Guardianship Flashcards
What are developmental disabilities?
Developmental disability means present before age 22, severe, chronic, and/or genetic. Some examples are cerebral palsey, mental retardation, birth defects and genetic abnormalities.
Is a separate petition always required for each individual?
IC 29-3-5-6
Two (2) or more minors or incapacitated persons who are children of acommon parent, parent and child, or husband and wife, separate petition need not be filed for each.
Have to have separate accountings unless everything is joint; but an actual segregation of assets is not required except as required by the court.
If the court finds that 1) person is incapacitated; and 2) appointment is necessary, does judge have discretion to appoint a guardian?
No discretion. Code says “shall” appoint. IC 29-3-5-3
May a court limit the scope of the guardianship?
Yes, If it is alleged and the court finds that the welfare of an incapacitated person would be best served by limiting the scope of the guardianship, the court shall make the appointive or other orders under this chapter to:
(1) encourage development of the incapacitated person’s self-improvement, self-reliance, and independence; and
(2) contribute to the incapacitated person’s living as normal a life as that person’s condition and circumstances permit without psychological or physical
harm to the incapacitated person.
What options does the court have if it finds it’s not in the best interests of the incapacitated person or minor to appoint a guardian?
The court may:
(1) treat the petition as one for a protective order and proceed accordingly;
(2) enter any other appropriate order; or
(3) dismiss the proceedings
**A protective order in gship is usually a “one time” deal, ie., need to sell real estate once and person needs help with it.
What are the petitioner’s requirements to show the court in its petition about the petitioner’s efforts to use less restrictive alternatives?
In EVERY guardianship petition, the petitioner must provide a description of the petitioner’s efforts to use less restrictive alternatives before seeking guardianship, including:
(A) the less restrictive alternatives for meeting the alleged incapacitated person’s needs that were considered or implemented;
(B) if a less restrictive alternative was not considered or implemented, the reason that the less restrictive
alternative was not considered or implemented;
(C) the reason a less restrictive alternative is insufficient to meet the needs of the alleged incapacitated person.
What should the court CONSIDERATIONS for appointment of guardian?
The court shall appoint as guardian a qualified person or persons most suitable and willing to serve, having due regard to the following:
(1) Any request made by a person alleged to be an incapacitated person, including designations in a durable power of attorney under IC 30-5-3-4 (a).
(2) Any request for a minor made by a parent or custodian.
(3) Any request contained in a will or other written instrument.
(4) A designation of a standby guardian under IC 29-3-3-7.
(5) Any request made by a minor who is at least fourteen (14).
(6) Any request made by the alleged incapacitated person‘s spouse.
(7) The relationship of the proposed guardian to the individual for whom guardianship is sought.
(8) Any person acting for the incapacitated person under a durable power of attorney.
(9) The best interest of the incapacitated person or minor and his or her property.
Who are persons ENTITLED to be considered as a guardian?
The following are entitled to consideration for appointment as a guardian under sec. 4 of this chapter in the order listed:
(1) A person designated in a durable power of attorney.
(2) A person designated as a standby guardian under IC 29-3-3-7.
(3) The spouse of an incapacitated person.
(4) An adult child of an incapacitated person.
(5) A parent of an incapacitated person, or a person nominated by will of a deceased parent of an incapacitated person or by any writing signed by a
parent of an incapacitated person and attested to by at least two (2) witnesses, or in a power of attorney of a living parent.
(6) A parent or custodian of a minor.
(7) Any person related to an incapacitated person by blood or marriage with whom the incapacitated person has resided for more than six months before the filing of the petition.
(8) A person nominated by the incapacitated person who is caring for or paying for the care of the incapacitated person.
(b) With respect to persons having equal priority, the court shall select the person it considers BEST QUALIFIED to serve as guardian. The court, acting in the BEST INTEREST of the incapacitated person or minor, may pass over a person having priority and appoint a person having a lower priority or no priority under this section.
Option if guardianship estate is less than $10,000?
Deposit the money or delivery it to suitable person.
Then just do a guardianship of person.
Who has health care power under Chapter 16 if person did not name one?
