Cardiovascular Flashcards
Specific Qs for CVS history?
PMH- hospital/ A&E visits, seeing GP regularly, previous stents?, smoking, alcohol, diet and lifestyle, occupation- sedentary?, home- carers?, coping with household activities, FMH- MI< 55 y/o 1st degree relative significant, main concern/ symptom most problematic?
Common CVS HPCs?
Chest pain, palpitations, ankle swelling, leg pain, SOB, syncope and presyncope
Cardiac causes of chest pain?
ACS, pericarditis, stable angina, aortic stenosis, aortic dissection
SOCRATES for chest pain?
Central/ left/ right sided
Sudden/ gradual- what were they doing when pain onset?
Crushing, tearing, heavy, tight, burning
Jaw/ left arm/ back/ neck, trapezius ridge/ shoulder
SOB, nausea, vomiting, sweating, palpitations, ankle swelling, syncope, calf swelling, haemoptysis, sputum/ trauma
How long does it last, multiple episodes?
Exercise, position make better/ worse?
Out of 10 severity
Causes of palpitations?
Arrhythmias, valve pathology, HF, congenital heart disease
Psychosomatic, hyperthyroidism, anaemia, medication/ recreational drugs, high levels of caffeine
What to ask about palpitations?
What do you mean by palpitations, can you tap out the beat? How often and how long does it last? Associated symptoms? Sweating/ breathlessness? Syncope/ pre-syncope? Chest pain, palpitations associated with exercise
Family history of cardiac disease<55 y/o, 1st degree relative
Qs if heart failure suspected?
How many pillows using at night? Are they sleeping in a chair? Can they climb the stairs? Exercise tolerance? What was normal for them before?
Symptoms to ask about relating to leg pain? Generally think what, but don’t rule out what?
Leg swelling, increase in skin temp, skin discolouration
Recent surgery, long haul flight, history of malignancy, immobility, previous VTE, family history of VTE
Intermittent claudication- how far can you walk before pain starts, ask about CVS RFs
Associated= gangrene, burning, foot pain
Causes of syncope? Ask about what?
Vasovagal syncope, postural hypotension, aortic stenosis, cardiac arrhythmias
Onset and duration- how long did it last and what were they doing when it occurred?
Previous episodes, how frequently?
Associated symptoms- palpitations, sweating, chest pain, headache etc
Introducing a cardiovascular examination?
Wash hands, introduce yourself, confirm patient, explain and consent: general inspection of arms, face and chest before having a feel of your chest and listening with my stethoscope
Chaperone, ask if any pain?
Inspect for around bedside?
Treatments, adjuncts- GTN, O2, medication, mobility aids, general appearance- colour, breathing, comfort, position, build
Inspect for what palms down? Palms up?
Splinter haemorrhages, finger clubbing- IE, cyanotic congenital heart disease, tar staining- smoking= RF for CVD
Colour- peripheral cyanosis= hypoxia
Temperature- cool peripheries= poor CO/ hypovolaemia
Sweaty- ACS
Janeway lesions- IE
Osler’s nodes- IE
Tendon xanthomas- hyperlipidaemia
Capillary refill time- <2 normal, >2= hypovolaemia
Radial-radial delay- subclavian artery stenosis/ aortic dissection
Brachial pulse- slow rising= aortic stenosis, collapsing= aortic regurgitation
Collapsing- radial pulse with hand wrapped around wrist, raise arm above head briskly, water hammer pulse= aortic regurgitation
Carotid pulse- slow rising= aortic stensis, collapsing= aortic regurgitation
Measuring JVP?
Ensure 45 degrees, turn head to left side, observe in line with sternocleidomastoid, measure number of cm from sternal angle to upper border of pulsation, normal= 2-4cm
Raised= fluid overload/ RVF/ tricuspid regurgitation
Apply hepatojugular reflux- +ve= sustained >4cm
Observe for what in eyes? Face and mouth?
Conjunctival pallor- anaemia, corneal arcus- hypercholesterolaemia, xanthelasma- hypercholesterolaemia
Malar flush; mitral stenosis
Mouth- central cyanosis, angular stomatitis= iron deficiency anaemia, high arched palate= Marfan syndrome- increased aortic aneurysm/ dissection risk, dental hygiene- IE risk