Guided Readings Flashcards
What’s translocation?
translocation is an aberration in chromosome structure that causes a chromosome fragment to attach to a non homologous chromosome
What’s diploidy?
diploidy is when recessive alleles are hidden and not expressed, thus even fatal alleles are kept in the gene pool.
What’s gametic isolation?
gametic isolation is when the sperm can’t fertilize eggs because they can’t survive in the reproductive tract or can’t penetrate the egg’s membrane
What’s reduced hybrid viability?
reduced hybrid viability is when the genes of different parent species interact in ways that impair the hybrid’s devlopment
What’s hybrid breakdown?
Some first generation hybrids may be viable and fertile, but when they mate with each other, their offspring are feeble or sterile
What’s gradualism?
Gradual change at a gradual rate
What’s a homeobox?
a homeobox is a 180 nucleotide sequence which specifies an amino acid homeodomain.