GU Flashcards
1 extratesticular neoplasm
spermatic cord lipoma
1 infection related urethral stricture
1 cause urethral stricture
1 epididymis neoplasm
adenomatoid neoplasm
sites of urothelial cancer
bladder (90%), kidney (8%), ureter/urethra (2%)
1 non-organ based retroperitoneal malignancy
most common retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcoma subtype
nerve sheath tumor (neurofibroma) sign
T2 target sign
difference between bicornuate and didelphys uterus
bicornuate: partial fusion of the lower uterine segment, with single cervix
didelphys: two separate lower uterine segments and two cervices
jack/mulberry stone composition
calcium oxalate
most common abnormality co-existing with mullerian duct abnormality
renal agenesis
most common uterine anomaly
septate uterus
most common location ectopic
ampullary fallopian tube
hypoenhancing subtype of RCC
papillary RCC
dot dash pattern pelvic ultrasound
short & long echogenic lines within an ovarian dermoid cyst
due to the presence of hair
Wunderlich syndrome
spontaneous nontraumatic renal hemorrhage
2/2 to:
- renal tumor (ex AML)
- vascular pathology (AVM, vasculitis)
- coagulopathy
- other renal pathology (cystic renal disease, nephritis)
causes medullary nephrocalcinosis
- medullary sponge kidney
- hyperparathyroidism
- renal tubular acidosis
- hypervitaminosis D
- milk-alkali syndrome
avascular plane of Brodel
renal parenchyma btwn 2/3 anterior and 1/3 posterior kidney on cross-section that is relatively avascular
- represents plane where anterior and posterior segmental renal artery branches meet
- relatively safe access route to pelvicalyceal system for nephrostomy insertion
teratoma def’n
germ cell tumour that originates from pluripotent germ cells that have been interrupted in their normal migration to the genital ridges
<10% in retroperitoneum
more common in females
bimodal age distrib: <6mo & early adult
mature vs immature teratoma
mature CYSTIC teratoma
- well-diff tissues from at least 2 germ cell layers
- predominantly CYSTIC but commonly have calc’n or fat
immature teratoma
- predominantly SOLID with scattered areas of calc’n and fat
- uncommon, young age group (<20yo)
ganglioneuroma def’n
- benign tumors from ganglion cells within sympathetic ganglia
- occur in retroperitoneum (extra-adrenal > adrenal) or posterior mediastinum
paraganglioma def’n
neoplasm of extra-adrenal chromaffin tissue
- in either sympathetic or parasympathetic paraganglia
- retroperitoneal paragangliomas usu from sympathetic paraganglia
- MC at organs of Zuckerkandl or paravertebral regions
syndromes with paraganglioma
multiple endocrine neoplasia 2 (MEN2)
neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1)
von Hippel Lindau (VHL)
hereditary paraganglioma syndromes (SDH mutations)
male urethral segments
prostatic, membranous, bulbous, penile
“Pet My Beautiful Pig”
- posterior urethra: prostatic & membranous
- anterior urethra: bulbous & penile
most common urethral neoplasm
squamous cell carcinoma (of anterior urethra)
anterior vs posterior urethra develops what kind of cancer
anterior urethra (lined by stratified squamous epithelium) develops squamous cell carcinoma
posterior urethra (lined by uroepithelium) develops urothelial carcinoma
Cowper’s glands & glands of Littre (lined by glandular epithelium) develop adenocarcinoma
compartments of female pelvic floor
anterior compartment: bladder, urethra
middle compartment: uterus, cervix, vagina
posterior compartment: rectum, anus
Isolated right sided varicocele
Evaluate for cancer (CT Abdo)
Hypo vascular RCC
2nd most common (clear CSLL #1)