GU/ renal Flashcards
Features of a GU/ renal history?
Pain, LUTS, urine abnormalities
DDx for colicy loin pain +/- nausea or vomiting? Intermittent loin pain? Constant epigastric pain?
Pyelonephritis, renal calculi
Polycystic kidney
Lower urinary symptoms
Stream changes, hesitancy, emptying incomplete, dribbling
Frequency, urgency, nocturia, dysuria
Quantify volume and frequency and how this compares to normal for the patient
Incontinence types?
Stress, urge, overflow, continuous, enuresis
Urine abnormalities?
Polyuria, oliguria/ anuria(failure of kidneys to produce urine,) pneumaturia, haematuria, proteinuria
If patient has polyuria, always ask about polydipsia
Oliguria= <500ml/ 24 hours
Pneumataria(air bubbles that pass in your urine)= query fistula
Features of haematuria hx?
Duration, timing within stream, appearance of blood- fresh, clots? Fever and rigors, precipitating event? Recent trauma or exercise? Pain- urolithiasis/ infection
Painless- carcinoma; papilloma of bladder; prostatic bleeding
Associated UTI symptoms
UTI symptoms?
Dysuria, frequency, urgency, fever, acute confusion, strangury- blockage/ irritation to bottom of bladder resulting in severe pain and strong urge to urinate