GU exam 2 Flashcards
What part of puberty is when the breasts start to develop (also called early 2nd sex characteristics)?
What part of puberty is hallmarked by the development of axillary and pubic hair (late 2nd sex characteristics)?
What part of puberty contains the first menstrual period (8-13 year olds)?
What type of abnormal menstruation contains no bleeding for more than 6 months?
What type of abnormal menstruation contains cycles that occur too frequently, usually less than 22 days apart?
What type of abnormal menstruation contains cycles that occur more than 35 days apart?
What type of abnormal menstruation contains heavy or prolonged bleeding. Also called Hypermenorrhea?
What type of abnormal menstruation contains spotting or slight amount of bleeding. Also called Cryptomenorrhea?
What type of abnormal menstruation contains intermenstrual bleeding?
What condition has signs of suprapubic pain, spasm, back ache, and excessive sweating and dizziness?
What condition is a disorder in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus?
What is the prevention of the union of gametes during or after sexual activity?
What agents act to prevent or interrupt implantation?
Contragestive agents
What agents terminate pregnancy that has already implanted? May be natural or artificial
Abortifacient agents
What is it called when you limit sexual intercourse to natural infertile periods?
Natural family planning
How often should an infant breastfeed on a mother who is Lactational Amennorheaic?
every 4 hours (6 at night)
What is the NFP category where the female is required to be acutely aware of their body by charting BBT, examining cervical mucus, and cervical position?
Symptoms based NFP
What is the NFP category where the female records the length of the previous cycles?
Calendar based NFP
In regards to the Rhythm method of Calendar based NFP, what is the length of the woman’s shortest cycle called?
Pre-ovulatory infertile phase
How long is a typical Pre-ovulatory infertile phase?
19 days
In regards to the Rhythm Method of Calendar based NFP, what is the length of the woman’s longest cycle called?
Post-ovulatory infertile phase
How long is a typical Post-ovulatory infertile phase?
10 days
When does the Standard days method only apply?
When cycles are 26-32 days
In regards to Standard days method, when is a female infertile?
First 7 days and after day 20
What is Naegele’s rule?
Date of last normal period, +7 days, - 3 months
What cervical changes has a circular os?
What cervical changes has a flat line os?
What cervical changes has a red tip cervix?
Cervical erosion
What cervical changes has a bluish discoloration?
Chadwick’s sign
What cervical change closes of the uterus during pregnancy and decreases the chances of infection ascending into the uterus?
Mucus plug
What condition has skin pigment changes, has an increase in melanin production and is a “Mask of pregnancy?”
What is the line alba called during pregnancy?
Linea nigra
What is a normal uterus’ size compare to?
the patient’s fist
What is the condition called when the uterus is floating in liquid? If you press on the object it will bounce off the finger
Ballottement of the uterus
What is it called when the placenta is in the upper 1/3 of the uterus?
Placenta priva
What is it called when the placenta covers the cervix?
What is it called when the placenta is near the cervix?
Low lying
What is it called when the placenta partially covers the cervix?