contributing
- Phys act, smoking, alcohol
- HDL <40
- LDL >130
- Total >200
- SBP >140
- DBP >90
- Age, gender, family hx, race, post-menopausal
- Obesity
- Females: waist >88cm
- Males: waist >102cm
- stress, personality, PVD, hormones, fasting blood glu >100***
- Obesity
Systemic Patho: Cardiovascular
Cardiac s/s
- Chest pain, irreg heartbeat (palpitations), dyspnea/orthopnea, fainting/dizzy, rapid onset fatigue, peripheral edema, cold hands/feet, DEC peripheral pulse, LE claudication, Cyanotic nail beds
Systemic Patho: Cardiovascular
Cardiac pain referral
C= Cardiac Pain
L= Lung Pain
see pics!
HIGH Sn==> good ScreeNing test!
Heart Sounds
APT-M 2245
see pics
Systemic Patho: Cardiovascular
Frank’s Sign
- 45* angle crease in earlobe
- Risk of heart disease
Palpation of Aorta
Instructions in Pics
Red Flag:
Aortic pulse width >3cm; Back pain w/ palpation; Bruit on auscultation
NOTE: screening men or women >80yo NOT recommended*
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
- Sharp, localized pain
- Fever, chills
- Sx’s aggravated by cold air or exertion
- INC pain→ recumbent, DEC pain→ lying on involved side
- Cough w/ or w/out blood
- Sputum
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
INC pain in ______
DEC pain in _____
INC pain→ recumbent
DEC pain→ lying on involved side
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
More S/S
- Crackles, wheezes, pleural friction rub on auscultation
- Clubbing of nails
- Pain w/ deep inhale
- DEC O2sats
- Weak/rapid pulse w/ DEC BP==> Pneumothorax
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Pancoast Tumor referral pattern
See pics (highlighted dark gray area)
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
see pics and note lobes
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
ALL FIRST in table
see table
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Presentation: White
Possible Patho:
Bronchitis, CF
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Presentation: Rusty
Possible Patho: PNA
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Presentation: Hemoptysis (bloody)
Possible Patho: PNA, acute bronchitis, lung Cx, TB
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Presentation: Stringy mucous
Possible Patho: After Asthma attack
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Integumentary System we think 3 things:
Integumentary Screen:
Includes ALL of the following:
- Color
- Integrity
- Temperature
- Moisture
- Texture
- Mobility
- Shape & Size
- Hair
- Nails
Integumentary Screen:
- Yellow→ jaundice
- Red→ irritation, pressure
Integumentary Screen:
- Wounds
- Ulcers
Integumentary Screen:
- Palpate w/ dorsum of hand
- Cold vs Warm
Integumentary Screen:
- DRY→ arterial insuff., absent sweating
- WET→ venous insuff.
Integumentary Screen:
Smooth & Soft vs.
Thick or leathery
Integumentary Screen:
Turgor= “tenting” of dorsal hand= dehydration
- skin stays up when pulled on
- Stemmer Sign= inability to lift skin= fibrotic or lymphedema
Integumentary Screen:
Shape & Size
Edema→ pitting
Stretched or shiny
Integumentary Screen:
Decd or absent
Integumentary Screen:
Capillary refill*
Beau’s, Spoon, Clubbing
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Integumentary Screen:
Beau’s Lines
- *ASK: “Tell me about illness 1-2mos ago”
- Temporary arrest of nail growth due to systemic insult, fever, infx, renal/hepatic px
- *Appears 1-2mos AFTER systemic problem
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Clubbing aka
Chronic hypoxemia
- Respiratory/CV patho, thyroid, ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis, Cx
Malignant Melanoma we are looking for ______ in the nails
Systemic Patho: Gastro-Intestinal
Cologuard (talked about in class)
Just know its a GI screening checking for blood in stool as an indicator of Cx
Systemic Patho: Gastro-Intestinal
GI anatomy
Know sides of everything!!!!
Systemic Patho: Gastro-Intestinal
Rebound Tenderness test aka
Systemic Patho: Gastro-Intestinal
Rebound tenderness aka Blumberg Sign
Red Flag:
- (+)= pain on release
- (-)= no pain
NOTE: tells us something is going on, will not tell you what
See pics for instructions
Liver and Gallbladder pain referral pattern
Li= Liver
GB= Gall Bladder
see pics
Systemic Patho: Hepatic (liver)
RUQ pain
- Referred pain to T-spine (scapula, R shoulder, R upper trap, R subscap region)
- Wt change
- Ascites/LE edema (see pics for distended stomach)
- White (not pink) fingernails
- Cold hands/feet
Systemic Patho: Hepatic
Talk about Referred pain
Referred pain to T-spine**
- Scapula, R shoulder, R upper trap, R subscap region
Systemic Patho: Hepatic
Weight change
talk more about this
- Weight change: lots of fluid OR
- Gain→ fluid
- Loss→ muscle mass