Guanajuato Flashcards
Y no puedo quedarme sin dos cosas, café o papel higienico
And I cannot run out of two things, coffee or toilet paper
Aqui tienes tu café molido como a ti te gusta
Here is your coffee ground just the way you like it
Cada vez que voy al lugar de papel, estan cerrados
Every time I go to the paper place they are closed
Se que te voy a preguntar por los artistas y me vas a decir que es una cancion vieja
I know I am going to ask you about the artists and you are going to tell me it’s an old song
Mexico lindo y querido si muero lejos de ti
Mexico beautiful and dear if I die far from you
Por favor, trata de no meter gusanos en mi sal la proxima vez
Please try not to get worms in my salt next time
Con que frecuencia
How often
dile Fabian que Max dice hola
tell Fabian that Max says hello
Fui criado por hispanohablantes, no me ensenaron espanol porque nos metimos en problemas en la escuela y asi
I was raised by Spanish speakers, I was not taught Spanish because we got in trouble at school so
este es mi problema - me siento demasiado comodo cuando se habla espanol - soy un oyente perezoso
this is my problem - I am too comfortable when Spanish is being spoken - I am a lazy Spanish listener
No creo que el teatro Juarez este tan cerca del funicular
I don’t believe the Juarez theater is so close to the funicular
No podre prestarte dinero
I won’t be able to loan you any money
quien es tu tatuador?
who is your tattoo artist?
asegurate de enviarme tu direccion today
make sure to send me your address today
quiero tomar el tren que atraviesa Canada
I want to take the train that goes all across Canada