Consent to health care may be given in the following order of priority:
(1) by a judicially appointed guardian
(2) by a spouse
(3) by an adult child
(4) by a parent
(5) by an adult sibling
(6) by a grandparent
(7) by an adult grandchild
(8) by the nearest other adult relative
(9) by a friend who is an adult and has maintained contact with the individual and who is familiar with the individual
(10) by a religious superior
What is the old rule of jurisdiction of guardianship?
Physical presence. You could be in a state for one day and someone seek guardianship over you. “Granny snatching law”
What is the new rule of jurisdiction of guardianship?
“Home state” (Uniform law). **Did not change jurisdiction for minors - ADULTS ONLY.
A. The “home state” is the state in which the respondent was physically present, including any period of temporary absence, for AT LEAST six (6) consecutive months immediately before the filing of a petition for a protective order or the appointment of a guardian.
B. In the case of a respondent for whom no state satisfies clause (A), the state in which the respondent was physically present, including any period of temporary absence, for AT LEAST six (6) consecutive months ENDING WITHIN the six (6) months PRIOR to the filing of the petition.
What is the result of the new “home state” rules for adult guardianship?
This law drastically changes the guardianship jurisdiction rules for new filings. The Courts no longer
have automatic jurisdiction over the person and property of a new Indiana resident. An adult can become an Indiana resident immediately with the intent to permanently reside here but that does not mean that person is immediately subject to Indiana guardianship jurisdiction. You first must determine if that person has a home state.
What if there is no “home state” for adult guardianship?
If no home state, then look for “a significant connection state”.
Factors: location of family, the location of property, and ties to the state like voter registration, state tax filings, vehicle registrations, drivers license, where the respondent has received services, and even social relationships can be considered
What does the uniform guardianship statute provide between different states?
Cooperation. Most states have adopted the uniform law.
Cooperation in:
- original jurisdiction
- Inter-state transfer of guardianship
- Recognition of foreign guardian
Under uniform gship law, what is the transfer of guardianship to another state?
“A guardian appointed in this state may petition the court to transfer the guardianship to another state.”
What is the process to transfer gship to another state under uniform law?
1) Provisional petition to transfer to another state filed in current state where gship is pending
2) Provisional acceptance by new state
3) Final order of transfer in current state
4) Final acceptance of transfer by new state
What is proper venue in guardianship?
County where incapacitated person resides.
But note, ADULT gship subject to “home state” rules per uniform law.
What is the temporary guardianship exception to venue?
The venue is in the county where the care is being provided. (Ex, may be in Marion county if being treated here even though resides elsewhere)
What are the four requirements for temporary gship?
1) No gship exists
2) emergency exists
3) welfare of person requires immediate action
4) no other person in authority
How long is temporary gship?
90 days plus one 90 day extension ONLY.
What are the NEW notice requirements for temporary gships?
The petitioner SHALL, ON THE EARLIER of:
1) the date the court enters an order scheduling a
hearing on the petition OR
2) the date the court enters an order appointing a temporary guardian,
Serve complete copies of the petition, the court’s order, and the notice required by IC 29-3-6-2 on every person entitled to receive notice under IC 29-3-6-1(a) and on each additional person to whom the court directs that notice be given
How does TR 65 impact ex parte communications in temporary gship?
Temporary restraining order standard to NOT give notice in a temporary gship. Must show:
Immediate and Irrrepable injury, loss or damage will occur.
Tell the court:
1. Efforts taken to given notice (including seeing incapacitated person)
2. why notice can’t be given.
What are the limitations on a temporary guardian?
A lot of limitations. Temporary guardian powers are limited to those necessary to prevent immediate and substatial injury
“A temporary guardian appointed under this section has only the responsibilities and powers that are ordered by the court. The court shall order only the powers that are necessary to prevent immediate and substantial injury or loss to the person or property of the alleged
incapacitated person or minor in an appointment made under this section.”
A temporary guardianship is to preserve the status quo.
Need to include ANY add’l powers needed.
What are the rules for marriage in a guardianship?
A marriage is voidable (Article 31)
Voidable if “marriage was incapable because of age or mental incompetency of contracting the marriage.”
The incapable party can file to annul the marriage.
BUT, guardian doing so on behalf of incapacitated person must follow gship code.
How does a guardianship get authority under gship code to have authority to proceed with divorce or annulment under divorce code (sect 31) in family court?
