trust & estate

This class was created by Brainscape user Lisa Adler. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What is carry over basis,
What is gift recipients basis if ...,
What happens to cost basis if gst...
8  cards
IN Inheritance, FET, And GST tax
Who does in inheritance tax apply to,
How long does indor inheritance t...,
Where is the ih 6 in resident or ...
75  cards
Fiduciary Income Tax
What are the grantor trust rules,
Who is a related or subordinate p...,
How is income reported under gran...
45  cards
Who inherits subsequent childless...,
Who inherits decedent survived by...,
Who inherits decedent survived by...
31  cards
UPIA / IN Trust Code
What does upia stand for,
What is the relationship between ...,
When does a trustee owe a duty un...
82  cards
Charitable Gifts
What are the gift tax benefits of...,
When does a partial interest or s...,
What is the value of a charitable...
45  cards
New Signing Methods
How has the presence requirement ...,
What are the requirements to use ...,
Can you use technology to see a t...
11  cards
New Healthcare Adavance Directive
How long can the existing 3 healt...,
Is the ad a set form,
What are the basic permitted and ...
6  cards
Life Insurance & Annuities
What is a life insurance contract...,
Are premium payments tax deductible,
What is whole life insurance
24  cards
Probate and Trust Litigation
What is the time limit for bringi...,
What are the technical requiremen...,
How must affidavits be verified
40  cards
Lifetime Gifts to Minors - IN UTMA & Trusts
Who is a minor under in s utma,
What does utma stand for,
Under in law can a person under a...
29  cards
Lifetime Gifts to Adults
How does in law define a gift,
What are the 5 elements for a val...,
Does a statement of intention to ...
43  cards
Post-Mortem Planning (Estate Tax & Income Tax Elections)
What is the applicable exclusion ...,
If gifting during lifetime after ...,
May a non resident non us citizen...
38  cards
Retirement Accounts
What is the five year non exclusi...,
How does the five year non exclus...,
What are surviving spouse s optio...
42  cards
IN Legacy Trust
What is a domestic asset protecti...,
What was the risk of hoosiers usi...
2  cards
Prof Ethics applied to Estates
Do you have to have an engagement...,
What do you do if a client fiduci...,
When can a lawyer reveal confiden...
10  cards
Estate Administration
What are the elements of a valid ...,
What is testamentary capacity,
What are the rules around witness...
23  cards
What are developmental disabilities,
Is a separate petition always req...,
If the court finds that 1 person ...
43  cards
Transfer on Death Act
Can you use a disclaimer with a tod,
What is not covered by tod act,
What does tod have similar with p...
23  cards

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trust & estate

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