guidelines for the management of OA Flashcards
what are some examples of myths about OA?
-OA is a progressive disease
-OA is an inevitable part of ageing
-exercise makes OA worse
-surgery is inevitable
what does the ENACt project involve?
it involves the management of OA In primary care by developing a primary care based model of care (MOC) for OA
-focuses on 3 key principles self management, exercise and weight loss
what is a MOC?
an evidence informed strategy, framework or pathway that outlines the optimal manner in which condition specific care should be delivered to consumers within a local health system
what are examples of barriers of optimal management of OA in primary care reported by HCPs?
-lack of MDT communication and collab
-patients receiving different info from different HCP
-OA is a Lower priority in general practice
-limited access to health services
-HCP beliefs around OA
-lack of HCP knowledge around OA diagnosis and management
-unhelpful language used by HCP when describing OA
what are examples of barriers to optimal management in primary care reported by individuals with OA?
-lack of pt knowledge around OA
-lack of pt education and info regarding OA
-pt beliefs
-limited access to health care services
-negative attitudes among HCPs regarding OA
what are examples of unhelpful language used when describing OA?
-wear and tear
-degenerative old age disease
-bone on bone
-joint is vulnerable
-it will inevitably get worse and worse
-surgery is the only option
what is a good example of explaining OA to a patient
-OA is a complex condition
-it is caused by changes to the whole joint - bone, cartilage, synovial, muscles and ligaments
-damage arises from abnormal stresses through the joint eg from injury, high impact sport, malalignment of the joint, work and activity or from obesity
after explaining what OA is, what questions should you ask the pt?
-ask them about their understanding of OA
-their experience living with it
-what they do to manage oa potential barriers
what are the 3 first line Rx for OA?
-exercise- tailored program - ROM, strengthening, aerobic, hydrotherapy
-education & self management - info about OA, behaviour change principles
-weight management
why is weight management very important for OA pts?
-weight loss will improve symptoms , QOL, reduce pain etc
in what situations should you consider manual therapy for OA?
-for people with hip or knee OA
-needs to be alongside exercise
should acupuncture and electrotherapy be offered to OA pts?
what does self management involve?
-this involves educating the pt on coping skills and behavioural approaches to managing OA
-recommened resources and educate about how exercise is the first line Rx
what kind of strengthening is recommended for knee OA?
quadricep strengthening
what are the physiological mechanisms underlying the benefits of the effects of exercise in OA pts?
-neuromusclar - improvement in muscle proprioception, balance, motor learning etc
-peri and intraarticular - postive charges in connective tissue, bone, cartilage etc
-psychological - increased well being and self efficacy, reduced depression etc
-fitness and health - pos impact on co-morbitities, weight loss, improved fitness etc
what are the exercise recommendations for OA?
-aerobic and strengthening exercise
-water based exercise may be an option
-min 30 mins 5 days a week
-tailored to the persons problems
-should be lifelong
-supervised format for 12 weeks
what are the recommended pharmacological options for OA?
-topical NSAIDS
-paracetamol has not been shown to have a benefit
when should an OA pt be referred for joint replacement surgery?
when their joint symptoms such as pain, stiffness etc are substantially impacting their QOL and non surgical Rx is ineffective or unsuitable