Endocrinology/Misc Flashcards
Intro to thyroid examination?
Wash hands, introduce myself, confirm patient ID- hoarse voice= hypothyroidism, explain and consent, position- on chair so you can walk around all sides
What to inspect in thyroid exam?
General appearance- build, clothing inappropriate for given temperature, restlessness, confusion, hair/ skin quality
Both sides of hands, tremor, radial pulse, forearm, eyes, the thyroid
Look for what in hands?
Dry skin= hypothyroidism, brittle nails= hypothyroidism, increased sweating/ temp= hyperthyroid, palmar erythema= hyperthyroid, onycholysis- hyperthyroid, thyroid acropachy- Graves’ disease
Tremor= hyperthyroid- hands outstretched and pronated, paper across back of hands and observe for quivering
Bradycardia- hypothyroid, tachy= hyperthyroid, AF= hyperthyroid
Muscle wasting= hyperthyroid
How to inspect eyes?
From front, side and above- exophthalmos= anterior displacement, may lead to inability to close lids properly which may cause sight-threatening exposure keratopathy
Chemosis(conjunctival oedema,) conjunctival inspection(bloodshot)+ periorbital/ lid oedema
Lid retraction- sclera visible above cornea–> all types of hyperthyroid
Lid lag- follow finger from high downwards, delayed= hyperthyroid
Move finger in H- observe restriction of movements and ask patient to report any diplopia/ pain
Visual acuity and fundoscopy- proptosis may stretch optic nerve, optic disc appears normal but may be atrophic in long-standing cases with irreversible vision loss
How to inspect the thyroid?
Inspect for masses- skin changes/ scars from previous thryoidectomy, normal= should not be visible
Water test- observe while they swallow, thyroid masses and thyroglossal cysts move WITH swallowing, lymph nodes will move very little
Tongue test- protrude tongue, masses/ lymph nodes will NOT move, cysts will move upwards noticeably
Back of tongue for lingual thyroid
What to palpate in thyroid exam? See what for trachea?
Trachea, thyroid, lymph nodes
To see if deviated–> large goitre
How to palpate the thyroid?
Stand behind and ask them to slightly flex their neck, place hands on either side of neck and ask if pain before palpating
Place 3 middle fingers of each along midline of neck below chin and locate upper edge of thyroid cartilage, move inferiorly until cricoid cartilage is reached
First two rings= below cricoid cartilage and isthmus overlies this area
Palpate each lobe in turn using pads of fingers, moving laterally from isthmus
What to assess in thyroid palpation?
Size and site
Masses- hard/ soft
Consistency- smooth/ nodular, single/multiple
Mobility- fixed/ mobile
Position- can you feel above the mass, below in suprasternal notch- not, may be retrosternal goitre
Water test- asymmetrical elevation may suggest unilateral thyroid mass
Tongue test- if thyroglossal cyst, it will rise
What lymph nodes to palpate?
Supraclavicular, anterior cervical chain, posterior cervical chain, submental nodes
3 other things for thyroid exam? Percuss downwards from where?
Percussion, auscultation, special tests
Sternal notch- retrosternal dullness may indicate retrosternal extension of goitre
How to auscultate for bruit?
Ask patient to hold breath, bruit= increased vascularity secondary to Graves’ disease
3 special tests for thyroid?
Reflexes: hyporeflexia= hypothyroid, biceps/ ankle reflex, normally brisk but slow to return to resting state in hypothyroid
Pretibial myxoedema- Graves’ disease
Proximal myopathy- stand from sitting with arms crossed, inability= proximal muscle wasting–> hyperthyroid
Further assessments for thyroid?
Thyroid function tests, ECG if irregular pulse, further imaging- ultrasound scan
Intro to diabetic foot exam?
Wash hands, introduce myself, confirm patient, explain, consent and expose: general inspection, feel some areas of your feet and testing your sensation
Chaperone, any pain in ankles/ feet
Inspect what 4 things?
Bedside, skin, feet, gait
Shoes for signs of uneven wear, foreign objects