The divorce DOES NOT happen in probate Court. But DO NEED to obtain authority from the probate court to proceed with the divorce/separation/annulment in the family law court.
Guardian will need to give NOTICE to spouse and adult children of the incapacitated person.
What is the standard for the court to authorize guardian to proceed with divorce/annulment?
“best interests”
What are the grounds for annullment under IN law?
1) Nonage of a party
2) Duress
3) Fraud
4) Mental incompetence
What is NEW rule for estate planning in a gship?
Broad powers to do planning, but MUST do the following first:
1) notice to interested persons
2) authorization of the court,
3) protected person has been found by the court to lack testamentary capacity,
What estate planning can the guardian do if authorized by court?
1) gifts
2) TODs
3) release, convey, disclaim,
4) exercise power of appt
5) create rev or irrrev trust
6) revoke or amend trust
7) exercise rights to elect options nad change beneficiaries under insurance, retirement and annuities
8) surrender insurance or annuity for cash value
9) exercise right to elective share on deceased spouse estate
10) renounce or disclaim any interest
Which controls - Guardian or a POA?
Power of Attorney Act:
“A guardian does NOT have power, duty, or liability with respect to property or personal health care decisions that are subject to a valid power of attorney. A guardian has no power to revoke or amend a valid power of attorney unless specifically directed to revoke or amend the power of attorney by a court order on behalf of the principal. A court may not enter an order to revoke or amend a power of attorney without a
hearing. Notice of a hearing held under this section shall be given to the attorney in fact.”
**Practice tip: If POA in place, and person having problems, perhaps just get a gship of person.
What happens to contracts if person subject to a guardianship?
Every contract, sale, or conveyance executed by a protected person is VOID (unless a minor, then voidable).
What if guardianship has not yet been established yet, but incapacitated person enters into a contract?
The acts or deeds of a person of unsound mind may be considered voidable and not void if proof is brought that the person did not understand the nature and effect of his or her act.
What if guardian wants to enforce a contract entered into by incapacitated person before gship?
If the obligations of the contract have not been fully carried out, AND “the contract was a good and binding” at time made,
“the court shall authorize the guardian of the protected person to perform the contract without notice or hearing”
Does the guardian need to get a court order before paying incapacitated person’s debts?
NO. “Without prior order of the court, a guardian shall pay from the guardianship property all indebtedness that the guardian has reasonably incurred in good faith on behalf of the protected person.”
This does NOT include attorney fees or guardian fee.
Cf. Claims filed against guardianship DO require court authority to pay.
Can a guardian enter into a self-dealing contract with the property of the incapacitated person?
No. Conflicted transactions are void unless approved by the court.
What is the “hidden gship code”
Several sections of the probate code apply to ghsip code. Eg:
1. Two co-guardians (per co-PR law): Co-Guardians may act alone (although they bind the other Guardian) except for certain transactions like commencing
a lawsuit, hiring legal counsel, and carrying on the business of the ward. In those instances, the Co-Guardians must both be involved.
- Another example of the probate code (29-1-10-1) that is applicable to guardianships is that you must be 18, and not be a felon or be incapacitated to serve as a guardian
- Fees
What is a stand-by guardian?
It’s a stop-gap for a parent or named guardian to appoint someone to take over for 90 days only (and then seek petition for another 90 days)
What are the requirements for accountings in gship?
Every two years.
What are the notice requirements of gship?
Notice must be given to:
- Alleged incapacitated person;
- Spouse; AND Adult Children OR (if no kids) Parents; AND
- Person who has care and custody of alleged incapacitated person
- Attorney-in-Fact
- Other person as court directs.
*IF NO spouse, kids, or parents, then “at least ONE of the persons most closely related by blood or marriage.”
What is bond requirement in gship?
Value of property
Plus a year’s income
LESS restricted funds
What powers does gship have incapaciated person dies?
Does NOT end immediately. Guardian may pay:
(1) Reasonable funeral and burial expenses of the protected person.
(2) Reasonable expenses of the protected person’s last illness.
(3) The protected person’s federal and state taxes.
(4) Any statutory allowances payable to the protected person’s surviving spouse or surviving children.
(5) Any other obligations of the protected person
What does Prof R. 1.14 says about representing someone with diminished capacity?
This rule allows you to stay and help your client during this time.